Minato Shiba Clinic - Minato City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minato Shiba Clinic

住所 :

桑山ビル 2F 2 Chome-12-1 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 105-0014
Webサイト : http://www.minatoshiba-cl.com/

桑山ビル 2F 2 Chome-12-1 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan
加恋 on Google

待ち時間はあり、待合室もかなり狭く混み合っていますがとてもいい先生です。初めて伺いましたが今後も利用させていただきたいです。 お薬に関してもご相談の上、一番あったものを処方して下さり安心できました。受付さんの対応も良いです。
There is a waiting time, and the waiting room is quite small and crowded, but he is a very good teacher. I visited for the first time, but I would like to continue using it in the future. After consulting with us about the medicine, I was relieved to prescribe the most suitable one. The receptionist's response is also good.
2020 aiko on Google

I was consulted for the first time after looking for a hospital that I had a medical examination at one time. It was a painful condition and I wanted to know quickly for a clear reason, so I was very grateful to have a look without a reservation. A lot of great people came after the consecutive holidays, this is not waiting ... I thought about how long to wait for the receptionist, but if the order is close, I will contact the cell phone and go out, it is okay, you said So I went to a nearby cafe. I did not feel that I was kept waiting at all because I checked emails, made phone calls, and returned to the hospital after doing a lot of work. The teachers, of course, the nurses, the receptionists, all of you are very kind and very friendly ... I became a very healed and favorite doctor.
Ryo IT on Google

病院への入り口は正面横から入ってエレベーターで2階に上がると病院にたどり着けます。 院内は椅子はたくさんあるのですが結構混雑していました。 診察は他の薬の服用状況も考えてくれて薬の処方をしてくださいました。
The entrance to the hospital can be reached by entering from the front side and taking the elevator to the second floor. There are many chairs in the hospital, but it was quite crowded. At the medical examination, he took into consideration the situation of taking other medicines and prescribed the medicine.
waka on Google

HPには18:45受付終了と書いてあるのに行ったら18:30までだった。変更してるならサイトも直してください、不親切です。 分かっていたら最初から他の病院に行ってました。
Although it was written on the HP that the reception was closed at 18:45, it was until 18:30 when I went. If you have changed it, please fix the site as well, it's unfriendly. If I knew it, I would go to another hospital from the beginning.
Shibano Takarhio on Google

皮膚科と整形外科でお世話になっています。 丁寧に説明してくれる先生で信頼しています。  唯一、待ち時間が長いのが難点ですが、 仕事や住まいが近ければ大丈夫です。 受付すれば、待合にいなくても順番を携帯に連絡してくれます。
I am indebted to dermatology and orthopedics. I trust the teacher who will explain me carefully. The only drawback is that the waiting time is long, but it is okay if your work or residence is close. If you accept it, it will inform you of your turn even if you are not in the waiting room.
S Kohei on Google

I visited in March 2022. I was wondering which department I should go to, but I was treated in a wide range of subjects, and it was helpful to have a comprehensive examination. The explanation was also polite and easy to understand. The concept is posted on the clinic's homepage, and I felt that it was true. thank you!
H B on Google

他の整形外科で、マスクが出来ないと言うと診療拒否されたけど、診察してくれました。 他の患者に気を遣って、別室対応迄してくれて、患者思いの医院である事は確かだと思う。 整形外科は得意じゃないと言ってましたが、レントゲンでは、綺麗に骨折が写ってました。 ありがとうございました。 お手数をおかけして、感謝しています。
In another orthopedic surgery, I was refused medical treatment when I said that I couldn't make a mask, but he gave me a medical examination. I think it is certain that it is a patient-oriented clinic, taking care of other patients and even dealing with separate rooms. He said he wasn't good at orthopedics, but X-rays showed beautiful fractures. Thank you very much. Thank you for your patience.
そそ on Google

I visited because my hip joint hurts. The doctor took an X-ray and was prescribed an anti-inflammatory agent because he was inflamed. I'm currently taking medicine, but it's getting worse and harder to walk normally, so I'm planning to go to another doctor before I can't walk completely. If you have a special symptom and want to have a prescription that matches it, I think another doctor is good. If you don't have any problem with the general response by looking at the X-ray and waiting, I think you can take care of this. It was convenient to make a reservation from the Web.

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