(株)リペアプラス - Kasugai

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)リペアプラス

住所 :

Mizuhodori, Kasugai, 〒486-0845 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 486-0845
Webサイト : https://rp-toso.com/
街 : Aichi

Mizuhodori, Kasugai, 〒486-0845 Aichi,Japan
Oひなこ on Google

Repair Plus was the company that was most convinced in terms of products, fees, warranty details, proposal capabilities, and customer service. Since it was my first time to paint the exterior wall and work on the roof, I was worried and anxious about it, so I often asked small questions even though I was an amateur, but I was convinced that the reply was quick and polite each time. I was able to proceed with the construction in the form of going. I had a lot of trouble deciding on the colors, but I was really happy that Mr. XX, a salesperson, and Mr. XX, a painter, responded without a disgusting face. The beauty of the painting is also wonderful, and I'm really glad to ask Repair Plus.
Iちいんけ on Google

イベントに訪問して、それがきっかけで工事をお願いしました。担当の方や職人の方々もとても良い人ばかりで満足しました。アクシデントが起きても、すぐに対応して頂けてとても良い業者さんだと思いました。すっかり家も綺麗になって、新年を迎える事が出来て嬉しいです。 ありがとうございました。知り合いにも自信持って勧められる業者さんだと思います。
I visited the event and asked for construction because of that. The people in charge and the craftsmen were all very good people and I was satisfied. Even if an accident occurs, I think that he is a very good company who can respond immediately. I'm glad that my house is completely clean and I can welcome the new year. Thank you very much. I think that it is a trader who can be confidently recommended to acquaintances.
shinji kobayashi on Google

数社見積もりを取りましたが、リペアプラスさんが1番対応が良かったためお願いしました。結果的に満足できる塗装をして頂くことができました。色見本を見ながらいろいろなアドバイスも頂き最後まで悩みましたが、親身になってご提案頂けました。職人さんは毎日挨拶が丁寧でテキパキ作業頂き、進捗報告も作業日記やLINEを活用し日々対応できなかった我々も安心して作業をお願いすることができ、工期も早まり満足いく結果となりました。 また機会が有ればお願いしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
I got quotations from several companies, but I asked for it because Repair Plus was the best. As a result, I was able to get a satisfactory painting. While looking at the color samples, I received various advice and was worried until the end, but I was kind enough to make suggestions. The craftsmen gave polite greetings every day, and we were able to ask for work with peace of mind even though we could not respond daily by using the work diary and LINE for progress reports, and the construction period was shortened and the result was satisfactory. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity. Thank you very much.
トミヤスサトシ on Google

今回12社の見積もりを取った中から選んだのがリペアプラスさんでした。 ハナレの塗り替え工事ですが、直後に母屋の建て替えが控えている事もあり、予算的にもかなりシビアでしたので、どこもができないといわれた工事でした。しかし、営業担当の加藤さんが頑張って目の前で社長様に交渉してくださり、実現する事ができました。 現場の職人さんたちもマナーのよい方ばかりでしたので、ご近所のみなさんも大変好感をもたれたようでした。 私は本業が造園業を営んでおりますが、塗装工事でお悩みのお客様もたくさんいらっしゃいますが、これからは迷うことなく、リペアプラスさんをご紹介させていただきたいと思います。 大満足の工事でした。ありがとうございます。
Repair Plus was selected from the 12 companies' quotations this time. Although it was a repainting work for Hanare, it was said that nothing could be done because the main building was about to be rebuilt immediately afterwards and the budget was quite severe. However, Mr. Kato, who is in charge of sales, did his best to negotiate with the president in front of me, and I was able to realize it. The craftsmen at the site were all good manners, so everyone in the neighborhood seemed to like it very much. My main business is landscaping, but there are many customers who are worried about painting work, but from now on, I would like to introduce Mr. Repair Plus without hesitation. It was a very satisfying construction. thank you.
堀部敏昌 on Google

リペアプラスさんこの度はキレイな塗装をありがとうございました。 見積もり段階から塗装の知識の無い私たちに何度も自宅に来て頂いて、キメ細やかな説明をして頂きました。塗装を行うとどのような効果があるのか、1つ1つのパーツ事に塗装の色を変更ができるなどを教えて頂きました。 塗装期間中は、LINEで塗装の前と後を写真で見せて頂けて作業がどのようなに行われているのか、残りどれくらいで作業時間がかかるのか、適切に教えて頂けました。 冬季ということもあり、作業日程は多く見積もっていたものの、2週間と数日で作業終了して頂きました。 完成し、キレイな塗装が出来ている自宅を見て、とても嬉しく感動しました。誠にありがとうございました。次回、塗装等リペアプラスさんにお願い出来ることは、お願いしたいと思いますので、その際はよろしくお願いします。
Repair Plus Thank you for the beautiful painting. We had no knowledge of painting from the estimation stage and visited us many times to give detailed explanations. He taught me what kind of effect painting has, and how the color of painting can be changed for each part. During the painting period, I was able to see the pictures before and after painting on LINE, and I was able to properly tell me how the work is being done and how long it will take to work. Due to the winter season, I had estimated the work schedule a lot, but the work was completed in two weeks and a few days. I was very happy and impressed to see my home, which was completed and beautifully painted. Thank you very much. Next time, I would like to ask Repair Plus for painting etc., so thank you in that case.
星野勝 on Google

外壁塗装と屋根の漆喰修理、雨樋交換をお願いしました。 最初の見積り、相談から非常に納得のいく説明及び対応にて今回、初めてお願いしました。 毎日、施工日記で施工の状況等をノートにて通達して頂き、また、こちらからのメールにての質問など、敏速な返信、対応で安心できました。 施工にも大変満足しております。 ありがとうございました。
We asked you to paint the exterior walls, repair the stucco on the roof, and replace the rain gutters. For the first time, I asked for a very convincing explanation and response from the initial quotation and consultation. Every day, I was relieved by the prompt reply and response, such as notifying me of the construction status etc. in a notebook in the construction diary, and also asking questions by e-mail from here. We are very satisfied with the construction. Thank you very much.
熊谷孝夫 on Google

I asked for exterior wall painting, roof painting, and rain gutter replacement. From the estimation stage, I was relieved to have the photos explain the condition of the roof and details. I am very satisfied with the work while having the actual work explained carefully every day, and also with the willingness to answer detailed requests. Thank you to the store manager and other craftsmen for their good personality and comfort.
アバルトイタリアーノ on Google

今回、25年程手入れをしていなかった外壁、屋根周り一式の塗装をお願いしました。 担当の営業の方も動きが良く追加のお願いもしっかり対応して頂けました。 職人の方も丁寧な仕事で、毎日の作業内容を書いた日誌で進捗状況が分かりやすかったです。 他の方にもおすすめできる会社だと思います。
This time, I asked you to paint a set of exterior walls and roof that had not been maintained for about 25 years. The sales person in charge was also very active and was able to respond firmly to additional requests. The craftsmen were also polite, and it was easy to understand the progress in the diary that wrote the daily work contents. I think it is a company that I can recommend to other people.

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