Miwa Internist and Gastroenterology Clinic Aoi - Nagoya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miwa Internist and Gastroenterology Clinic Aoi

住所 :

M-stage Aoi 1F 2 Chome-14-14 Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 461-0004
Webサイト : http://www.miwaclinic.com/aoi/

M-stage Aoi 1F 2 Chome-14-14 Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0004, Japan
秋山大五論 on Google

歩くのさえつらいレベルの痔になったときに、診察してもらって薬を処方してもらったら、痛みはすぐに治まり痔の再発もありません。(おそらく現在数年経過) 胃の不調でも何度か診察を受けたけど、そっちに関してはあまり改善を感じられず微妙かなぁ?
If you get tired of walking and you get a medical examination and prescribed medicine, your pain will go away immediately and there will be no recurrence of it. (Probably several years now) I was consulted several times even if I had a stomach upset, but I felt that there wasn't much improvement in that regard, so it was subtle?
Takeko Takenoko on Google

体調不良で受診しましたが 聴診や触診もなく、軽く口の中をみて 何故かインフルエンザの検査を進められ 結局、風邪と診断。 薬を飲んでるにもかかわらず、40度の発熱や症状の悪化。 後日、別の病院で診察をしてもらうと 扁桃炎(ヒドめ)と診断され 強めの抗生物質点滴・薬を処方された。 早く帰ってほしい感じが出でいた挙句 誤診までされては、2度と行きません。
I had a medical checkup due to poor physical condition Look at your mouth lightly without auscultation or palpation Somehow I could go on to check for influenza After all, I was diagnosed with a cold. 40 degrees fever and worsening of symptoms despite taking medicine. If you have a medical examination at another hospital at a later date Diagnosed tonsillitis He was prescribed a strong antibiotic drip. I felt like I wanted to go home early If you are misdiagnosed, you will never go again.
akihiko nishi on Google

鼻からカメラ入れて胃検査してもらいまいしたよ〜。 最初不安だったけど、時間まで専用個室?でリラックスできたのはよかった。 しかもポリープがあるし、、、丁寧に説明してくれて安堵>< まぁ、結果として大事にいたらなかったことがよかったよかった。 今回は全然痛くなかったけど、体調によっては鼻の通りが悪く痛いこともあるとか、、、次回も体調整えて挑みます!
I got a camera from my nose and had my stomach checked. I was anxious at first, but is it a private room until time? It was nice to be able to relax. Besides, there is a polyp, and she explained carefully and relieved. Well, I'm glad I didn't care as a result. This time it didn't hurt at all, but depending on my physical condition, my nose may be bad and it hurts.
funk soul brother on Google

内科胃腸科とありますが胃、大腸内視鏡に特化したクリニックだと感じました。来ている方もほぼ内視鏡目当ての様でした。後で調べてわかったのですがこちらは開業医ではなく雇われ医院長の様で数年前に医院長が変わられています。そこが唯一の不安でしたが現、中野医院長はHPを見る限り実績のある方の様です。 私は大腸内視鏡を受けました。案内人の女性がいてその方が当日検査まで面倒を見てくれます。お母さんみたいな?安心感がある方です。テレビとリクライニングチェア、トイレのある狭めの個室で準備が出来るまで待ちました。初めての内視鏡なので他の病院はわかりませんが下剤を飲むのでトイレ付きの控え室は助かりました。 検査前の看護師さんもテキパキしていて、中には緊張をほぐすために声かけてしてくれる方もいました。検査自体は鎮静剤(使うか使わないかは自分で決められます)を使用してもらったこともあると思いますが全く痛くなかったです。 ちなみに私が診て頂いたのは中野医院長でした。 中野医院長以外の先生がいるかは不明です。 医院長も良い方で、検査前の診察ではポジティブな言葉をかけてくれましたし、自分の経験のみでの話になりますが検査が痛くなかったので腕は悪くないのかなと思いました。
There is an internal medicine gastroenterology department, but I felt that it was a clinic specializing in gastric and colonoscopy. The people who came were almost like looking for an endoscope. I found out later that this is not a practitioner but a hired doctor, and the doctor changed a few years ago. That was the only anxiety, but at present, Dr. Nakano seems to have a proven track record as far as I can see from the website. I had a colonoscopy. There is a female guide who will take care of you until the inspection on the day. Like a mom? Those who have a sense of security. I waited until I was ready in a small private room with a TV, reclining chairs and toilet. Since this is my first endoscope, I don't know about other hospitals, but I take laxatives, so the waiting room with a toilet was saved. The nurses before the examination were also very excited, and some of them called out to relieve tension. I think the test itself used a sedative (you can decide whether to use it or not), but it didn't hurt at all. By the way, it was Dr. Nakano who consulted me. It is unknown if there are any teachers other than Dr. Nakano. The director of the clinic was also a good person, and he gave me positive words in the pre-examination examination, and although it was only my own experience, the examination did not hurt, so I thought that my arm was not bad. ..
ねこまんま on Google

何年前か最初に行ったときは先生がすごく感じ悪くて近いからたまにいくぐらいで。 今回胃カメラなど検査でいったら先生最近変わったらしく、素晴らしい先生です。 診察もしっかりお話してもらえるしこちらから色々質問しても嫌な顔せず答えてくれます。 これからはかかりつけ医にしたいと思います。 看護婦さんが凄い優しい人がいて。猫の小物入れを持っていた人!検査の説明してくれて検査怖いなと思ってましたが、説明しっかりして頂き安心しました。
When I first went there a few years ago, the teacher was so uncomfortable that I only went there once in a while. This time, when I went through an examination such as a gastrocamera, the teacher seems to have changed recently, and he is a wonderful teacher. You can talk about the medical examination well, and even if you ask various questions from here, they will answer without a disgusting face. From now on, I would like to become a family doctor. There is a very kind nurse. The person who had the cat accessory case! He explained the inspection and I thought it was scary, but I was relieved that the explanation was solid.
なまこ on Google

The director a few years ago was very uncomfortable. I thought I would never go again, but it seems that the director has replaced another person, so I may go again if I have the opportunity. The nurse was very kind. I was saved by the care of the nurse because of the painful examination of the gastrocamera.
abc yas on Google

大腸内視鏡検査で伺いました、対応もよく無事ポリープ切除できました。取りきれなかった大きめのポリープも連携してくださり大学病院での予約も完了致しました。 ありがとうございました。
I visited by colonoscopy, and I was able to successfully remove the polyp. The large polyp that could not be removed was also cooperated, and the reservation at the university hospital was completed. Thank you very much.
由里子 on Google

胃痛があり初診で行きました。後日胃カメラ検査をしました。初めての胃カメラでちょっと恐怖心もありましたが、看護師さんも先生も優しく対応してくださいました。 その後も数回通院しましたが、先生も質問に丁寧に答えて下さいますし、個人病院あるあるの看護師さんや受付の方のギスギスした雰囲気は無く、何方も気持ちよく対応して下さいます。 かかりつけにしたいと思います。
I had a stomachache and went to the hospital for the first time. I had a gastrocamera examination at a later date. I was a little scared with my first gastrocamera, but the nurses and teachers kindly responded. I went to the hospital several times after that, but the teacher answered the questions politely, and there was no squeaky atmosphere of the nurses and receptionists at the private hospital, so everyone was happy to respond. I would like to make a family.

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