Chibashioyuminoharunomichi Park - Chiba

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chibashioyuminoharunomichi Park

住所 :

1 Chome-54 Oyumino, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0031, Japan

Postal code : 266-0031

1 Chome-54 Oyumino, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0031, Japan
佐藤康廣 on Google

Until about 40 years ago, it was a place where there were only forests and fields. Now, I changed my clothes and became a residential area. That's why I made various ingenuity in town building. The promenade that continues from the station is a typical example. So it ’s a nice environment to live in. If it is an old residential area, you can't make such a town. One of the parks in that. Summer is cool with lots of trees ?️ I'm relieved ☺️ Great for walking, walking and running 、 ️
関根 浩 on Google

The cherry blossom tunnel is the best.
オムライス on Google

桜が綺麗 写真スポットがたくさんある
孝司渡辺 on Google

お世話になっております。 春は桜がとてもキレイです‼️
We become indebted to. Sakura is very beautiful in spring! ️
K on Google

遊具がたくさん。 春は桜が綺麗です。 子連れの花見に最適な場所です。
Lots of playground equipment. Cherry blossoms are beautiful in spring. It is a great place to watch flowers with children.
A T on Google

3月27日満開です。 桜の下を歩くと気持ちいい!
It is in full bloom on March 27th. It feels good to walk under the cherry blossoms!
千葉落花生 on Google

こちらの公園は、北側からのアクセスはJR外房線「鎌取駅」、西側からのアクセスは京成千原線の「学園前駅」からとなります。 おすすめは、JR鎌取駅南口から西へ向かう春の道経由で、満開の桜を楽しみながらさくら公園~春の道と散策することだと思います。また、散り際の桜の絨毯も気持ちいい風物詩になっています。 もう少し、健脚な方は、かつて、日本ウォーキング協会認定大会が開催されたことがある、 おゆみ野駅前広場~大百池公園~八剱神社~埋蔵文化調査センター~大覚寺山古墳~重俊院~生実神社~はるのみち公園~春の道~有吉貝塚公園~泉谷公園~冬の道~おゆみ野駅前広場 という13kmに及ぶコースです。このコースは、桜が満開のこの時期は、桜の名所ばかりで、なかなか楽しいコースです。 はるのみち公園ではフィールドアスレチック遊具も楽しめます。ジョギングする人も多いような気がします。 景観の保全活動をしている、おゆみ野さくらを守る会にも感謝です。
Access from the north side of this park is from "Kamatori Station" on the JR Sotobo Line, and access from the west side is from "Gakuen-mae Station" on the Keisei-Chihara Line. I think the recommendation is to take a walk from Sakura Park to the spring road while enjoying the cherry blossoms in full bloom via the spring road heading west from the south exit of JR Kamatori Station. In addition, the carpet of cherry blossoms at the end of the fall is also a pleasant tradition. For those who are a little more healthy, the Japan Walking Association certification tournament has once been held. Oyumino Station Square-Ohyakuike Park-Hachijo Shrine-Buried Culture Research Center-Daikakujiyama Kofun-Choshunin-Oyumi Shrine-Haru no Michi Park-Spring Road-Ariyoshi Kaizuka Park-Izumiya Park-Winter Road-Oyumino Station Square It is a 13km course. This course is quite fun because there are only famous cherry blossom spots during this time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. You can also enjoy field athletic play equipment at Harumichi Park. I feel that many people are jogging. I am also grateful to the Oyumino Sakura Conservation Society, which is engaged in landscape conservation activities.
felsalda porin on Google

My way??

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