Wada Hospital (Internal Medicine) - Nagoya

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wada Hospital (Internal Medicine)

住所 :

25-5 Imaikeminami, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 464-0851
Webサイト : http://mumingroup.jp/wadanaika/access/index.html

25-5 Imaikeminami, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0851, Japan
滕皓 on Google

Waiting for 1 to 2 hours is normal due to the small number of teachers. I think that there are many cases in which interviews with teachers other than the director are quite moderate.
椋倉 on Google

問診が微妙でした。別の病院を受け直し、結局全然違う症状で処方してもらいました。 診察が信用できません。あまり行くことは勧め出来ません。
The interview was subtle. I went back to another hospital and ended up prescribing with completely different symptoms. I can't trust the consultation. I do not recommend going too much.
Miso Suppe on Google

Waiting for 2 hours when nobody is waiting, consultation is about 1 minute. It was the first time for a doctor with such a bad attitude to be a suitable doctor. I will never go again.
山田太郎 on Google

受付・会計のバ カ 女が最悪 何の説明もなし ど低能のパッパラパー 待合室に客がいないのも納得 知人に聞いたらインフルエンザと診断され、他の病院に行ったら陰性だったそうです
The stupid woman of reception / accounting is the worst, there is no explanation, but the incompetent Papparapa I was convinced that there were no customers in the waiting room. When I asked an acquaintance, I was diagnosed with influenza, and when I went to another hospital, it was negative.
伊藤知子 on Google

家族が入院しましたが、入院病棟の看護師さんはじめスタッフさん達はとても感じの良い方ばかりです。不安なこと、心配なこと、すぐに院長、ケアマネジャーさんが対応してくれます。外部からも定期的に医師を招いていて診断も確かです 入院費も良心的です
My family was hospitalized, but the nurses and staff in the hospital ward are all very pleasant. Anxiety and worries will be dealt with immediately by the director and care manager. The diagnosis is certain by inviting doctors from outside on a regular basis. Hospitalization fee is also conscientious
実香 on Google

以前、1度だけ健診で利用しましたが…建物も古く《THE昭和?》的な病院です? 古いせいか、検査室等が暗い感じでした。 採血してくれた少し年輩の女性✨とても上手で痛みも無くスムーズでした? 問診の先生は⁉️少し爺ちゃん先生⁉️ 建物も先生も、やっぱり✨?✨方がいいかな…? その後からの健診?は変えました?
I used it only once for a medical examination before ... The building is old and it's a "THE Showa ?" hospital ? The examination room was dark, probably because it was old. A little older woman who collected blood ✨ It was very good and painless and smooth ? The interview teacher is ⁉️ a little grandfather ⁉️ I wonder if the building and the teacher should be ✨?✨ ... ? After that, the medical examination ? changed ?
666 44 on Google

絶対に、絶対に行かないほうがいい病院です。 しなくてもよい採血をされ、挙げ句の果てに試験管を目の前で棄てられました。 ドクターなんかいません。耳の悪そうな老人が、10秒くらい話しを聞いてなんにもなしと。こちらは、症状を訴えました。 看護師たちも笑っている、医者も適当、 採血は間違える、全て最低最悪です。 名古屋市に苦情相談します。 インフルエンザの友人はこちらで他の患者がいなかったのにも関わらず30分以上待たされたそうです。会計も、全然呼ばれず自分から聞きに行くと忘れられていたようです。あり得ません。 こんな病院があっていいのでしょうか? とにかく、付近の方も他の病院をお薦めします。なにかあっても笑って謝られて終わりです。
It is a hospital that you should never go to. He had a blood sample that he didn't have to do, and at the end of the test, he dropped his test tube in front of him. There is no doctor. An old man with bad ears listens to the story for about 10 seconds and says nothing. This complained of symptoms. Nurses are laughing, doctors are appropriate, Blood sampling is wrong, all the worst. Consult a complaint with Nagoya City. A friend of the flu has been waiting for more than 30 minutes despite no other patients here. It seems that the accounting was forgotten when he went to hear from himself without being called at all. No way. Is such a hospital acceptable? Anyway, I recommend other hospitals as well. Even if something happens, I laugh and apologize.
石油界“の”ゴリラ on Google

コロナのワクチン接種で行きました。 受付のお姉さんも案内してくれた看護師さんも丁寧で先生もレビューに書かれてる酷い感じでは無かったのですが、接種後の待機時に待機室の看護師さんのが酷すぎた。 接種後にもらったは資料には「会話は控えて〜」と書いてあり、20人程待機してる人は静かに待って居るのに看護師達はゲラゲラ笑いながら喋り、他の患者の話で盛り上がっていた。
I went with a corona vaccination. The nurse who guided me to the receptionist was also polite, and the teacher did not feel terrible as written in the review, but the nurse in the waiting room was too terrible when waiting after inoculation. The material I received after the inoculation says, "Please refrain from talking." The nurses talked with a laugh, while the 20 people were waiting quietly, talking about other patients. It was exciting.

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