Miyama Park - Mihara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miyama Park

住所 :

Itosaki, Mihara, Hiroshima 729-0324, Japan

Postal code : 729-0324

Itosaki, Mihara, Hiroshima 729-0324, Japan
75 しもはつ (‪しもはつ‬) on Google

It is a park near the top of the mountain, which is not unusual, but it is well maintained and I think it has a better view than Mt. Fudekage in the same city. I am grateful to the people of the Mountain Association.
赤石勝武 on Google

ここは三原市の公園ではありませんが、いつも登山している人達が整備しています。 瀬戸内の島々の景色は絶景です。 初日の出は因島大橋から昇るので、 その時期にはカメラマンがこぞって写しています。
This is not a park in Mihara City, but it is maintained by people who always climb. The views of the islands of Setouchi are spectacular. Since the first sunrise of the year rises from Innoshima Bridge, At that time, the photographers are taking pictures of them.
Eiji on Google

鉢ヶ峰のハイキングで来ました。 ここに来るまでの坂がきつくて自転車を押して上がりましたが景色がとても良かったです。
I came on a hike in Hatogamine. The slope until I came here was so steep that I pushed my bicycle up, but the scenery was very good.
shige on Google

The people of the mountain society were well maintained, and the mountaintop was a very pleasant space.
Run kumamon on Google

◎軽い山登りに最適の場所 【超穴場スポット】 ⚫︎瀬戸内海の美しい風景が望めます。 ⚫︎糸崎神社から歩いて登るのがベスト。 (途中の道からの眺めも最高です。) ⚫︎道は激狭なので車は避けた方が無難。 (対向車が来たら離合困難) ◎地元の人の管理がよく行き届いてます。 ・道の至るところに掃除用具あり。 ・邪魔な木が伐採されており見晴らし最高。 ・一応トイレもあります。あるだけで感謝。 ・「管理されている方、ありがとう」?
◎ The best place for light mountain climbing [Super secret spot] 美 し い You can see the beautiful scenery of the Seto Inland Sea. が It is best to walk up from Itozaki Shrine. (The view from the way is also great.) ⚫︎It is safer to avoid cars because the road is very narrow. (Difficult to separate if oncoming vehicle comes) ◎ The local people are well managed. ・ There are cleaning tools everywhere on the road. ・ The obstructing trees have been cut down and the view is the best. ・ There is also a toilet. Thanks just for being. ・ "Thank you for being managed" ?
eversincerely on Google

山の上にある公園で景色がとてもいいです!三原の街側と因島大橋側の海の眺めが( ´∀` )b 公園といっても遊具はなくベンチと東屋?があるだけの広場ですが、とても丁寧に地元の方が管理されてて気持ちがいいです! 公園への道は狭いので車で行くより糸崎神社辺りから歩くのがいいと思います。20分くらいで登れて、いい運動になります。
The scenery is very nice in the park on the mountain! The view of the sea on the side of Mihara and the side of Innoshima Bridge is (´∀ `) b Even though it's a park, there are no playsets, benches and eastern houses? It's just a plaza, but it feels good to be managed by the locals very carefully! The road to the park is narrow, so I think it's better to walk from around Itosaki Shrine than to drive. You can climb in about 20 minutes and it will be a good exercise.
Hiro on Google

車では離合困難 糸碕神社あたりから歩いて20分程度、糸崎駅からでも30分程度 三原市内、しまなみ方面がよく見えます
Difficult to separate by car About 20 minutes on foot from Itozaki Shrine, about 30 minutes from Itozaki Station You can see the direction of Shimanami in Mihara city.
坪倉秀行 on Google

?️駐車スペースはあります。 ?簡易トイレはあります。 展望は良いですが、道が狭く、車はすれ違えません。 落石の恐れもあります。
?️ There is a parking space. ? There is a simple toilet. The view is good, but the roads are narrow and cars can't pass each other. There is also a risk of rockfall.

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