パンアンドカフェ アメリ

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パンアンドカフェ アメリ

住所 :

Mitoyo, 〒767-0004 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
街 : Kagawa

Mitoyo, 〒767-0004 Kagawa,Japan
K R on Google

Very rarely, my work is closed on weekdays, so I go to buy it, but it's always closed and I haven't tried it.
ちゅーりっぷ on Google

どれも美味しいです。 デニッシュはサクサク ハード系もずっしり中はもっちりで 満足できます
All are delicious. Danish pastry is crispy The hardware system is also solid inside I can be satisfied
メルシーグラシュー on Google

美味しそうなパンがたくさん。 駐車場はお店の前に5台ほど? 日曜休みなので行くときは注意。
Lots of delicious bread. Is there about 5 parking lots in front of the store? Be careful when you go because it is closed on Sundays.
1971あでぃだすお on Google

カリフォルニアのオレンジカウンティにありそうなパン屋さんです。 店内には様々なアンティークをさり気なく飾ってたりします。個人的にはイートインのベンチソファのバーガンディの色目、シワの使い方なんかもうこれ心にググっと興奮しますよ!。
A bakery that seems to be in Orange County, California. Various antiques are casually displayed in the store. Personally, I'm really excited about the burgundy color of the eat-in bench sofa and how to use wrinkles! .
yasuaki t on Google

おしゃれな店内にイートインコーナーもあります。 パンの味はもちろん種類も多く、価格も比較的安いのでオススメです。
There is also an eat-in corner in the fashionable store. Of course, there are many types of bread, and the price is relatively low, so it is recommended.
うどんI have a on Google

The egg sandwich here was fierce, but I haven't seen it recently. Did you stop making it? I want you to be resurrected. The bread is delicious so you can make it yourself, but anyway, I want you to make it again
Kagwa of Kid on Google

The bread, muffins and tarts were all delicious. There is a space where you can eat and drink in the shop. There are many types of ice cream and I'm curious. Come next time. It is a fashionable shop with a nice atmosphere.
Marjorie Plenge on Google

Coffee and boulangerie ?

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