Ministop - Kawaguchi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ministop

住所 :

2 Chome-16-22 Edo, Kawaguchi, Saitama 334-0074, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 334-0074
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-16-22 Edo, Kawaguchi, Saitama 334-0074, Japan
荻野貴 on Google

此処のお店は店員さんの接客態度が、比較的に良く気持ち良く買い物が出来るかと。 駐車場も広めでゴミ箱も外に設置されて、ゴミ箱の掃除のタイミングで駐車場何かも、掃除してるのを、良く見かけます‼ 記憶だと十六七年前に暗がりのこの辺に明るいお店が現れて、年月過ぎたわりに綺麗に保ってるかな?と。
I wonder if the shop assistants in this shop can shop relatively comfortably. I often see that the parking lot is wide and the trash can is also installed outside, and when cleaning the trash can, I am cleaning something in the parking lot as well! According to my memory, sixteen seventy years ago, a bright shop appeared around the darkness, and I wonder if it's been kept beautiful even after a long time. When.
げん on Google

店員さんがフレンドリーで私は好きです。 コミュ障にはちょっと厳しいのかもね。
The clerk is friendly and I like it. Maybe it's a little tough for communication disorders.
monjatakkyu on Google

The maximum number of people here is the best ☆☆☆ Professional, but it's not a big deal! !! Since it is now, I refused that I didn't need a bag, so I couldn't take it in the car at once, and when I looked back, I brought back with a smile. The capacity of all three people was very nice, and it was a matter of selling goods... I was surprised and impressed when I was used to an unfriendly convenience store☆☆☆ I became a big fan~^^ps. Even if I go every time, I am moved by the same impression.
月見だんご on Google

店員さんがとても良いです。 これはミニストップの社風なのかな? 駐車場も広くて良し!
The clerk is very good. Is this the corporate culture of Ministop? The parking lot is also large and good!
まめまめ on Google

店員さん皆さん気持ちのいい接客です。 嫌な気分になったことは今のところゼロです。いつも買うパンコーナーもキレイに並んでて、買い物が楽しいです。常連化してます。
The clerk is a pleasant customer service. I haven't felt uncomfortable so far. The bread corners that I always buy are lined up neatly, making shopping fun. I am a regular customer.
az az on Google

店員さんの態度はものすごく良い! ほとんどの店員さんが明るくて感じの良い人ばかり☆ でも夜いった時よく見る婆さんは態度悪すぎ。男性客にはブリっ子感すごい接客で女性客には面倒くさそうな接客するババァ。会計がその人に当たった時は毎回 気分悪くなる。
The clerk's attitude is extremely good! Most of the clerk are bright and pleasant ☆ But the grandmother I often see at night is too ill-mannered. Baba who is a great customer service for male customers and seems to be troublesome for female customers. Every time the treasurer hits the person, I feel sick.
佐山悟 on Google

前まで良く通ってました。駐車場広いし周辺にミニストップが無いので、男性店員は良い接客だと思いました。爺さん店員は駄目だな。レジが込んでてもオバはん店員が常連?みたいは客と雑談しててイラッとする。眼鏡かけて小太りのオバはんがレジで当たるとクソ腹立つ。焼き鳥を購入した時に温めるかと聞かれましたが拒否した所、失礼ですが温めた方が美味しいですよ!と言って来ました。 ゴチャゴチャうるせー。余計なお世話です。黙って仕事が出来ないおばさんばかりのお店。コンビニで買い物すんのに余計な事しなくて良い
I used to go there before. The parking lot is large and there are no ministops around, so I thought the male clerk was a good customer service. The old man's clerk is useless. Even if the cash register is crowded, is the Ovahan clerk a regular? I'm irritated by chatting with customers. I get angry when I wear glasses and hit a fat obahan at the cash register. When I bought yakitori, I was asked if I would warm it, but when I refused, I'm sorry, but it's better to warm it! I said. It's messy. It is extra care. A shop with only aunts who can't work silently. You don't have to do anything extra to shop at a convenience store
えのてる on Google

I have been in the customer service business for 25 years, and although I have traveled all over Japan due to my occupation, I think that the customer service level and store management level are at the top level in Japan. Who is the owner?

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