エステサロン サロンド・ノーブル 府中店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エステサロン サロンド・ノーブル 府中店

住所 :

Miyamachi, Fuchu, 〒183-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
街 : Tokyo

Miyamachi, Fuchu, 〒183-0023 Tokyo,Japan
xi xa on Google

エイジングケアを受けています。 接客も良いし、施術も気持ちが良いし、効果もしっかり感じます。 年齢を重ねたらやっぱりプロの手も必要ですね!
I am receiving aging care. The customer service is good, the treatment feels good, and the effect is solid. As you get older, you still need professional hands!
taki sam on Google

You can take good care of yourself, so you can relax both physically and mentally and your skin will be healthy. I will do my best in self-care so as not to lose to the air conditioner.
hiro oku on Google

30代になり、こじわやたるみが気になってきたのでこちらで施術を受けるようになりました。 丁寧にケアしてもらうと、肌のトーンが上がり、 水分量も上がってもちもちになるのでこれからも継続して通っていきたいと思います。
When I was in my thirties, I was worried about wrinkles and sagging, so I started receiving treatment here. If you take good care of it, your skin tone will increase. I would like to continue to go there as the amount of water increases and it becomes sticky.
yu k on Google

人に教えたくない隠れ家エステサロンです。 オーナーの審美眼により肌の改善点を見抜き、確実に結果のでるトリートメントを施術していただけます。 オーナーの人柄も魅力の1つ。 ギノーの化粧品も購入できます。
It is a hideaway beauty salon that you do not want to teach people. With the owner's aesthetics, you can see the improvement points of the skin and perform treatments that will surely produce results. One of the attractions is the personality of the owner. You can also buy Guinault cosmetics.
田辺 on Google

接客も良くサロン内も綺麗でじっくり施術を受ける事が出来、癒されました。 リフトアップの効果が高かった!定期的に施術してもらおうと決めました!
The customer service was good and the salon was clean and I was able to receive the treatment carefully and was healed. The lift-up effect was high! I decided to have it treated regularly!
はぎわらまきこ on Google

It's been almost 10 years since I asked for a bridal beauty treatment salon. Every time I visit, I am healed by the atmosphere of the shop and the teacher. Above all, the technology is excellent and the small face effect is outstanding. I am looking forward to seeing you every time because I am a very attractive teacher. It's a nice salon, so once you visit, you'll definitely want to visit again.
アイオワ on Google

基本の接客や技術はもちろんですが、何気ないところもしっかり対応してくれて、エステという特別な空間を十分に満喫出来ました。 サロン全体の雰囲気もとても良かったです。
Not to mention the basic customer service and skills, he also responded firmly to casual places, and I was able to fully enjoy the special space of beauty treatment salons. The atmosphere of the whole salon was also very good.
rin rin on Google

肌のトーン、リフトアップ、確実に結果が出るのでよそのサロンに浮気できません。 オーナーの人柄も魅力です。 これからもお世話になります!
You can't flirt with another salon because it gives you skin tone, lift-up, and reliable results. The personality of the owner is also attractive. Thank you for your continued support!

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