Minkankyukyu Ariyoshikaigo Taxis - Chiba

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minkankyukyu Ariyoshikaigo Taxis

住所 :

11-20 Oyuminoariyoshi, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 266-0034
Webサイト : https://ariyoshi-nursing.com/

11-20 Oyuminoariyoshi, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0034, Japan
フミヨウエダ on Google

もろひと on Google

井口千恵子 on Google

Kind, polite and safe driving is very, very helpful. I will ask you again next time
日々精進 on Google

母の病院への通院を主にお願しておりました いろいろ相談にのっていただき対応も的確で安心して頼むことができましたし、信頼のおける方です私の友人もお世話になっていて 「良い方を紹介いただいてありがたい」と申しておりました 介護タクシーのプロとして安心してお任せできます
My main request was to visit my mother's hospital. I was able to ask for various consultations, and I was able to ask for accurate and reliable support, and I am a reliable person. "I am grateful for the good people introduced," and as a nursing care taxi professional, you can leave it with confidence.
山方ゆみ on Google

義母の通院で何度かお世話になりました 他にも何社か利用しましたが一番乗り心地がよかったです 車椅子で利用した義母も一番疲れなかったそうです 何よりも車酔いしやすい私が約1時間の距離でも大丈夫でした 車椅子の介助をしていただいた時もきめ細やかな配慮でとても助かりました
I was taken care of several times by my mother-in-law's visit to the hospital I used several other companies, but the ride was the most comfortable. The mother-in-law who used it in a wheelchair was also the least tired. Above all, I'm prone to motion sickness Even when I was assisted by a wheelchair, it was very helpful with careful consideration.
Yama-Chang VDJ on Google

母親の通院に利用させて頂きました。 ドライバーさんこだわりの改造を施した 乗り心地満点のハイエースでした。 ちゃっかりレクサスのエンブレム付けてましたw 運転も丁寧で満足度120%でした。 また機会がありましたら是非利用したいと考えてます。
I used it for my mother's visit to the hospital. The driver's particular modifications were made It was a Hiace with a perfect ride. I had a Lexus emblem on it. The driving was polite and the satisfaction level was 120%. If I have another chance, I would love to use it.
ange * on Google

I used it for my grandfather's visit. The driving is polite and the voice is polite, and I am grateful. Also, I would like to use it, so thank you! !!
Teruyo I on Google

昨年11月に入院中の主人を鴨川市の病院から千葉市の病院へ転院させるため利用させて頂きました 外出先で転倒し頸椎骨折、頸髄損傷で救急入院後わずか二週間での転院でしたので負担のなるべくない搬送がいちばんの課題でした (救急車での搬送は痛くて辛かった様です) 病院からの紹介もありましたが、自分でもネットで調べたところ(ヘリやリムジン貸し切りか?等色々考えました)ありよし介護タクシーさんのホームページへたどり着きました 口コミ良し、装備や製造メーカー、仕様など事細かに記載してあり安心だと思いました 何より一番の課題は乗り心地重視ですのでオーリンズDVFショックが決め手となりました 当日は看護師さんもついて頂き安心でした 私は後ろから車で付いて行ったので乗り心地は分かりませんが主人は痛みもなく快適だった様です カーブの多い長い山道も慎重、丁寧に運転して下さり信号で停車の時は後ろを振り返り声掛けもしてくださっていました その後、約一ヶ月半の入院の末、無事退院しました ようやく少し落ち着いたので投稿させて頂きました 24時間対応していただけるとのことですので何かの時は宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m ありがとうございました
I used it to transfer my husband who was hospitalized in November last year from a hospital in Kamogawa city to a hospital in Chiba city. I fell down on the go, had a cervical spine fracture, and had a cervical spinal cord injury. (It seems that transportation by ambulance was painful and painful) There was an introduction from the hospital, but when I searched on the net myself (I thought about various things such as helicopter or limousine charter?), I arrived at the homepage of Mr. Ariyoshi Nursing Taxi. Good word of mouth, equipment, manufacturer, specifications, etc. are described in detail and I thought it was safe The most important issue is the emphasis on ride quality, so the Orleans DVF shock was the decisive factor. I was relieved to have a nurse on the day I followed by car from behind so I don't know the ride quality, but my husband seems to be comfortable without pain. He also drove carefully and carefully on long mountain roads with many curves, and when he stopped at the traffic light, he looked back and spoke to me. After that, after being hospitalized for about a month and a half, I was discharged safely. I finally posted it because it was a little calm. It is said that you can respond 24 hours a day, so please do not hesitate to contact us at any time m (_ _) m thank you

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