ウェディングドレス ラレンヌ 東京

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ウェディングドレス ラレンヌ 東京

住所 :

Minato City, 〒113-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878888
Webサイト : http://www.la-reine.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Minato City, 〒113-0022 Tokyo,Japan
E. MA on Google

There are so many beautiful dresses to choose from, the staff are very kind and pleasant, and the inside of the store has a beautiful and enchanting scent (# ^. ^ #)
にゃくこん on Google

The interior of the store has a nice atmosphere with a calm background music. I asked them to choose a nice dress that suits me. The clerk was also smiling and kind.
松永真由 on Google

駅近で入った瞬間によい香りがします。 お話を伺い1着1着丁寧に作られていることがよくわかりました。 試着会も楽しそうですね。
It smells good the moment you enter near the station. After listening to the story, I understood that each item was carefully made. The fitting party seems to be fun too.
Sachio Yamamoto on Google

The interior was beautiful and the staff were very kind. Each dress was made with my thoughts in mind, and it was such a wonderful dress that I couldn't decide which dress to use. Thank you very much for your help the other day. I will visit you again.
タドジュンコ on Google

上等な雰囲気。夢のような空間でとびきりのドレスを迷い、オーダーができます。最初は知らなかったのですが、お借りすることもできるし、試着会がある !! ハレの日の装いは、丁寧に心をこめて準備したいので、きっとここなら、あとで振り返っても、素敵な思い出になると思いました。
Good atmosphere. In a dreamlike space, you can get lost and order the best dresses. I didn't know it at first, but you can borrow it and have a fitting party !! I want to prepare the clothes for Halle's day with all my heart, so I'm sure I'll look back on it later. I thought it would be a wonderful memory.
Izumi Shimase on Google

たくさんのドレスがありオーダーもできるので、こだわりがある新婦さんや、衣装探されているけどなかなか自分好みのドレスが見つからない新婦さんにもおすすめです!スタッフの皆さんすごく優しくて相談やアレンジ方法などたくさんお話ししてくれました! お店は駅から徒歩1分程でした!
There are many dresses and you can order them, so it is recommended for brides who are particular about it and brides who are looking for costumes but cannot find their favorite dress! All the staff were very kind and talked a lot about consultations and arrangement methods! The shop was about a 1-minute walk from the station!
えんじゅ on Google

It's a nice shop where you can feel like a princess. The design of the dress is also gorgeous, and the designer's hand-sewn embroidery and decorations are cute one by one. The dress fitting party is OK until the age of 75, and there are many repeaters. The children's dress was also cute.
府川文子 on Google

所用でオーナーの桃代さんに会いに、友人と うかがいました。 上品で質の良いドレスの数々に、本当に圧倒されます。 明るい雰囲気の中での試着は、結婚を控えている方も、昔ドレスを着た方も、間違いなく気分が上がりますね♪ 素敵な空間のサロンは、外苑前駅からすぐです。 試着会もしている、とのことですので、是非予約なさってみてください✨
To meet the owner, Momoyo-san, with a friend I asked. You will be truly overwhelmed by the number of elegant and good quality dresses. Trying on in a bright atmosphere will definitely make you feel better, whether you are about to get married or you wore a dress in the past. The salon in a nice space is just a stone's throw from Gaienmae Station. It is said that there is also a fitting party, so please make a reservation by all means ✨

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