Mizobe Ophthalmology

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizobe Ophthalmology

住所 :

Midorii, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0103 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.mizobe-ganka.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Midorii, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0103 Hiroshima,Japan
Mayu on Google

The teacher explains the symptoms in an easy-to-understand manner
じる on Google

最近診察が早くなった。 とっても良い感じの対応
The medical examination has become faster recently. Very nice response
匿名希望 on Google

受付の対応がとても酷いです。 受付時間より3分過ぎていたのですが、 話を聞いてくれることもなく受付の方の判断で 追い返されました。 とても目が痛く緊急だったので他院に行くと 時間が過ぎましたが先生に確認をとっていただき 緊急ということで診てくださいました。 ここへはもう二度と行きません。
The reception is very bad. It was 3 minutes after the reception time, At the discretion of the receptionist without listening to the story I was turned back. It was very urgent because my eyes hurt. The time has passed, but please check with the teacher I was diagnosed as an emergency. I will never go here again.
リュイ on Google

受付の対応は最低です。 予約なしで行ったら待ち時間予定2時間と言われ、2時間後に行くと、あと3時間でした。 待っていられないので、キャンセルすると、もう来なくてもいいです。と言われました。なので二度と行かないと思います。混雑はしていたので、きっと先生はいいのだと思います
The correspondence of the receptionist is the lowest. If you go without a reservation, it will be said that the waiting time will be 2 hours, and 2 hours later, it will be 3 hours. I can't wait, so if I cancel, I don't have to come. They said. So I think I will never go again. I think the teacher is good because it was crowded
たまたま on Google

凄く待つ!びっくりでした。 けど、受付の人や看護師さん、先生と丁寧な感じです。初めて、待ってる時間にクチコミ見てたんですが、あまり良くないなぁーと思ってたんですが、まぁー自分的には良い眼科でした。
I'll wait! I was surprised. However, I feel polite with the receptionist, nurses, and teachers. For the first time, I was looking at word-of-mouth communication while I was waiting, but I thought it was not so good, but well, it was a good ophthalmology for myself.
Kazunori O on Google

紹介状無し予約無しで診察してくれた。 予約すれば待ち時間も短いし、 自分は行って、良かった。 白内障手術完ぺき。
He consulted me without a letter of introduction and without a reservation. If you make a reservation, the waiting time will be short, I'm glad I went. Perfect cataract surgery.
davi 4 on Google

I had a medical examination due to sudden red eye. The waiting time was relatively early for the first visit. (About 15 minutes on weekdays) As soon as I entered the doctor's office, I used a machine to inspect my eyes without explanation. finished. I didn't hear this story at all and I just said "yes". (Laughs) Normally, any doctor will start from when? Is it pain? Would you like to hear that? Is it the first time to talk two words? This is the second time I have lived in ophthalmology for more than 40 years. Is ophthalmology like this? The location is convenient, but I won't go anymore.
o my on Google

初めてなのですが本日診察は受けれますかと 電話でお聞きした所、〇時までに 来ていただければ大丈夫ですよ〜 と言われたので指定の時間までにいった所 当日予約は出来ませんよ。と一言。 電話ではそんな話1つも聞かされてません。 わざわざガソリン代はたいて 指定された時間に行ってるにもかかわらず、 ほんと最悪でした。 おまけに受付の対応も最悪。 そちらの説明不足にもかかわらず謝りもなし。 とても感じ悪かったです。 結局無駄足で、違う病院いきました。 よくこんなに人来るなーと。 立地条件いいから仕方ないけど。 病院でこんな不快な思いしたの初めてでした!
It's my first time, but can I get a medical examination today? I heard on the phone, by 0:00 It's okay if you can come ~ I was told that I went by the designated time Same-day reservations are not possible. One word. I haven't heard a single story on the phone. Take the trouble to pay for gasoline Even though I went at the designated time It was really the worst. In addition, the receptionist's response is also the worst. There is no apology despite the lack of explanation there. It was very unpleasant. After all, I went to a different hospital because I was wasted. People often come here. It can't be helped because the location is good. It was the first time I felt this unpleasant at the hospital!

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