4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ONESTYLE 表参道原宿店

住所 :

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan
冨山幸也 on Google

Correspondence was kind and was good!
Kaname on Google

The staff was good and the shooting was fun.
塚越純子 on Google

It was cheerful and the staff were smiling and kind.
k myzm on Google

The staff was friendly and fun. The photos were beautiful because they were professional.
栗城克士 on Google

I was really impressed with the staff's response. My wife caused anemia during the shooting and caused some inconvenience, but he kindly responded to me, and despite taking the time, I took the expected number of pictures. thank you very much.
Juness P on Google

「確認して連絡します」と言ってから音沙汰が無く、不安なので断りのメールを入れても、謝罪の連絡もなし。 こんなに対応の悪いお店だとは思いませんでした。HPも店舗も綺麗だっただけに残念です。もう頼みません。
I haven't heard anything since I said "I'll confirm and contact you", and I'm worried, so even if I send an email that refuses, I don't even get an apology. I didn't think it was such a bad store. It's a shame because both the HP and the store were beautiful. I won't ask you anymore.
mi maaay on Google

担当者の対応が悪い。 所要時間は1時間から1時間半と言われていたが、入店や個人情報の記入時間も含めて30分で退店した。 こちらから質問しないと説明がなく、分からないことありますか?ばかり。聞いたことにもパンフレットにのっていますので確認下さい。と数分前に渡されたパンフレットを開く始末。行った意味がなかった。
The person in charge does not respond well. It was said that the time required was one to one and a half hours, but the store was closed in 30 minutes including the time to enter the store and fill in personal information. If you don't ask a question from here, there is no explanation and there is something you don't understand? Just. Please check the pamphlet for what you heard. And the disposition to open the pamphlet given a few minutes ago. There was no point in going.
みもね on Google

主人の意向で挙式の代わりにフォトウェディングを選択し、私の親からフォトウェディングで後悔しない?と言われ、思い悩む時もありましたが、結果として、私と私の両親もとても満足のいく撮影ができました! 私は日数を2日に分けて和装、ウェディングドレス、カラードレスと撮影。感染対策をしながらもウェディングドレスはチャペルで撮影し、実際の挙式と同じような手順で撮影をお願いいたしました。 母にベールをかけて頂き、父に手を引かれバージンロードを歩き、主人へ手渡し、指輪交換と誓いのキス(※牧師さんはいません!)……式をあげてほしかった両親も実際の挙式と大差なくできて、とても喜んでおりました! また、チャペル撮影の際メイクアテンドさんが母に「娘さんキレイですね」と仰ってくれて、母も照れくさそうに「我が娘ながら…」と言っていたそうで、この話をメイクアテンドさんに後から聞き、「いや、そんな事を言ってくれるメイクアテンドさんがいい人っ!」と思いつつこれを直接言えなかった事が唯一の心残りです笑 撮影は全て楽しくも充実したものになり、とても感謝しております!計画段階のプランナーさんから試着の方、撮影当日のフォトグラファーさんやメイクアテンドさん、皆さんがとても良い方々でした。 細かな気遣いがとてもありがたく、フォトウェディングは余程のことがない限り一生に一度しかないとは思うのですが、またお願いしたいと思えるぐらい素敵な撮影ができました。本当にありがとうございました!
Would you like to choose a photo wedding instead of a wedding at your husband's will and regret it from my parents? There were times when I was worried, but as a result, I and my parents were able to shoot very satisfyingly! I divided the number of days into two days and took pictures with kimono, wedding dresses, and color dresses. While taking measures against infection, we asked the wedding dress to be photographed in the chapel and to be photographed in the same procedure as the actual wedding ceremony. I had my mother veil, my father pulled me out, walked on the virgin road, handed it to my husband, exchanged rings and kissed my vow (* There is no pastor!) ... My parents who wanted me to give a ceremony are also actual I was very happy to be able to do it just like the wedding! Also, when shooting the chapel, Make Attend told her mother, "Your daughter is beautiful," and she said, "While my daughter ...", she said, "Make Attend." The only regret is that I couldn't say this directly while thinking "No, the make-up attendant who says such a thing is a good person!" I am very grateful that all the shootings have been fun and fulfilling! From the planner at the planning stage to the try-on, the photographer and make-up attendant on the day of shooting, everyone was very good people. I am very grateful for the detailed consideration, and I think that the photo wedding is only once in a lifetime unless there is a lot of trouble, but I was able to take a wonderful photo that I would like to ask again. I'm really thankful to you!

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