Minmaya Yasuragi Park - Higashitsugaru District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minmaya Yasuragi Park

住所 :

Minmaya Higashimachi, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori 030-1737, Japan

Postal code : 030-1737
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Minmaya Higashimachi, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru District, Aomori 030-1737, Japan
kenichi Chiba on Google

I was able to play with my children for private use and also had an auto camp. The slide is big and interesting.
柏倉繁美 on Google

I think it's a good place to have a camp and slides and other things that can be enjoyed by the family ? I went about 26 times, but I've only seen one family who came to play ?
原田祐治(はらちゃん) on Google

Suitable for exercise, walks, etc.
喜藤貴志 on Google

小泊ダムへと続く林道の手前にあり、全面が芝生で、周りの設備もよく整備された非常に綺麗で静かな公園です。 ただし、夏場は つなぎ と言うブヨの様な虫が大量にいて、刺されるとメチャクチャ腫れて痛いです。 防虫対策を忘れずに!
Located in front of the forest road leading to Kodomari Dam, it is a very beautiful and quiet park where the entire surface is lawn and the surrounding facilities are well maintained. However, in the summer, there are a large number of gnat-like insects called tsunagi, and when stabbed, it swells and hurts. Don't forget insect repellent!
Kazu T on Google

穴場スポットです!! 山の空気に包まれて川の流れる音を聞きながらゆっくり過ごしたい時に最高の場所です
It's a little-known spot! !! It is the best place when you want to spend a relaxing time listening to the sound of the river surrounded by the mountain air.
hodade kaibashira on Google

A park with a feeling of ruins. Surrounded by mountains, it is a very large and refreshing park.
妖怪人間残念丸 on Google

トイレは綺麗で立派で、全く問題なし。 簡素な流し台、小さなカマド付きです。 やがて芝刈り機に乗りながら管理人らしき人がやってきて、何か注意されるのかと思った。しかし話をすると いつまで居るのかを聞かれたが、夜間、利用者が居なければこの管理棟を閉めておくのだと言う。 泊まりですよと伝えると、トイレを開けておくよ、と言い、芝刈り作業を終えて何処かに消えていった……。 このオートキャンプサイトの作りはチョッと拙いです(-_-;) テントを張る場所が極端に小さいですよ・・・Σ(゚д゚lll) まぁ、自分のように小さなテントであれば何とでもなりますが、ファミリーでの大きなテントではお隣さんとの距離が近すぎる。 ソロ向きかな? 熊が出ないことを夜空に祈りながら、楽しみました。
The toilet is clean and nice, no problem at all. Comes with a simple sink and a small kamado. Eventually, while riding the lawn mower, a person who seemed to be a caretaker came and wondered if something should be noted. But when I talk I was asked how long I would stay, but he said that at night, if there were no users, this administration building would be closed. When I told him I was staying, he told me to keep the toilet open, and after finishing the lawn mowing work, it disappeared somewhere ... The making of this auto camp site is a bit poor (-_-;) The place to put up a tent is extremely small ... Σ (゚ д ゚ lll) Well, any small tent like myself can do anything, but a big family tent is too close to your neighbors. Is it suitable for solo ? I enjoyed praying for the bears in the night sky.
Katu ousugi on Google

穴場です!! 側に川が流れているので山のキャンプに最高です。
It's a little-known spot !! The river runs to the side, so it's great for mountain camps.

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