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Contact たくや整体院

住所 :

Mitake, Morioka, 〒020-0122 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://takuya-seikotsu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8AM–5PM
Monday 8:15AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:15AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:15AM–12PM
街 : Iwate

Mitake, Morioka, 〒020-0122 Iwate,Japan
#family a-tyan on Google

I wonder what. It's good. It's good anyway ? Something doesn't change dramatically, but it does feel like it's changing. Teacher, I am good at listening ? Please report any problems that you can not speak well!
Anna belle on Google

不妊症から、妊娠することができました! 自律神経失調症により、不妊に悩み、不妊治療に通っていました。しかし病院では、ただただホルモン補充をする治療で、量が増えれば副作用も出て、根本的な解決になる治療ではないと感じていました。そこで、自分で選び、たくや先生にお世話になることにしました。半年通い無事に妊娠することができました。 先生は、よく研修会に足を運んで勉強されており、安心して治療をお任せできましたし、アドバイスをたくさんいただきました。妊活だけではなく、今後、健康的な人生を送る参考にさせていただきます。 本当にありがとうございました。
I was able to get pregnant from infertility! I was suffering from infertility due to autonomic dystonia and I went to infertility treatment. However, in the hospital, it was just a treatment to replace hormone, and I felt that it was not a treatment that would be a fundamental solution because the side effects came out as the amount increased. Therefore, I decided to make my own choice and to be indebted to the teacher. I was able to get pregnant successfully for half a year. The teacher was often studying at the workshop, and I was able to leave the treatment in peace, and received a lot of advice. Not only in pregnancy but in the future, I will be helpful to live a healthy life. I'm really thankful to you.
小林誠 on Google

人の気持ちが分かる藤嶋先生は、向上心のかたまりです。 毎月自律神経などのセミナーに上京され、セミナーでの立ち振る舞いは、参加している先生の中で誰もが一目を置く存在です。 整体だけでなく、心理の勉強もされている藤嶋先生から大いなる刺激を受け、お互いに切磋琢磨できる先生です。 もし私が患者の立場であれば、これほど頼もしい先生が主治医であることに安心感を持ち続けられます。 病院で異常なし、なかなか思うように良くなっていかない現状に困っている方。 藤嶋先生の治療テクニックの確かさはもちろん、その人柄に触れれば、あなたもきっと光明が見えてくると思います。 おすすめの先生です。
Professor Fujishima, who understands people's feelings, is a group of aspirations. Every month, he goes to Tokyo for seminars such as autonomic nerves, and the behavior at the seminar is something that everyone in the participating teachers pays attention to. Mr. Fujishima, who is studying psychology as well as manipulative treatment, is a teacher who can work hard with each other. If I am a patient, I can rest assured that such a reliable teacher is my doctor. Those who are in trouble with the current situation where there is no abnormality at the hospital and it does not improve as expected. Not to mention the certainty of Dr. Fujishima's treatment technique, if you touch his personality, you will surely be able to see the light. Recommended teacher.
堀川雅紀 on Google

The director is one of the best in the world in terms of knowledge and technique. It is a manipulative clinic that I definitely recommend.
wakae ookuma seitai on Google

藤嶋先生とは 同じ手技などの勉強会でご一緒させていただいております。 実際に私も先生の施術を受けさせていただいております。 勉強熱心でとても尊敬できる先生です。 特に自律神経でお悩みの方は どうぞ 藤嶋先生にご相談ください。 心と体の両方からアプローしてくださる数少ない先生です。 私が自信を持ってオススメいたします。
What is Professor Fujishima We will be together at a study session on the same technique. Actually, I am also being treated by my teacher. A teacher who is enthusiastic about studying and can be highly respected. Especially if you are worried about autonomic nerves here you go Please talk to Professor Fujishima. He is one of the few teachers who can approach from both the mind and body. I will recommend it with confidence.
sasaki e on Google

起立性調節障害の子供と、うつ様症状があった私と親子で自律神経症状コースに通わせて頂きました。子供は今現在毎日元気に学校へ通い体調が悪くなる事は無くなりました。やる気が出なくて毎日体が重かった私も施術、カウンセリング、グループワーク等を通して体の調子も良くなり前向きに過ごす事が出来る様になりました。たくや先生には本当に感謝しています。ありがとうございます! これまで色んな整体、カイロ、鍼等行きましたが、施術の際のたくや先生の手は、手から何か出しているんじゃないかと思うくらい温かくていつも不思議でした。 心から信頼して頼れる先生なので体や心のメンテナンスが必要な時には、これからもお世話になりたいと思っています。
I attended an autonomic nervous symptom course with a child with orthostatic dysregulation, myself who had depression-like symptoms, and my parents. Nowadays, my child goes to school every day and is no longer sick. I was not motivated and was heavy every day, but through treatments, counseling, group work, etc., my physical condition improved and I was able to spend my time positively. I am really grateful to Mr. Takuya. Thank you! I've been to various manipulative treatments, body warmers, acupuncture, etc., but it was always strange that Takuya's hands were warm enough to think that something was coming out of his hands. As a teacher who I can trust and rely on from the bottom of my heart, I would like to continue to take care of me when I need to maintain my body and mind.
tomo on Google

