Miyayamafurusatofureai Park - Chikusei

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miyayamafurusatofureai Park

住所 :

504 Miyayama, Chikusei, Ibaraki 300-4504, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 300-4504
Webサイト : http://www.chikuseikanko.jp/index.php%3Fcode%3D183

504 Miyayama, Chikusei, Ibaraki 300-4504, Japan
岡村詩音 on Google

テレビで見たほどのひまわりの数では無かったがまだまだこれからの蕾も多くしばらくは楽しめると思う。 意外に人も多いので写真を撮るのも気を使う。 晴天ならもっとひまわりも映えたと思うが曇り空でひまわりの黄色が映えなかった。 周りに日を遮るものが無いので帽子などの対策は必要。
It wasn't as many sunflowers as I saw on TV, but I'm sure there will be many more traps in the future and I can enjoy it for a while. There are a lot of people unexpectedly, so take care of taking photos. I think the sunflowers would shine more in fine weather, but the yellow sunflowers did not shine in the cloudy sky. Because there is nothing to block the sun around, measures such as a hat are necessary.
ノス on Google

2019.08.31(土)の13:50頃訪問。公園前の道は駐車場渋滞。 ここ数年別の場所でひまわりフェスティバルをやっていたが…何年かぶりにこちらに 前は平日だったのでそれほど混んでなかったが… 今回は土曜日で最終日近くのせいかめちゃ混み、臨時の駐車場もいくつかあるがどれも混んでるみたい。 なんとか駐車し会場に向かうと高台からの眺めは良い!前の会場は平坦で高くからの眺めはないから…あんま感動は無いけど こっちはやっぱ良い~。公園近くでトイレや出店も多めで良いし! さらに筑波山も見れ絵になる。 次開催の時は駐車場がもっとなんとかなれば良いけど また来年来たいと思います
Visit around 13:50 on Saturday, August 31, 2019. The road in front of the park is congested in the parking lot. I've been doing a sunflower festival in a different place for the last few years ... Previously it was a weekday so it wasn't so crowded ... This time on Saturday, it is crowded near the last day, and there are some temporary parking lots, but all seem to be crowded. If you manage to park and head to the venue, the view from the hill is good! Because the previous venue is flat and there is no view from the top ... This is good. There are plenty of toilets and stores near the park! You can also see Mt. Tsukuba. I hope the parking lot will be better sometime next time I want to come again next year
Y Hori on Google

Menchi-katsu is delicious! The inside is like a hamburger full of meat, and the outside is like curry bread! It's hard to explain, so please try it!
高野智弘 on Google

I was exhibiting Seimei Abe. The favorite Akeno sunflower field is still a long way off.
Minoru I on Google

ひまわりは素敵でした ひまわり畑だけで評価すれば5つ星ですかね イベントとしては仮設トイレも少ないし前日に雨が降っていれば靴は泥だらけになります 自販機も遠いですしなにかと困ります笑
The sunflower was lovely If you evaluate only the sunflower field, it will be 5 stars. As an event, there are few temporary toilets, and if it rains the day before, the shoes will be muddy. The vending machine is also far away, so I'm having trouble with something lol
直弘加藤 on Google

The problem is that the parking lot is small, but the cherry blossoms were beautiful and the auction soba directly produced was delicious.
リアル三つ子(三つ子) on Google

Isn't it a little unsatisfactory for my dog's walk? The strawberries I bought at the vegetable shop were delicious.
Arifa Jannat on Google

Amazing place to visit

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