Miyaginoku Peace Orthopedic Clinic - Sendai

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miyaginoku Peace Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-149-1 101 Ideka, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 983-0012
Webサイト : http://miyaginoku.izumichuo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

1 Chome-149-1 101 Ideka, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0012, Japan
山田女布 on Google

交通事故で最初は整形外科に行ってましたが、転院して宮城野区ピース整骨院に行きました! まったく整形外科では良くなりませんでしたが、ピースさんでは、しっかり手で治してくれました! 大きい病院だと作業の様な扱いですが、宮城野区ピース整骨院では1人1人に合わせた治療をしてくれました! もう交通事故にはあいたくないけど、また怪我したらお世話になると思います! とてもオススメです!
I went to orthopedics at first because of a traffic accident, but I was transferred to the Peace Osteopath in Miyagino-ku! Although it did not improve at all in orthopedics, Peace was able to cure it by hand! In a large hospital, it is treated like a work, but at the Peace Osteopathic Hospital in Miyagino Ward, he / she treated according to one person! I don't want to get involved in a traffic accident anymore, but if I get injured again, I'll help you! I highly recommend it!
yuuki yokota on Google

仙台市で骨盤矯正なら間違いなく宮城野区ピース整骨院がいいと思います♪ 私が今までマッサージ屋さんやエステに行っていましたがお腹周りの太さが改善されず、最初は半信半疑で1回目試しに行きました! 治療後、体が軽い!!そしてコリがない感じがしました!! 効果を実感したのは次の日・・・ 朝起きたときでした!! とても目覚めがスッキリしています(^_-)-☆ ずっと怠かった体もとてもよくなりました♪ 毎日ではないですが、定期的に週に1・2回ペースで1カ月行ったときに効果は実感!! ズボンが緩くなっています♪ 職場の仕事用ズボンも変えました♪ とても雰囲気も良くいい感じの整骨院です(^_-)-☆
If you have a pelvic correction in Sendai city, I would definitely recommend Miyagino-ku Peaceful Osteopathy ♪ I have been to a massage shop or a beauty salon until now, but the thickness around my stomach has not been improved, and at first I went for the first trial with a doubt. After treatment, my body is light! ! And there was no stiffness! ! The next day I realized the effect ... It was when I woke up in the morning! ! Awakening is very refreshing (^ _-)-☆ My body that I've been neglected has become much better ♪ It's not every day, but when you go regularly once or twice a week for a month, you can feel the effect! ! The pants are loose ♪ We changed work pants for workplace ♪ It's an osteopath with a very good atmosphere (^ _-)-☆
ゆうさと on Google

ひどい肩こりで頭痛が止まらず、知人の身体もすごく良くなったというので宮城野区ピース整骨院さんに通院しました。先生の丁寧なカウンセリングから的確な治療でいまでは体調がすこぶるいいです!!こんなに体が良くなってとても嬉しいです!!! 宮城野区ピース整骨院さんは骨盤矯正と姿勢矯正で有名で今度はそれもお願いしようと思います!!私は多賀城市に住んでますが中野栄駅からもすごく近くなので通院も楽です!! オススメです!!
I went to Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute because my acquaintance's body got better and my headache didn't stop because of my terrible stiff shoulders. From the teacher's careful counseling to the proper treatment, I am now in very good shape! !! I am very happy that I am so well! !! !! Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute is famous for pelvic correction and posture correction, and I would like to ask for that as well! !! I live in Tagajo City, but it's very close to Nakanosakae Station, so it's easy to go to the hospital! !! I recommend it! !!
ttt sss on Google

辛い肩こりや腰痛の方におすすめです‼️ 整骨院に通うのは初めてで、初めは少し緊張していましたが、症状の説明やどのように治療していくかなど、わかりやすく丁寧に説明してくださり、自分の悪いところや治療しなければいけない部位がわかりました! 初めは腰痛で通っていましたが、だんだん肩の方も痛くなってきたのでそれを伝えると、しっかりと対応してくださり、今ではすっかり肩からも腰痛も良くなりました!! また、院内の雰囲気もよく、コロナウイルスの対策もされてました! 夜21時まで受付を行なっているので仕事終わりでも通えて助かってます! これからもっとしっかり自分の体と向き合い、 痛みがなくなっても予防として、これからも宮城野区ピース整骨院さんで治療していきたいと思います!
Recommended for people with painful stiff shoulders and back pain! ️ It was my first time to go to an osteopathic clinic, and I was a little nervous at first, but he explained my symptoms and how to treat them in an easy-to-understand manner. I know what part I have to do! At first, I used to have back pain, but my shoulders are getting more and more painful, so when I told him that, he responded firmly, and now my shoulders and back pain have improved! !! In addition, the atmosphere in the hospital was good, and measures against coronavirus were taken! The reception is open until 21:00 pm, so it's helpful to be able to attend even after work! From now on, face your body more firmly, Even if the pain disappears, I would like to continue to treat it at Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute as a preventive measure!
佐藤孝之 on Google

