Takamatsuharikyu Acupuncture - Morioka

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Takamatsuharikyu Acupuncture

住所 :

田村ビル A 4 Chome-18-30 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate 020-0102, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89897
Postal code : 020-0102
Webサイト : http://www.takamatuseikotu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 1–9PM
Tuesday 1–9PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 1–9PM
Friday 1–9PM

田村ビル A 4 Chome-18-30 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate 020-0102, Japan
うたおに on Google

With a very gentle atmosphere, I was able to do my first experience with ease (^ ^) Before the pain gets worse, let's go.
1000 Cheers on Google

瞼のアンバランスが解消!電気で目元のシワも減り大満足 今まで整体を渡り歩いてましたが、これからはここに決めます
Eliminates eyelid imbalance! Electricity reduces wrinkles around the eyes and is very satisfying I used to walk around manipulative treatment, but from now on I will decide here
黒田典久 on Google

When I was looking for manipulative treatment in Morioka city, my friend recommended me. The story of autonomic nerves was very interesting. By adjusting the autonomic nerves, my physical condition has gradually improved. it's recommended.
板倉隆太 on Google

重度の肩こりで、こちらで針をやってもらいました。 針は痛いものだと思っていましたが、ほとんど何も感じず気づいたら刺さっているという感じでした。 ただ、やはり施術後は肩のこりが本当に軽くなってやって良かったなと思います。
I had a severe stiff shoulder and had a needle done here. I thought the needle was painful, but I felt almost nothing and when I noticed it, I felt like I was stuck. However, I'm glad that the stiff shoulders really became lighter after the treatment.
小林よね子 on Google

The teacher's arm was too painful for her neck to be examined. It ’s really amazing. I rush when my shoulders, hips, head and eyes ache. I also had the pressure training done on a one-on-one basis.
tammy iwa on Google

ぎっくり腰になった時間は 駆け込みます。他の整体では 治らなくても ここで先生に電気鍼をしてもらうと 3日くらいで動けるようになります。休日や夜もやっているし、クレジットカード払いやPaypayも使えるので助かります。
I rush to the time when I have a tight back. Even if other manipulative treatments do not heal, if you ask the teacher to do electric acupuncture here, you will be able to move in about 3 days. I do it on holidays and at night, and I can use credit card payment and Paypay, which is helpful.
Mimimi Sasaso on Google

1番信用できる整骨院です。どこの整骨院が良いのか分からないと言う方は、ぜひ一度行ってみて下さい。後悔することはないと思います。 ストレートネックで腰痛・肩こり・首の痛みが酷く、そのせいで吐気を伴う頭痛や手先の痺れがあり受診。針治療で一発で改善しました。しかし先生が言うにはそこまで酷くなる前に、定期的に通い電気治療などをしたほうが良いとのこと。同じ症状がある方はぜひ一度受診してみてください( ´ ` )
It is the most reliable osteopathic clinic. If you don't know which osteopathic clinic is best for you, please go there. I don't think I will regret it. The straight neck caused severe back pain, stiff shoulders, and neck pain, which caused headaches with nausea and numbness in the hands. It improved with acupuncture in one shot. However, the teacher says that it is better to go to the clinic regularly for electrical treatment before it gets so bad. If you have the same symptoms, please visit us once (´ `)

肩の痛み等があり偶然こちらの整骨院を見つけて来院しました。ハリや電気治療で痛みも解消し今では日常生活も過ごしやすくなりました。スタッフの皆さんが明るく話しやすいためリラックスして通院できています! 説明も丁寧でおすすめの整骨院です。
I happened to find this osteopathic clinic because of shoulder pain and so on. The pain was relieved by the tension and electric treatment, and now it is easier to spend my daily life. The staff are cheerful and easy to talk to, so I can relax and go to the hospital! The explanation is also polite and it is a recommended osteopathic clinic.

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