
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三朝温泉

住所 :

Misasa, Tōhaku District, 〒682-0123 Tottori,Japan

Webサイト : https://misasaonsen.jp/
街 : Tottori

Misasa, Tōhaku District, 〒682-0123 Tottori,Japan
石垣島アドベンチャーフォトKIBOU KOUICHI on Google

Good old hot spring town at a famous hot spring
zhenshu MM on Google

古き時代を感じさせる温泉街です。 ずっと以前行ったときにはほぼ通り過ぎるだけだったので、今度行く機会があれば数日のんびりとしてみたいです。
It is a hot spring town that makes you feel the old days. When I went there a long time ago, I almost passed by, so if I have a chance to go next time, I would like to relax for a few days.
谷一 on Google

今回は前に買ったお酒が美味しかったのでお酒を買いに来ました。近くには温泉があるのですが今日の目的はお酒だったのでお風呂セットを持たずに来ました。けどやっぱり近くに来たら気が変わり入りたくなったので7回目たまわり湯さんへ行く事に。近くにたまわり湯さんの駐車場があるのですが、止めて外に出たらロン毛の男の人がいきなり手ぶらで何しとるんや?手ぶらやなくポケットに財布は入ってたけど、ここはたまわり湯の駐車場じゃないんですか?(は?)お前ら手ぶらやろ? 初対面でこんな常識のない人がこの街にいたのか。それも良さそうな年齢。 たまわり湯にタオルも売ってるし?なぜそんないい方をされないといけないのか?ここは元々私有地なんやって。観光客には関係ない。専用の番号に止めたにも関わらずめちゃくちゃ不愉快。けどその人以外はとても良い人達ばかり。お酒も美味しいし温泉も何軒か行ったけど対応は凄く良い。 けどその人のせいで帰るお客さんもいると思う。この世の中。観光客相手に頑張ってる商店街にあんな人居たらもったいない。今日は数ヶ月ぶりに最低な人に出会った。二度と関わりたくない。今度は文句言われたら警察呼んでやるわ。
This time, the sake I bought before was delicious, so I came to buy it. There is a hot spring nearby, but today's purpose was alcohol, so I came without a bath set. But after all, when I came near, I wanted to change my mind, so I decided to go to Tamakiyu for the 7th time. There is a parking lot for Mr. Tamawariyu nearby, but when I stop and go outside, what does a long-haired man suddenly take empty-handed? I had a wallet in my pocket without empty hands, but isn't this the parking lot for the hot springs? (What?) Are you empty-handed? Was there such an unconventional person in this town for the first time? That seems to be a good age. Do you sell towels for Tamawari hot water? Why do you have to be such a good person? What was originally private land here? Not relevant to tourists. It's really unpleasant even though I stopped at a dedicated number. But other than that person, there are only very good people. The sake is delicious and I went to several hot springs, but the correspondence is very good. But I think there are some customers who go home because of that person. The world. It would be a waste to have such a person in a shopping district that is working hard for tourists. I met the worst person today for the first time in a few months. I don't want to get involved again. I'll call the police this time if I get complained.
じん on Google

昭和のレトロ感 満載!! 私はすごく好きです、ノスタルジックで風情ある町並みです 「千と千尋の神隠し」みたいな雰囲気 川辺に真っ裸で丸見えの人が たくさん入浴されていました!! 橋の上から本当に丸見え(^q^) 度胸がある方は是非!!
Full of Showa retro feeling! !! I really like it, it's a nostalgic and quaint townscape Atmosphere like "Spirited Away" A naked and full-blown person on the riverside I was taking a lot of baths! !! Really visible from the top of the bridge (^ q ^) If you have courage, come on! !!
nico s on Google

開湯約850 年。日本遺産にも認定されています。「湯に浸かり3日目の朝を迎える頃には病が消える」といわれるラドン泉の名湯。湯治客も多い。 温泉街は浴衣で街歩きしながら射的や甘酒を楽しむのも乙。 縁結びの名所「恋谷橋」はカップルに人気です。
It has been about 850 years since the hot spring was opened. It is also certified as a Japanese heritage site. The famous hot spring of Radon spring, which is said to be "the disease disappears by the time you soak in the hot water and reach the morning of the third day." There are also many hot spring guests. In the hot spring town, you can enjoy shooting and amazake while walking around the town in a yukata. The matchmaking spot "Koiyabashi" is popular with couples.
k on Google

There was a hot but free footbath. There were many people because I went to the festival day a few years ago.
双見 on Google

無料の立派な足指や、30分か一時間だったか(失念)無料のパーキングまであって、すごく親切! わたしは、行った日、温泉に入れない状態だったので、足湯を利用して大満足!! ちょうど、ここに来る前に鳥取砂丘に行っていて、なーんか足がむず痒い感じがしたから、ちょうど良かった。(掛け湯はしましたよ・汗)足をぽちゃんと湯船につけて5分も経ったら、額から汗が吹き出してきた。運転で、疲れていた足も楽になりましたよ。? 感謝。
Very kind, with good toes for free and free parking for 30 minutes or an hour (forgot)! I was in a state where I couldn't enter the hot spring on the day I went, so I was very satisfied with the footbath! !! I had been to the Tottori Sand Dunes before coming here, and I felt itchy on my legs, so it was just right. (I did the hot water, sweat) After 5 minutes of putting my feet in the bathtub, sweat came out from my forehead. Driving has eased my tired legs. ? Thank you.
Jo Jo on Google

無料足湯や、川沿いに無料公衆浴場がある。 (男女混浴、更衣室無) 商店街あり。 昭和レトロを感じれる温泉街。 観光案内所は建物やパンフレットが充実している。 大しめ縄を持って商店街を練りあるくお祭りが有名。
There is a free footbath and a free public bath along the river. (Mixed bathing for men and women, no changing room) There is a shopping street. A hot spring town where you can feel the Showa retro style. The tourist information center is full of buildings and pamphlets. It is famous for the festival of kneading the shopping street with a large rope.

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