交通事故に遭い、ムチウチの症状で通院しました! 追突事故に遭い、首のムチウチ、腰の捻挫、膝の捻挫の診断が出て仕事にも支障がきたすくらい酷かったです。 そんな時、多賀城市からも通院しやすいとのことで友人のお勧めで宮城野区ピース整骨院さんに通院をしました。 交通事故に遭ったのが初めてでしたので、何もわからず、ムチウチの痛みもひどくとても辛かったですが、宮城野区ピース整骨院のスタッフの方に、様々なサポートを頂き安心して通院できるとともに、症状の回復もとても早く、交通事故治療でもとても安心して通院できる整骨院だと感じました! 宮城野区ピース整骨院さんにはとても感謝しています(^_^) 後、宮城野区ピース整骨院さんは夜も時まで受付しているので、仕事帰りにも安心して通院できたのもとてもgoodでした!! 交通事故治療は宮城野区ピース整骨院さんに任せた方が良いですよ!!
I had a traffic accident and went to the hospital because of the symptoms of whiplash! I had a rear-end collision, and I was diagnosed with a neck sprain, a waist sprain, and a knee sprain, and it was so terrible that it hindered my work. At that time, I went to Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute at the recommendation of a friend because it was easy to go to the hospital from Tagajo City. It was my first time to have a traffic accident, so I didn't understand anything and the pain in my whip was very painful, but the staff of Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute gave me various support and I could go to the hospital with peace of mind. I felt that it was an osteopathic clinic where my symptoms recovered very quickly and I could go to the hospital with great peace of mind even in the treatment of traffic accidents! I am very grateful to Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute (^_^) Later, Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute is open until night, so it was very good to be able to go to the hospital with confidence on the way home from work! !! It is better to leave the treatment of traffic accidents to Miyagino Ward Peace Osteopathic Institute! !!
mhlotus51 on Google

I hurt my neck on a regular basis, so I go to the hospital every time to have it corrected. This time too, the tension on the neck and shoulders has become much easier. The head massage of the LINE coupon was also very pleasant! looking forward to contact with you again!
425 I.I on Google

骨矯正で通っています。 骨のなる音が苦手だと相談したら鳴らずに矯正してくれました! 筋肉の状態、身体の歪み等も教えてくれて毎回勉強になってます!
I go for bone correction. When I consulted that I was not good at the sound of bones, he corrected it without making a sound! He also teaches me about my muscle condition and body strain, and I am studying every time!
IQ 3 on Google

健康保険が使えない自費負担分の治療が高額になるのは整体あるあるだと思ってましたが 宮城野ピース整骨院さんはサブスクリプションライクなシステムが可能で 1カ月会員は1万円で保険適応外の部分を受け放題! 3カ月6カ月の会員になると更にお得です 保険範囲内の500円のみで 頻繁に来すぎていて申し訳なさを感じます笑 一定額払えば毎回500円で済むのはありがたいですね 一つ、施術台の頭を置く部分は枕ではなく 穴の空いた、呼吸のしやすいマッサージ屋などにあるタイプの物だと尚良いと思います
I thought that there was a manipulative treatment that would make the treatment at my own expense, which I couldn't use health insurance, expensive. Miyagino Peace Osteopathic Institute has a subscription-like system One-month members can receive all-you-can-eat parts that are not covered by insurance for 10,000 yen! It's even better if you become a member for 3 months and 6 months Only 500 yen within the insurance coverage I feel sorry for coming too often lol I'm grateful that if you pay a fixed amount, you only have to pay 500 yen each time. One, the part where the head of the treatment table is placed is not a pillow I think it's even better if it's the type of thing that you can find in a massage shop that has holes and is easy to breathe.

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