薫風 梅み月

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 薫風 梅み月

住所 :

Miwa, Mito, 〒310-0911 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://www.mito-ume.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Ibaraki

Miwa, Mito, 〒310-0911 Ibaraki,Japan
戸知諭 on Google

普段ガツガツした昼飯ばかりだったのでお上品にとても美味しいランチでした。 デザートのモンブランは目の前でケーキにかけてくれて見た目も味も美味しかったです。 何かの記念日には最適なお店だと思いました!
It was an elegant and very delicious lunch because I usually had only a rugged lunch. The dessert Mont Blanc was hung on the cake in front of me and it looked and tasted good. I thought it was the best shop for some anniversary!
ウニャウディオ on Google

和牛食堂だと思って駐車場に入りました。 店の名前が違うけど空腹だし入ってみました。 すぐに二階に通されたました。上がってみたら横浜のラーメン博物館的なレトロな空間が広がっていました。悪くないです。 美味しそうな雰囲気です。 メニューを見たら何でもあるのね。焼肉、お寿司、天ぷら、海鮮、蕎麦など何でもあります。 法事で来ているっぽい人も結構いたので木曽路みたいな使われ方をしているんでしょうね。 今回は常陸牛石焼カルビ御膳を頂きました。二人で5000円と少し高目。 先付けの三種のトウフ三昧が割といけます。特におからの和からし風味の味付けが印象的です。続いてランチの明太ポテトサラダです。自分でおイモを潰して食べるタイプです。 最後にカルビです。厚みがあって食べ応えのあるお肉です。柔らかくてしつこすぎない甘い脂なのでお年寄りでも大丈夫でしょう。 突然、フラッと入ったお店ですが望外に美味しいお店でしたので嬉しさも倍増しました。
I entered the parking lot thinking that it was a Japanese beef restaurant. The name of the store is different, but I'm hungry and I went in. I was immediately passed upstairs. When I went up, I found a retro space like a ramen museum in Yokohama. Not bad. It's a delicious atmosphere. If you look at the menu, you can see anything. Yakiniku, sushi, tempura, seafood, soba, etc. There were quite a few people who seemed to come by law, so I think they are used like Kisoji. This time, I had a Hitachi beef rib grilled rib set. It's a little expensive at 5000 yen for two people. You can get the three kinds of tofu in advance. Especially the seasoning of Japanese mustard flavor from Okara is impressive. Next is the Meita potato salad for lunch. It is a type that you crush and eat potatoes yourself. The last is Calvi. It is a thick and satisfying meat. It's a sweet fat that is soft and not too persistent, so even the elderly will be fine. Suddenly, the restaurant suddenly entered, but it was unexpectedly delicious, so I was more than happy.
さくら on Google

Bring a small child to the store. Which is better, table seat or tatami room? I was asked, so I answered that it was a tatami room and asked me to guide me to the tatami room. After coming close to the seat, he said, "Be careful of your child because your feet are like digging." ... The seat was shaped so that the child might fall. I don't recommend bringing very small children. The seafood bowl material wasn't delicious either. The beef tongue that my companion ate was only grilled with miso. I wonder if there will be a return with the feeling that once I go.
CrossT on Google

Used for lunch, ordered beef tongue cut off miso, delicious with texture and gravy, and the location inside the store is also good
東の姫君 on Google

I use it quite a lot at banquets. There are quite a few things that the food is cold, so it's a shame, but is it safe at a banquet at work in terms of price? It's like that.
ともみん on Google

昔ランチでビュッフェをやっていた時何度か利用し、久々 麦とろ食べたくてランチ伺いました。 コロナのせいか全くシステムが変わっており 普通に注文し1人前持って来てくれます。 お釜で麦ご飯が出てくるのでよそって食べているとご飯多く感じました。 お肉は味濃いめですがワサビを着けて食べたり麦とろご飯が進みます。
I used to use it several times when I was having a buffet for lunch a long time ago, and I visited for lunch because I wanted to eat mugitoro gohan after a long time. The system has changed completely probably because of the corona. You can order it normally and bring it for one person. Mugi-meshi comes out in the kettle, so I felt a lot of rice when I was eating it. The meat has a strong taste, but you can eat it with wasabi or gohan with mugitoro gohan.
rg500gannma suzuki on Google

I used it for lunch. The fish is delicious. There was also a reasonable lunch. The temperature measurement and disinfection were also solid. I was able to pay d.
chie suzu on Google

水戸の偕楽園に行った際に夕食として訪れました。入店時のお店の人の対応は良かったです。コロナ対策もあるのでしょうが注文はタッチパネルでお水も自分でドリンクバーに取りにいくシステムでした。メニューは肉も魚もあり豊富でした。どのセットにも麦飯ととろろがついてて美味しかったです? 私は牛タンシチューのセットと単品で常陸牛のメンチカツをいただきました。牛タンシチューはお肉たっぷりで最後まで熱々で美味しかったです。メンチカツも揚げたてでサクッとして中はジューシーで美味しかったです。ただシチューに味噌汁は…? 汁物ではなくサラダだったら良かったのになと思いました。 それから出来ればお水だけでなくお茶もあれば良かったんだけどな…和風なお店だったし、温かいお茶もあると良かったです。
I visited for dinner when I went to Kairakuen in Mito. The correspondence of the shop staff at the time of entering the shop was good. There may be measures against corona, but the order was a system where the touch panel was used and the water was taken to the drink bar by myself. The menu was rich with meat and fish. Every set had barley rice and grated yam and it was delicious ? I had a set of beef tongue stew and a single item of Hitachi beef minced meat cutlet. The beef tongue stew was full of meat and was hot and delicious until the end. The minced meat cutlet was also freshly fried and crispy, and the inside was juicy and delicious. However, the stew and miso soup ... ? I wish I had a salad instead of a soup. If possible, I wish I had tea as well as water ... It was a Japanese-style shop, and I wish I had hot tea.

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