Sushi Yoshi - Minato City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Yoshi

住所 :

2 Chome-16-4 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 105-0014

2 Chome-16-4 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan
城大蔵 on Google

Thick and generous sushi ingredients. Cospa good sushi restaurant. For lunch, you can get a great deal on Chirashizushi for 1200 yen.
白熊 on Google

ランチの時間は チラシと握りの2種類のみ(どちらも税込1100円)です お薦めはチラシです!とにかくネタの種類が多い!しかも肉厚! 土台となる酢飯の上には、ゆでしらすが散りばめられていて、その上に刻み海苔がふられます。 写真では 沢山のネタで隠れてみえませんねー ネタの中で特筆すべきは やっぱりトロでしょう! お店によっては大トロと評するばかりの油ののったトロが贅沢にも2枚!!しかも肉厚!! 玉子焼きも厚切りの存在感で すきみも本物です ブリもサーモンも艶々で、数の子もコリコリ、めちゃくちゃ美味しいです 他にも、れんこん、いか、とりがい、とびっこ、かに、かまぼこ、 たらこ、すじこ、ほたて、田作り、青のり とか溢れんばかりに盛り付けられています 大満足まちがいなし(o^^o)
There are only two types of lunch time, a leaflet and a handbill (both are 1100 yen including tax). We recommend leaflets! Anyway, there are many kinds of material! Moreover, it is thick! Boiled shirasu is studded on the base vinegared rice, and chopped seaweed is sprinkled on it. You can't see it hidden in a lot of material in the photo. The most notable thing in the story is Toro! There are two luxuriously oiled fatty tuna that some shops call big toro! Moreover, they are thick! The omelet is also thickly sliced ​​and you are genuine. The yellowtail and salmon are glossy, and the kazunoko is crunchy and insanely delicious. Besides, lotus root, squid, mutica, tobiko, crab stick, kamaboko, It is served with cod roe, sujiko, scallops, tazukuri, green laver and so on. There is no mistake in great satisfaction (o ^^ o)
Akiko I on Google

ようやくこちらに訪問できました。 ご近所なのですが、空いているところを見たことがなかったんです。たまに「営業中」となっている札がかかっていて入ろうとするも「もう終わり」との事。時間は12:00ちょっと過ぎ…。 そこで、今回は開店すると言われた11:30の10分前の、11:20からお店の前で張っていました。しかし開店時間の11:30になってもあかない…11:40…11:50…そこで札が「営業中」になった!いける!! で、入ってみると予約されていたお客様3名が既にいました。予約客が来ないとお店があかないのかな…。 注文したのはちらし寿司並。すごいボリューム。 私が入店してから20分くらいの間に5人ほど来ましたが帰るころにはご飯がなくなったからお店は「準備中」に。 恐らくこのお店で入店できるのは限られた11:50~12:10ほどの20分間、1日10人くらいだと思います。 なかなか入れなかった理由が判明致しました。 ご馳走様でした。
I was finally able to visit here. I'm in the neighborhood, but I've never seen a vacant place. Occasionally, there is a tag that says "Open" and I try to enter, but it says "It's over". The time is a little past 12:00 ... So, this time, it was set up in front of the store from 11:20, 10 minutes before 11:30 when it was said that the store would open. However, even at 11:30 of the opening time ... 11:40 ... 11:50 ... Then the bill became "open"! Go! !! So, when I entered, there were already 3 customers who had been reserved. I wonder if there will be no shops unless reserved customers come. I ordered the same as Chirashizushi. Great volume. About 5 people came in about 20 minutes after I entered the store, but by the time I returned, the store was "preparing" because there was no more rice. Probably, the number of people who can enter this shop is limited to 10 people a day for 20 minutes from 11:50 to 12:10. I found out the reason why I couldn't enter it easily. It was a treat.
Shintaro Kikuno on Google

平日のランチで利用。 11:30のオープン直後だったので直ぐオーダーへ。 大将へおススメを尋ねると、ちらし寿司との事でしたので、そちを注文! 10分経たないくらいで、ちらし寿司が到着。 ボリュームがすごい! ネタが溢れそうなくらい! 思わず写真を連写。 まずは、ガリを一口。少々甘めな味付け。 サーモン、マグロ赤身、中トロ、中落ち、すじこ、とびこ、その他諸々。 ネタが厚く、ボリュームもあって美味しくてとても満足でした! あまり量を食べられ無ければ、ご飯少な目がおススメです。 ちなみに大盛りは出来ないみたいですが、大将が気持ちを入れてくれます。(きもち多めにしてくれる場合もあるようです) いつもかは分かりませんが、大将がお一人で切り盛りしてる事もあり、12:00頃には満席で、お店に入れない事もあるようです。 行かれる際は、お早めな入店を。
Use for lunch on weekdays. It was just after the 11:30 opening, so go to order immediately. When I asked the general to recommend it, it was Chishizushi, so I ordered that! Less than 10 minutes later, chirashi sushi arrived. Volume is great! It seems that the news is full! Consecutively taking photos involuntarily. At first, one bite of Gari. Slightly sweetened. Salmon, tuna lean, medium toro, falling inside, sujiko, tobiko, and more. The material was thick, there was a volume and it was delicious and very satisfying! If you can not eat too much, it is recommended that you eat less. By the way, it seems that you can not make a big meal, but the general will put in the feeling. (It may seem like you will overdo it) I do not always know, but there is also a thing that a general runs alone, and it seems to be full at 12:00 and not to enter the store. When you are going, go to the store early.
N K on Google

Chirashizushi average (small amount of rice) 1200 yen. I am very satisfied with the plenty of ingredients. There are standard fish and seasonal fish, so you can enjoy each season. Today was firefly squid and halfbeak.
25 fortuna on Google

お客様の喜ぶ顔が見たいから。と。 とにかくものすごいボリュームのちらし寿司が最高です。並ちらし1200円。上ちらし1850円。並と上の違いは、上には生のボタン海老が加わり、筋子のがイクラに変わるそうです。大満足。
I want to see the happy faces of our customers. When. Anyway, the awesome volume of chirashizushi is the best. The average leaflet is 1200 yen. Upper chirashizushi 1850 yen. The difference between average and above is that raw botan shrimp is added to the top, and the sujiko turns into salmon roe. Very satisfied.
宗翰吳 on Google

Great Sushi with reasonable price. Best choice in this area.
Steven Joe on Google

Outstanding quality sushi, some of the best salmon I’ve had. Come early, he can sell out.

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