Mister Donut - Sakai

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About Mister Donut


iOS 13.0以降(iPhone)
Android 9.0以降(Android搭載スマートフォン)



Contact Mister Donut

住所 :

泉北パンジョショップ 2F 1 Chome-3-1 Chayamadai, Minami Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 590-0115
Webサイト : https://www.misterdonut.jp/

泉北パンジョショップ 2F 1 Chome-3-1 Chayamadai, Minami Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0115, Japan
Kazu Maeda on Google

I often go. It's often crowded.
makoto i on Google

カフェオレ美味しかったです 店員さんも愛想良くて… 良いお店ですね~
Cafe au lait was delicious The clerk is also friendly... It's a good store~
前田ゆた on Google

車椅子の家族と行ったのですが、席と壁の間の幅が狭く通れずに、パンジョの中からは入れませんでした。一度外に出てから入ったのですが、扉が開いた状態で止まらないタイプで入るまでに時間がかかりました。 テーブルも汚れており、他の店に行きました。
I went with my family in a wheelchair, but I couldn't get in from the panjo because the width between the seat and the wall was too narrow to pass through. I entered after going out once, but it took time to enter with the type that does not stop with the door open. The table was dirty and I went to another store.
dog's Treasure on Google

I bought angel cream but it didn't contain any cream inside. It's the worst.
原一弥 on Google

I don't go to Senboku so much, so after I went to Takashimaya, I went round and round and arrived again! I ordered Pon de Ring, French cruller and iced coffee, and I think it was a little over 500 yen!
なかじまかずみ on Google

平日の昼間でも利用者は、比較的多い。 コーヒー、カフェオレのお代わりは自分で店頭の店員に声を掛けないともらえない。
The number of users is relatively large even during the daytime on weekdays. As a substitute for coffee and cafe au lait, you have to talk to the clerk at the store yourself.
ひみつまつ on Google

It's crowded so I think it will be delicious. I stayed too long and enjoyed the feeling of a gal.
cat neko on Google

ドーナツを自分でトングで取るのではなく、店員さんに言って取ってもらうスタイル。店内に狭いトイレがあります。(男女兼用。) フリーWi-Fiがありませんので、これから導入されるといいな。
Instead of picking the donuts yourself with tongs, the clerk tells you to pick them up. There is a small toilet in the store. (unisex.) There is no free Wi-Fi, so I hope it will be introduced in the future.

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