
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact じゃんじゃか五日市店

住所 :

Miyake, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5143 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Webサイト : https://the-fff.com/%3Fcn%3D100182
街 : Hiroshima

Miyake, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5143 Hiroshima,Japan
自由気楽 on Google

It is relatively early from ordering to coming out. Each seat is separated by a roll curtain, etc., so privacy is also OK. It's a big yakiniku restaurant, so you don't have to force yourself to order alcohol, and the tea and water service is good. There are many staff who seem to be part-time workers, but the correspondence is not bad. However, I personally prefer a small yakiniku restaurant for the taste of meat.
0178 ryo on Google

It was a very favorite shop, but recently I felt high. . Well, a grilled meat shop doesn't make much of a difference, but it can be anywhere.
大地喜代志 on Google

I'm always coming to Janjaka, but this is my second time! Lunch set was a treat! ️
田村稔 on Google

The freshness of the meat is also related, but you can enjoy it while trying various things because you can change the taste depending on the variety of sauces!
misao -mion on Google

家族と焼き肉に行くときは必ず毎回ここです! ほんの少し値段は張りますが、それに相応するおいしさです。 値段のこともあるせいか客の年齢層に学生さんはあまりいませんね。煩かったり騒がしかったりが嫌な方はここをオススメします! タレや薬味の種類も様々あり、わくわくします。肉以外にも一品ものも凄く美味! タブレット注文です!
Every time I go to yakiniku with my family, it's here! The price is a little bit higher, but it tastes good. Because of the price, there aren't many students in the age group of customers. If you don't want to be bothered or noisy, I recommend this place! There are various types of sauces and condiments, which is exciting. Besides meat, one dish is also delicious! It is tablet order!
櫛田宏治 on Google

Unlike some all-you-can-eat, there is a calm atmosphere and customer service is also polite. The meat is also delicious.
ナポリタン寿司 on Google

・駐車場あり、トイレあり ・1Fはマック、2Fがじゃんじゃかになっている ・2号線からだと踏み切りを渡ってすぐ。 ・食べ放題はないが、2980円や3000いくらかのセットは数種類あった。家族向け2、3人前とかガッツリ向け、お肉何種類セット!とか。メインでこれを頼んで他にかるくほしくなったら単品で頼むの形がよいのではと思う。 ・食べ放題がない分、単品でいくしかないので割高に感じるかもだが、美味しい。 ・特にタンがおすすめ。美味しい。 ・タレが醤油ダレとか塩ダレとか定番焼き肉ダレとか美味塩とか野菜おろしダレとか色々あって美味しい。楽しい。 ・皿が近辺の焼肉屋とは少し変わっていて面白い。タレもたくさんあるので子供も大人も楽しめる ・店の雰囲気もとてもよく個室ちっくな感じ。 ・タッチパネルで頼む方式。便利 結果、最高
・ There is parking lot, and there is restroom ・ 1F is Mac, 2F is junk ・ If you are on Route 2, cross the railroad crossing immediately. ・ There is no all-you-can-eat, but there were several sets of 2980 yen and 3000 pieces. A set of several kinds of meat for two or three servings for families or gutsly! And. I think that it would be better to ask for this as a single item if you ask for this in the main and want it to be lighter. ・ Because there is no all-you-can-eat, you may have to go for a single dish, so it may feel expensive, but delicious. ・ Particularly recommended tongue. delicious. ・ There are various sauces such as soy sauce sauce, salt sauce, classic grilled meat sauce, delicious salt and vegetable grated sauce. pleasant. ・ The plate is a little different from the nearby yakiniku restaurant, which is interesting. There are many sauces so children and adults can enjoy ・ The atmosphere of the shop is very good and it looks like a private room. -A method that requires a touch panel. Convenient Result, best
かめかめ on Google

43OO円のコース美味しかったです。 肉 素敵な部分ばかりで しかもボリュームもあって 大満足
The 43OO yen course was delicious. Meat with only nice parts Moreover, there is volume and I am very satisfied

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