子供が小学2年生の3学期から突然目がくらくらしだし、床が上に上がってきたり周りの風景が傾いて見えるなど、学校を早退したり休んだりしていました。病院にも何度か行き検査をしてもらいましたが何も原因が分からず酷くなっていくばかりでした。どうしていいか分からずネットで症状を検索していたらたくや整骨院が目にとまり、迷わず予約をして診て頂きました。 現在6回施術して頂きましたが2回の施術であまりくらくらすると言わなくなり、今はほぼ言わなくなりました。学校も休むことなく早退もしなくなり本人もくらくらするのが怖いと言わなくなり元気に通っています。 先生は親身になって話を聞いてくださり、優しく丁寧なので子供も安心して診て頂いています^_^ たくや整骨院に出会えて本当に感謝感謝です。 このような症状でお困りの方がいらしたら是非是非たくや整骨院に足を運んで下さい‼︎
From the third semester of the second grade of elementary school, my child suddenly became dazzled, and the floor was rising up and the surrounding scenery seemed to be tilted, so I left school early or took a rest. I went to the hospital several times and had them inspected, but I couldn't find the cause and it just got worse. I didn't know what to do, and when I was searching for symptoms on the internet, Takuya Osteopathic Clinic caught my eye, and I made an appointment without hesitation. Currently, I have had 6 treatments, but I no longer say that I feel too dizzy after 2 treatments, and now I almost never say it. I don't have to take a break from school, I don't leave early, and I'm not afraid of being dizzy, so I'm doing well. The teacher is kind and listens to me, and since he is kind and polite, my children can see me with confidence ^ _ ^ Thank you so much for meeting Takuya Osteopathic Institute. If you have any problems with these symptoms, please come visit us at Takuya Osteopathic Institute! ︎
tm ITO on Google

高校生の子供がお世話になっています。 急に学校に行けなくなり、人が怖くなって、鬱症状もあった為病院にも通っていましたが、あまりお薬に頼りたくない思いもあり色々探していた所に友人から紹介してもらい予約したのがきっかけです。 先生は温厚な方でとても話しやすく、その時その時に応じたアドバイスを下さるので、親の私にも子供にも無理なくその時を過ごすことができました。親子で悩んでいただけでは偏った考えだったところを先生にこういう考えもあるよ、と言っていただけた日もありました。 正直、初めの頃は出口が見えず途方に暮れていた日もありましたが、こちらに通う度通う度子供の表情が明るくなるのがわかりました。 不登校になって2ヶ月過ぎた頃に通い始め、今まで通ったのは約半年程になりますが、最近では先生に施術をして頂いている最中朗らかな声が聞こえてくるようにもなりました。 こんな日が来るんだな。としみじみ思います。 そんな日が来るのか?としか思えなかった、予約したあの日の私に言ってあげたいと思います。 大丈夫!と。 これからは月1でメンテナンスをしてもらいながら、何かあったらたくや先生に相談しよう、と思って心強く居ります。どうぞ引き続きよろしくお願いします!
High school children are indebted. Suddenly I couldn't go to school, I was scared of people, and I went to the hospital because I had depression. I made a reservation. The teacher was mild-mannered and very easy to talk to, and he gave me advice according to the time, so I was able to spend the time comfortably for both my parents and my children. There was a day when the teacher told me that I had a biased idea just because I was worried about my parents and children. To be honest, there were days when I was at a loss because I couldn't see the exit at the beginning, but every time I went there, I found that my child's facial expression became brighter. I started going to school about two months after I was absent from school, and I have been going to school for about half a year now, but recently I can hear the cheerful voice of the teacher. Also became. Such a day will come. I'm sorry. Will such a day come? I just thought, I would like to tell me that day when I made a reservation. Fine! When. From now on, I'm reassured that I'll have the maintenance done on the 1st of the month, and if something goes wrong, I'll talk to my teacher. Thank you for your continued support!

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