Mizumiya Shrine - Fujimi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizumiya Shrine

住所 :

1762-3 Mizuko, Fujimi, Saitama 354-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 354-0011
Webサイト : https://www.mizumiya-jinja.org/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

1762-3 Mizuko, Fujimi, Saitama 354-0011, Japan
akai sioji on Google

水の恵と、安産、子育て 埼玉県水神社⛩さんです。 御主神 祭神 天照大神、素戔嗚命、木花咲耶姫命、誉田別命、大國主命、罔象女神 (あまてらすおおかみ、すさのおのみこと、このはなさくやひめのみこと、ほんだわけのみこと、おおくにぬしのみこと、みずはのめのかみ) 蛙さんの狛ガエル?に逢えますよー 木花咲耶姫を探しながらの神社旅です。???
Blessing of water, easy delivery, child-rearing This is Saitama Prefecture Water Shrine ⛩. Lord God Deity Amaterasu Ojin, Susanoo no Mikoto, Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto, Houda Betsumei, Okuninushi no Mikoto, Mizuhanome Goddess (Amaterasu Okami, Susanoo no Mikoto, Konohanasaku and Hime no Mikoto, Honda no Mikoto, Okuninushi no Mikoto, Mizuhanome no Kami) You can meet the frog's frog ?! It is a shrine trip while looking for Konohanasakuyahime. ???
木村葵 on Google

The shrine is currently under renovation and I am looking forward to seeing it become even more beautiful. Various frogs are enshrined, and there is fun other than worshiping, so I can't wait for the completion.
高橋直樹 on Google

A shrine adjacent to the east side of Mizuko Kaizuka Park. A frog will welcome you. I searched for a frog-shaped amulet, but I couldn't find it.
内田勝也 on Google

水宮神社。 東武東上線、志木駅からバスで15分ほど(バスは一時間に3本程度)。最寄りのバス停「寺下団地」から神社までの歩道が狭く、一つ手前の「貝塚公園入口」で降りたほうが安全。 みずほ台駅から徒歩だと20分ほどです。 現在、参道の工事中です。 蛙の「狛犬」があります。 本殿の横に輪投げがあり、いろいろな御利益をいただけます。 本殿に備えつけてあるメモに願い事を書いておくと、取りまとめて頂けるそうです。
Mizumiya Shrine. About 15 minutes by bus from Shiki Station on the Tobu-Tojo Line (about 3 buses per hour). The sidewalk from the nearest bus stop "Terashita Danchi" to the shrine is narrow, so it is safer to get off at the "Kaizuka Park Entrance" just before you. It takes about 20 minutes on foot from Mizuhodai Station. Currently, the approach is under construction. There is a frog "Komainu". There is a quoits next to the main shrine, and you can enjoy various benefits. If you write your wishes in the memo provided in the main shrine, you will be able to organize them.
2 moo on Google

The approach is new and it seems that frogs will welcome you. Rejuvenate, prosper, misunderstand, rejuvenate ... There are likely to be various "frog" benefits. The precincts are not wide. The child enjoyed quoits.
Kero Koro on Google

蛙が神のお遣いとなっている神社。 石像の蛙が多いけど、ファンシーなやつからカラフルでアーティスティックな彫像なども賽銭箱やおみくじ箱として置かれていたりして、神主さんも楽しんでいそうw 本殿前の狛蛙はミニチュア版があり、初穂料のご用意で家でもまつることが可能。 絵馬のデザインはど根性ガエルなどあったんだけど、お守りの蛙があまりなく、自転車用とか車用には、ステッカー式の蛙の交通安全お守りがあったらいいなー。 おみくじも蛙ものがあったのだけど、財布に細かい銭がなく、社殿付近や駐車場に自販機も見当たらず、小銭に崩せなかったのでおみくじをあきらめた。 次回はおみくじひきたい。
A shrine where frogs are the god's messenger. There are many stone statue frogs, but fancy ones and colorful and artistic statues are also placed as offering boxes and fortune-telling boxes, so the priest seems to enjoy it too. There is a miniature version of the Koma frog in front of the main shrine, and it is possible to worship at home by preparing the first ear charge. The design of the votive tablet was a guts frog, but there aren't many amulets, and it would be nice if there was a sticker-type frog traffic safety amulet for bicycles and cars. I had a frog fortune, but I didn't have any small coins in my wallet, I couldn't find a vending machine near the shrine or in the parking lot, and I couldn't break it into coins, so I gave up. Next time I want to draw a fortune.
たま“tamatyan”ちゃん on Google

昔、この土地に住むカエルが「人間の様に立って歩きたい」と神様に願いを掛けたところ、その願いが叶い歩ける様になったが、目が後ろになり不便なので元の姿に戻れるように再び願いを掛けたが許されず、困っていたところを大日如来(不動明王)が戻してくれたという。幼い子を亡くした親が神様に願をかけたところ、亡くなった子にそっくりな子が生まれ、お礼に「生まれかえる」と蛙を奉納したと言われている。 凄いカエル推しでびっくりしました( ;∀;) 狛犬では無く狛カエルもいいですね!
A long time ago, when a frog living in this land made a wish to God, "I want to stand and walk like a human," I was able to walk with that wish, but my eyes are behind me and it is inconvenient, so I can return to my original form. He made a wish again, but he was not allowed, and Dainichi Nyorai (Fudo Myoo) returned the troubled place. It is said that when a parent who lost a young child made a request to God, a child who looked exactly like the deceased child was born, and in gratitude he dedicated a frog to "reborn." I was surprised at the amazing frog push (; ∀;) A guardian frog is also good, not a guardian dog!
S S on Google

So cool! Frog shrine!

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