Horigane Shrine - Sayama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Horigane Shrine

住所 :

2221 Horigane, Sayama, Saitama 350-1312, Japan

Postal code : 350-1312
Webサイト : http://www.saitama-jinjacho.or.jp/shrine/9683/

2221 Horigane, Sayama, Saitama 350-1312, Japan
久保和政 on Google

新年の初詣に堀兼神社に参拝に、 狭山市指定文化財が、 二神像 埼玉県指定文化財なのですね 堀兼の井 平安時代に浅間神社を創建、 江戸時代には、 川越城主、松平伊豆守信綱が再建、 明治維新には、堀兼浅間神社と称して 明治42年頃に現在の堀兼神社に成ったそうです。
To visit Horikane Shrine at the beginning of the New Year, Sayama City designated cultural property Nigami statue It is a designated cultural asset in Saitama Prefecture Hori Kanenoi Established Asama Shrine in the Heian period, In the Edo period, Kawagoe Castle owner, Matsudaira Izumori Nobutsuna is rebuilt, In the Meiji Restoration, we called Horikane Asama Shrine It seems that it became the present Horikane Shrine around 1882.
yuuta ishikawa on Google

日本武尊の伝承のある神社です。 水がなく苦しむ人々を見て、通りがかった日本武尊が富士山を遥拝し、住民に掘らせて水が出て、この地の人を助けたと言う堀兼の井が有名です。ただ、神社は無人でちょっと寂れた感じが残念です。
It is a shrine with the tradition of Japanese Buddhism. Horikane's well is famous for seeing people who suffered without water and passing by who worshiped Mt. Fuji and let the inhabitants dig and water came out to help people in this area. However, I am sorry that the shrine is unmanned and a little lonely.
keiichi koyanagi on Google

Wikipediaによると、鎌倉幕府軍との分倍河原での戦いに破れ堀兼に敗走した新田義貞は、退却も検討していた。しかし、堀兼に敗走した日の晩、三浦氏一族の大多和義勝が河村・土肥・渋谷、本間ら相模国の氏族を統率した軍勢6000騎で義貞に加勢した。翌16日早朝、新田義貞は分倍河原に押し寄せ、幕府軍に奇襲を仕掛け大勝し、北条泰家以下は敗走した。 この戦いで新田軍が幕府軍に対し決定的な勝利を収めたことにより、幕府軍は完全に守勢に転じた。この後、新田軍には次々に援軍が加わり、『太平記』によれば60万もの大軍勢になったという。 この堀兼神社は江戸時代、鎌倉街道沿いにあったいくつもの堀兼の井戸の一つがあった場所を埋めて浅間の祠と呼んでいた場所である。新田義貞軍も井戸があるこのあたりまで退散したものと思われる。
According to Wikipedia, Yoshisada Nitta, who was defeated by Horikane in the battle with the Kamakura Shogunate army in the Futagawagawara, was considering retreating. However, on the evening of the defeat to Horikane, Yoshikatsu Ota, a member of the Miura clan, joined Yoshisada with a 6000 army commander of the Sagami country clan such as Kawamura, Doi, Shibuya, and Honma. On the early morning of the 16th, Yoshisada Nitta rushed over to the Chobegawara, attacked the Shogunate army, and won a big victory. With the decisive victory of the Nitta Army against the Shogunate in this battle, the Shogunate became completely defensive. After this, reinforcements were added to the Nitta Army one after another, and according to the Taiheiki, it became a large army of 600,000. : This Horikane Shrine is a place that was called the Sengen Shrine, which was used to fill the place where there was one of the many Horikane wells along the Kamakura Highway during the Edo period. It seems that Nitta Yoshisada's army had also fled to around this well.
五十嵐康弘 on Google

The main shrine is built on a small mountain, so I came here. As expected, it is called Asama Shrine. It's a shrine built on the top of Fujizuka by Fujiko, isn't it? There seems to be a kitchen dedicated to the Edo period, but the shrine is not open and only the information board is available. There are many branch office shrines around Fujizuka. When I went there, the gate was being repaired, but the gate has a pretty good attitude. I could see a part of the beautiful sculpture through the gap in the safety net.
atftok on Google

見どころの多い立派な神社だ。本殿は小さな小山の上に立っている。この辺りは多少の傾斜はあるがはっきりとした丘のような地形はないので、古墳なのだろうか?丘の周りはお堀のように少し低くなっている。 鳥居、随意門、大ケヤキ、堀兼井と見どころの多い立派な神社だ。
It is a magnificent shrine with many highlights. The main hall stands on a small mountain. Is it an ancient tomb because there is a slight slope but there is no clear hill-like terrain? The area around the hill is slightly lower like a moat. A torii, voluntary gate, large zelkova, and Horikanei shrine with many highlights.
金々江戸 on Google

鎮守の森には「堀兼ね井」と言うヤマトタケルの伝説や1000年前の京·平安人にも評判になった井戸があります。社殿手前に神様を護衛する随身門、鳥居前は奈良時代の東山道武蔵路(後に鎌倉街道⋅堀兼道)が通過している。 歴史的に奥深く、境内では不思議な感覚になりました。
In the guardian forest, there is a well called "Hori Kanei", which was popular with the legend of Yamato Takeru and the Kyo-Heian people 1000 years ago. In front of the shrine, the Zuijin Gate that escorts the gods, and in front of Torii, the Higashiyama Road Musashi Road (later Kamakura Kaido ⋅ Hori Kanemichi) of the Nara period passes. Historically deep, it became a mysterious feeling in the precincts.
exrico on Google

Like an old shrine. There are large and small halls and stone monuments. There are many highlights. There was also a magnificent Shinboku. It was nice to have an old-fashioned atmosphere.
2022 hy on Google

日本武尊がこの地に立ち寄った際、水不足に悩む村民の為に富士山に遥拝した所、解消された為、浅間社を祭ったという社伝がございます。 近くは大きな通りで車の往来も多いのですが、こちらはうってかわって静かでひっそりとした雰囲気があります。 境内は広く、自然も多いです。 唯一残念なのが、古神札納め所の御札が溢れる位になっていて、周囲に空き缶やらのゴミが散乱していたことです。 社務所も気配はなく、普段こちらの神社は定期的な手入れがなされているのかと思いました。 車が10台位停めれるスペースが境内脇にございます。
When Yamato Takeru stopped by this area, he worshiped Mt. Fuji for the sake of villagers suffering from water shortages. There is a big street nearby and there are many cars coming and going, but instead, it has a quiet and quiet atmosphere. The precincts are large and there is a lot of nature. The only unfortunate thing is that the bills of the old god bill storage were overflowing, and empty cans and other garbage were scattered around. There was no sign of the office, and I wondered if this shrine is usually maintained on a regular basis. There is a space on the side of the precincts where about 10 cars can be parked.

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