Mitsukyo Clinic - Yokohama

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitsukyo Clinic

住所 :

7-1 Mitsukyo, Seya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 246-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 246-0022
Webサイト :

7-1 Mitsukyo, Seya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 246-0022, Japan
ふーりん on Google

ダイエーの横の細道をくだった駐輪場のところにひっそりとあり 見つけにくいですが いいところだと思います
There is a quiet place in the bicycle park where you dropped the narrow road next to Daiei It is hard to find I think that it is a good place
yu_ f on Google

大人になってから水疱瘡にかかり、他の病院で自費負担の数万円するお薬しか処方できないと言われてしまい、無知だったため手持ちが無いため購入できませんとお断りしたところドクターが不機嫌になってしまい解熱剤のロキソニンのみ処方され、免疫力の無いときに服用したせいか副作用で全身が腫れ上がり、呼吸も苦しく、アナフィラキシーのような症状で倒れそうな状態でこちらに診ていただきました。 先生は非常に穏やかで親身になって診てくださり、すぐに点滴などの処置をしてくださり、前の病院で適切なお薬が処方されなかったために身体や顔に残ってしまった水疱瘡の痕を少しでも改善出来るようにと塗薬を処方していただきました。 何より先生をはじめ周りの看護婦さんの優しい雰囲気やお人柄にとても助けられたことを今でも忘れられません。 漢方をお得意とされているようで、その後、鼻炎アレルギーなどでお世話になりましたが、引っ越してしまい通うことが出来なくなってしまったことが残念です。 病院が苦手なのですが、こちらの病院は大好きでした。
When I was an adult, I had chicken pox, and I was told that at other hospitals I could only prescribe drugs that cost tens of thousands of yen at my own expense.Because I was ignorant, I could not buy it because I could not buy it. I was prescribed only the antipyretic loxonin, and because I took it when I was not immune, the whole body swelled due to side effects, my breathing was difficult, and I had a anaphylaxis-like symptom. The doctor was very calm and kind, and immediately treated me with drip and other treatments. I was prescribed an ointment so that the marks could be improved even a little. Above all, I still remember the kindness and personality of the teachers and other nurses around me. He seems to be good at Kampo, and since then he has been taken care of by allergic rhinitis, but I am sorry that I was unable to go because I moved. I'm not good at hospitals, but I loved this one.
まるまる on Google

30分待ちのはずが1時間半待たされました。 こんなに待つなら外出したかったです。
I was supposed to wait for 30 minutes, but I had to wait for an hour and a half. I wanted to go out if I waited so long.
大城知子 on Google

おじちゃん先生だったけど、スゴく親切で丁寧でしたよ。看護師さんも丁寧に説明してくれたり、他の患者さんたちにもスゴく気配りで本当に良かったです。 待ち時間が長かったので、星4つですが、孫の火傷で伺ったのですが、お出掛けしても良いと説明は受けたので、お買い物したりして、時間潰せる方は問題ないと思ういます。 私も時間潰せる事が出来れば良かったのですが、寒いし、雨だっこともあり、待合室に居ましたが、良いと思います。
He was an uncle teacher, but he was kind and polite. It was really nice that the nurse explained me politely and that the other patients were very attentive. Because the waiting time was long, it was 4 stars, but I heard it with my grandson's burn, but I was told that I could go out, so I do not mind if I can go shopping and kill time I think I wish I could kill time, but it was cold and rainy, so I was in the waiting room, but I think it was good.
Tomoko on Google

こちらでは時々皮膚科でお世話になっています。先生はあまりハキハキと喋る方では無いので…診察後に結局何だったの?と思う事があるのですが、でも患者の話を聞いて「これじゃ痒いね」とかボソボソっと同感?して下さるので、口数はものすごく少なめですが、冷たい感じではないです。 こういう感じが苦手な方は合わないかもしれません。
I am sometimes taken care of by dermatologists here. The teacher isn't the one who talks so much ... What was it after the examination? I sometimes think, but when I hear the patient's story, do you agree with it like "Itching?" The number of words is extremely small, but it doesn't feel cold. Those who are not good at this kind of feeling may not fit.
*わたあめ* on Google

おばぁちゃんのかかりつけの病院ですがとても優しくていいと思います! おばぁちゃんが病院の中に居るのは苦手なので待ち時間の時買い物をしたり出来るのでとても良いです! 私も通う時があるんですがいつも優しくして くれて私の嫌いな奴の事も分かってくれてます! 本とかテレビもあったりするから待ち時間の時暇つぶし出来てとても良いです? ここの病院は皆さんにおすすめします?
It's my aunt's family hospital, but I think it's very kind! My aunt is not good at staying in the hospital, so it's very good because she can shop while waiting! I sometimes go there, but always be kind He knows who I hate! There are books and TV, so it's great to be able to kill time while waiting ? I recommend this hospital to everyone ?
小野仁聖 on Google

The teacher is unique, but that is what makes him attractive. I go to shoot allergy injections every year, and some people may feel blunt, but please look for something that suits me. When I was in kindergarten, my daughters were also tested for allergies, but the nurses also devised various things, and I was able to leave it to them with confidence. I'm not in the service industry, so I feel that I'm serious about my work, and I like it. I used to go there before I got married, but it's been over 10 years since I got married, but it's been a long time ago, but I still go there because I want my teacher to see it. The doctor at the hospital is not Esper, so I don't think Mr. Hatsumi can communicate with him at all. Even so, even for patients like me who come only once a year, the teacher remembers me and also examines my child. It's far, but I have reported it to the school as a family doctor. Efforts to convey from the patient side, important things that we want you to understand, and since we are human beings, it is difficult to take any steps from the first look. I saw an anti-review ... It's important to have a family doctor. I tought.
ペコP on Google

日曜日に火傷で受診しました。 受診するなんて、ちょっと大袈裟かな?と思って受付の方に伺った所、自宅から遠く、何度か通う必要がある事も考慮して、大変良くしてくださり、涙が出るほど嬉しかったです。 ずっと冷やしていて気が付かなかったのですが、冷やすのを止めるとびっくりするくらい痛く、水ぶくれもあったので、受診しておいて、よかったです。 本当にありがとうございました!
I had a burn on Sunday. Is it a little exaggerated to see a doctor? When I asked the receptionist, I was so happy that he made me very happy, considering that I was far from my home and had to go there several times. I didn't notice it because it had been chilled for a long time, but when I stopped chilling it was surprisingly painful and there were blisters, so I'm glad I had a medical examination. I'm really thankful to you!

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