Hair salon Eight

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hair salon Eight

住所 :

Midorii, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0103 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
街 : Hiroshima

Midorii, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0103 Hiroshima,Japan
岩見隆広 on Google

ほんまに良いお店です! 上手さももちろんですが、人柄が最高です!
A really good shop! Of course I am good, but my personality is the best!
トマホーク on Google

カットも上手く楽しくカットしてくださるのでおすすめです!!店長もイケメンです!! 匂いやサービスもおすすめです!
It is recommended because it will cut well and it will be fun! ! The manager is also handsome! ! Smell and service are also recommended!
憲信坂本 on Google

イケメンのお兄さんがやってます! どういう髪型で良いかわからない人お勧めです! お任せでええ具合にやってくれます!
Good-looking brother is doing it! It is recommended for those who do not know what hairstyle is good! It's up to you!
ワキ on Google

The manager is good looking and he is good at cutting, but his personality is good! There is no doubt here!
友佳 on Google

I came to this place and people around me said that my hair was beautiful. The atmosphere is easy to talk, so you can feel free to go.
もも on Google

毎月通っています。すごく優しくて話しやすく、イケメンな店長さんです!!髪のことならぜひここへ!!( •̀ᴗ•́ )/
I go every month. The manager is very kind and easy to talk to, and is a good looking manager! !! Come here for hair! !! (• ̀ᴗ • ́) /
ほろよいストロング(I feel tipsy!) on Google

There is also a parking lot, and it is conveniently located near Midorii Station and Fuji Grand. It is recommended because you can feel free to consult about cuts and colors.
マスケティアーズ on Google

I go there every month! The hairstyle is very responsive and I am satisfied with it every month! It's convenient, so please check it out! It's pretty good looking for the shop!

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