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Contact 仙台空港北クリニック

住所 :

Mitazono, Natori, 〒981-1217 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87979
Webサイト : https://gamo.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Miyagi

Mitazono, Natori, 〒981-1217 Miyagi,Japan
kaz oh on Google

こないだインフルエンザワクチンを打ちに行きましたが、多分、地域最安値?2500円でした。先生が地域貢献に熱い方で、名取の指定されたお店のレシートを持参すると、さらに500円引きとか!? いまどき素晴らしい病院だなと思いました? 発熱して、他の病院では診察してもらえない時に行きましたが、すごく丁寧に対応、診察してもらいました。入り口が発熱者用と2箇所あり、特に感染症などは、この病院は最適だと思いました。
I went to get the flu vaccine, but maybe it's the lowest price in the area? It was 2500 yen. If the teacher is enthusiastic about contributing to the community and brings the receipt of the shop designated by Natori, you can get an additional 500 yen discount! ? I thought it was a wonderful hospital nowadays ? I had a fever and went to another hospital when I couldn't see him, but he responded very politely and had me see him. There are two entrances, one for fever, and I thought this hospital was the best for infectious diseases.
門脇健 on Google

新しくてとても綺麗なクリニックです。 各種コード決済やクレジットカード、電子マネー決済に対応していて助かります。 発熱症状有無で入口を分けていたり、CO2センサーがあり換気が十分にされているか確認できるのも安心できました。
It's a new and very beautiful clinic. It is helpful to support various code payments, credit cards, and electronic money payments. I was relieved that the entrance was divided according to the presence or absence of fever symptoms, and that there was a CO2 sensor to check whether ventilation was sufficient.
h shun on Google

I was introduced to the PCR test by the health center in charge of Iwanuma City, and I was told that more than one person could not receive it from the general clinic. If you don't get a referral, you won't be able to take the PCR test. " The worst clinics, Sekinoshita General Clinic and Sendai Airport North Clinic, don't want to do PCR tests, so you should stop relying on this hospital for corona.
men kabu on Google

先生とかの対応は親切だし良いと思いますが、発熱外来の待ち時間が長過ぎます。 車で行ってるなら良いですが、徒歩とか自転車で行った場合は外で待ってるしかないです。 先日受診の際は2時間以上待たされました。 お忙しいのは分かりますが、検査するのはお医者さん1人なんでしょうか?一般外来も発熱外来も両方をお一人でやってるなら時間かかるでしょうね。 他に検査できるスタッフは居ないのですか?
I think it's nice to have a kind response from the teacher, but the waiting time for the fever outpatient department is too long. If you go by car, it's fine, but if you go on foot or by bicycle, you have to wait outside. I had to wait for more than 2 hours when I visited the clinic the other day. I know you're busy, but is it the only doctor to inspect? It will take time if you do both general outpatient and fever outpatient alone. Is there any other staff who can inspect?
もも on Google

とにかく先生が信頼できます。 話を遮ることなくしっかりと患者の話を聞いて 一つ一つしっかり不安を取り除く説明をして頂けます。 おごった態度なども一切ない本当に良い先生です。 会計の方の雰囲気が少しこのクリニックでは浮いてますが 先生含め他の方々の雰囲気が良いので 悪目立ちしているだけで 他でよく見る態度の悪い人はいません。
Anyway, I can trust the teacher. Listen to the patient without interrupting the story You can explain how to get rid of anxiety one by one. He is a really good teacher with no unpleasant attitude. The atmosphere of the accounting person is a little floating in this clinic, Because the atmosphere of other people including the teacher is good Just because it stands out badly No one else has a bad attitude.
sa sa on Google

高熱があり、ネットで調べた上で受診しました。 結果はコロナ陽性だったのですが、先にPCR検査をしてからでは無く、 ちゃんと最初に診察してくれました。 診察も先生が一方的に話すのでは無くしっかりと話を聞いて 説明もしてくれました。(論理的な話し方で私にはとてもあっていました。) 診察をしてもらえたのでおかげ様で症状にあった緩和出来る薬を処方いただき、その後の療養期間も大分楽に過ごす事が出来ました。 仙台周辺でこのような対応をしてくれる医療施設はほとんど心当たりがないので、とてもおすすめのクリニックです。
I had a high fever, so I checked it online before going to the clinic. The result was corona positive, but not after the PCR test first. He was the first to see me properly. In the medical examination, the teacher does not talk unilaterally, but listens to the story firmly. He also explained. (It was a logical way of speaking and it suits me very well.) Thanks to the medical examination, I was able to prescribe a medicine that could relieve my symptoms, and I was able to spend the rest of my medical treatment in Oita comfortably. I have almost no idea of ​​medical facilities around Sendai that can handle this kind of thing, so I highly recommend this clinic.
taro nao on Google

初めて診察してもらうにあたり、内科認定医、呼吸器専門医、産業医、医学博士など様々な資格を所持していることもポイントになりました。 駐車場は広く、院内も綺麗でした。 また、発熱専用入口やCO2モニターなど呼吸器専門医の先生のこだわりも良かったです。 診察は単に症状だけを伝えるのではなく、科学的(医学的)な根拠に基づく説明もわかりやすかったです。 事務的には電子マネーやネット予約に対応しており、効率的な点も良かったです。 と上記ように最新技術を駆使していますがそれだけではなく、ホームページからもわかるように先生の地元や医療への熱い思いが感じることができる点も素敵でした。
It was also important to have various qualifications such as a certified internal medicine doctor, a respiratory specialist, an industrial physician, and a doctor of medicine when getting a medical examination for the first time. The parking lot was large and the hospital was clean. In addition, the attention of the respiratory specialists such as the fever entrance and CO2 monitor was also good. The examination did not just convey the symptoms, but the explanation based on scientific (medical) grounds was also easy to understand. In terms of office work, it supports electronic money and online reservations, and it was also good that it was efficient. As mentioned above, I make full use of the latest technology, but not only that, but as you can see from the homepage, it was also wonderful that I could feel the teacher's passion for the hometown and medical care.
あい“あいあい”あい on Google

発熱した当日にpcr検査を受けることができ、不安が打ち消され非常に助かりました! 16時までに受けるとその日のうちに結果が分かります。Webで予約もできました。予約時間に敷地内の駐車場に停めた車の中で待っていて、病院電話がかかってきたら入るという方式です。建物の構造からこだわっており、徹底した感染対策だと思いました。 もしコロナではないとしたら、逆に感染の不安もあったのですが、その心配はいりませんでした。ちなみに陰性でした。 説明がわかりやすく簡潔で、誠実なお医者さんでした。ありがとうございました。 知り合いが発熱したらおすすめしたいです。
I was able to undergo a pcr test on the day of the fever, and my anxiety was canceled and it was very helpful! If you receive it by 16:00, you will know the result on the same day. I was able to make a reservation on the web. It is a method of waiting in the car parked in the parking lot on the premises at the reserved time and entering when a hospital call comes in. I was particular about the structure of the building, and I thought it was a thorough infection control measure. If it wasn't Corona, I was worried about getting infected, but I didn't have to worry about it. By the way, it was negative. The explanation was easy to understand, concise, and a sincere doctor. Thank you very much. I would like to recommend it if an acquaintance has a fever.

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