
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新車が買いやすい店

住所 :

Miyagayato, Minuma Ward, 〒337-0011 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://newcar.344860.net/
街 : Saitama

Miyagayato, Minuma Ward, 〒337-0011 Saitama,Japan
井上順 on Google

I was looking for a Hijet and got various quotations, but I bought my wife's car, so when I asked, it was the cheapest, so I decided. I am very glad that Mr. Miyazawa, who is in charge, explained in detail. thank you!
マツモトユ on Google

新車でトールを購入しました! 色々お安くなるパックがあってお得に購入できました! 担当の宮澤さんも親切で、納車の時も丁寧に説明してくれて助かりました。 大切に乗りたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I bought Thor with a new car! There are various cheap packs and I was able to buy it at a great price! Mr. Miyazawa, who is in charge, was also kind and helped me to explain carefully when the car was delivered. I want to take good care of myself. Thank you very much.
Yoshiharu Sato on Google

停車中の車に衝突され 乗り換えることになり 半導体不足で納車待ちが長いこのご時世 気に入った車に早く乗り換えることができて 営業担当の宮澤さんの 対応もとても良かったです。 サービス内容もいいのでおすすめのお店です。
Collided with a stopped car I will change This time when there is a long wait for delivery due to lack of semiconductors I was able to change to my favorite car quickly Mr. Miyazawa, who is in charge of sales Correspondence was also very good. The service content is also good, so it is a recommended shop.
愛誠 on Google

This time as well, I was taken care of by Life Iwatsuki store and purchased Suzuki Every. I have been indebted to you for many years, and this time I am indebted to Mr. Miyazawa. I was very happy to have you respond kindly and politely. I would like to continue to have a long relationship with you.
かないまみ on Google

先日予約もしないで、 何も決めてなく伺ったんですが、 急な来店でも、 すごく丁寧にご案内していただきました! 担当は丸山さんという方です。 車検までの日時がないことや 普段の車の用途など、 ご相談にのっていただき、 無事に新車を購入できました! スムーズな対応と すべてにおいて とても感じもよくて、 とっても満足しています! これから 大事に乗らせていたきます。 保証もしっかりしていて安心です。 車をお探しの方 ぜひ、おすすめです! これからもよろしくお願いします。
Don't make a reservation the other day I asked without deciding anything, Even if you come to the store suddenly Thank you very much for your kind guidance! The person in charge is Mr. Maruyama. There is no date and time until the vehicle inspection For everyday car use, etc. Please consult with us I was able to purchase a new car safely! With smooth response In all It feels very good I'm very happy! from now on I will take care of it. The guarantee is solid and you can rest assured. Those looking for a car I highly recommend it! I look forward to working with you.
信勝田 on Google

中古での購入を考えておりましたが 新車でのご案内をいただき 1.9%のローンで安く買えることから 新車でスペーシアカスタムの購入を決めました。 対応も親切で助かりました。 これからも点検等お世話になると思います。 宮澤さん、今後ともよろしくお願いします。
I was thinking of buying it second hand Please let me know with a new car Because you can buy cheaply with a 1.9% loan I decided to purchase Spacia Custom with a new car. The correspondence was kind and helpful. I think that you will continue to take care of inspections. Mr. Miyazawa, thank you for your continued support.
Ko Kyo on Google

新車のタントを安く購入できました。 宮澤さんに担当していただきました。 対応など丁寧にしていただきまして、スムーズに購入に至ることができました。 ありがとうございました。 また、契約時の重要事項の説明など分かりやすくかったです。 また何かあったときにお世話になろうと思います。宜しくお願い致します。
I was able to buy a new Tanto at a low price. Mr. Miyazawa was in charge. We were able to purchase it smoothly, thanks to the careful response. Thank you very much. Also, it was easy to understand the explanation of important matters at the time of contract. I will take care of you when something happens again. Thank you.
三浦正彦 on Google

The shop I went to see when I was looking for a used Tanto! The kind and polite clerk explained various things, and I thought that there might be a new car anyway, so I decided on a new car Tanto! Moreover, I was surprised to buy a new car cheaper than the dealer! After-care after buying is also convincing. I met a good shop.

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