ひかり鍼灸整骨院 宮崎台院

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ひかり鍼灸整骨院 宮崎台院

住所 :

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : https://hkr.p-kit.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
佐野亮 on Google

丁寧、的確。 何ヵ所も整骨院に通いましたが、どこよりもちゃんとしていて信頼できる場所です。 30を越え、身体が悲鳴をあげてきたので頻繁に通わせていただいています。
Polite and accurate. I went to the osteopathic clinic in several places, but it's a better place to be reliable than anywhere else. As we have screamed over 30, I am allowed to go on a frequent basis.
堀江圭吾 on Google

筋膜アプローチ等、最新の理論を常に取り入れられている大変勉強熱心な先生の治療院です。 グイグイ押す系の施術では無く、姿勢・骨格の歪みを見て、対話をしながらバランスを正していく施術方法です。
This is a treatment room for a very enthusiastic teacher who always incorporates the latest theories such as the fascial approach. It is not a gulp pushing system, but a posture that corrects the balance while observing the distortion of the posture and skeleton.
Take Take on Google

I always take care of my back pain and shoulder pain. I am super effective. My mother also takes me, but I am delighted to say that it has improved very much. As the teacher is young, I will take care of it for the rest of my life.
s 41 on Google

Originally I started going through low back pain, but my neck hurts and my wrist hurts the next time, I became indebted every time. You taught me how to care at home, etc., I am saved very much! The teacher is recommended for those who are knowledgeable and rich and dependable
jonjon sssato on Google

アキレス腱断裂のリハビリで診察を受けたのがはじまりですが、 現在は身体の色々な不調もトータルに診ていただいております。 先生は話しやすいので、診療にあたっての不安も相談しやすく家族ぐるみでお世話になっております。
It is starting to have a medical examination at rehabilitation of Achilles tendon rupture, Currently, we are also a variety of disorders of the body just to see a total. As it is easy to talk to the teacher, it is easy to talk about anxiety during medical treatment and is taken care of in the family.
hiroki wada on Google

見た目若い院長さんですが、良く身体の事を熟知されており、元々腰痛持ちでしたが診てもらって以前より改善されてます。また予防の仕方など丁寧に教えてくれました。 ギックリ腰になった時も大変お世話になりました。 この若さでこの技術なら歳を重ねたらどんな腕になってしまうのか?という期待を込めて ☆4つ(笑)
Although it is a young director who looks like, he is well acquainted with the physical matter well and originally had low back pain, but he has been examined and improved more than before. It also taught me how to prevent and carefully. Thank you very much for your help when I got stuck. With this young age, what skills will this technique become like as old as possible? With the expectation ☆ Four (lol)
SA on Google

宮崎台の接骨院は、色々行きましたが、こちらの院が1番良かったです。今もお世話になっています。他の院だと助手や、受付の方が施術したりと、不満がありましたが、こちらは先生お一人なので、助手の方が施術するという事はありません。今までの経過もよく覚えて頂いており、助かっています。 どこかいい所ないかなと探してる方におすすめします。
I went to various osteopathic clinics in Miyazakidai, but this one was the best. I am still indebted to you. At other hospitals, I was dissatisfied with the treatment by the assistant and the receptionist, but since this is the only teacher, the assistant does not perform the treatment. I am grateful that you remember the progress so far. Recommended for those who are looking for a good place.
梅田優 on Google

交通事故のむち打ち症でお世話になりました。丁寧に症状を確認しながらリハビリ治療をして頂いて、安心しながら通院が出来ました。 予約は電話よりLINEを使う方がスムーズです。
Thank you for your help with whiplash in a traffic accident. I was able to go to the hospital with peace of mind because I received rehabilitation treatment while carefully checking the symptoms. Reservation is smoother using LINE than by phone.

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