塚口獣医科医院 - Amagasaki

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 塚口獣医科医院

住所 :

Minamitsukaguchicho, Amagasaki, 〒661-0012 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 661-0012
Webサイト : http://www.tukaguchi-ah.com/
街 : Hyogo

Minamitsukaguchicho, Amagasaki, 〒661-0012 Hyogo,Japan
ひとみ on Google

I have been indebted since I kept a small rabbit. Because you can make an advance reservation, the waiting time can be saved less. Even a little special small animal called a rabbit has a veteran arm and sees it quickly. Diarrhea in the small days of rabbits is said to be fatal, and it is said that he is very close at that time, and the next day, despite having been absent on the next day, without a single disgusting face, "Please bring me tomorrow too" You said. It's a really good vet, so even if you have a new animal hospital near you, I have you see here without hesitation.
yuka on Google

ウサギを診てもらいました❕ 初めての病院だったけど、先生の対応もすごく良くて、爪も切って貰いました。 またお願いしたいです^_^
I had a rabbit examined ❕ It was my first hospital, but the teacher's response was very good and I had my nails cut. I would like to ask again ^ _ ^
on Google

A friendly teacher with a smile. The explanations are easy to understand and polite. Receptionists and nurses are also gentle and safe. The cost is low, and there is a high image of a veterinary clinic, but when an important family complains of poor physical condition, I am also glad that they can be taken without hesitation more than others. It is helpful to have them think about medicine and make it easier to dislike. Because it was popular or waiting time occurred, it was smooth when I made a reservation. I feel that the same cat who came here is also good and the patient's quality is good.
森下龍二 on Google

I took a cat. .. I had three symptoms diagnosed. I was relieved to hear that he was very kind and easy to understand while I was busy. Thank you very much.
りか on Google

うちの猫ちゃんの脇腹辺りにしこりみたいな感じがあったので、家からも近いので電話をしました。時間もギリギリだったのですが対応して頂き一応痛み止めをもらい1週間後、やっぱり大きくなってる感じだったので診て貰ったら膿が溜まっていました!すぐに切開し、膿を出してもらい洗浄と消毒。15分程で終わりました。以前行った病院は同じように、しっぽの付け根に膿が溜まってたいて化膿していたんですが、待ち時間は1時間以上、半日預かりますと、血液検査も沢山され、迎えの時間に行ったもののまた1時間以上待たされ、うちの子がゲージにカラーを巻かれたまま息も出来ないん違う⁉️?ぐらい絞められて出て来ました。それから検査をたくさんしていたくせに、今から点滴しましょうか? と…遅っ!!熱もあるなら預かり中に普通はするような。そしてお会計も待たされ、ビックリするほどの金額でした。 塚口獣医さんは凄く親切で丁寧で迅速な対応をしてくれました。また何かあればお世話になりたい先生です(^_^)
I felt like a lump around my cat's flank, so I called because it was close to my house. It was barely enough time, but after a week of getting pain relief, I felt like I was getting bigger, so when I got a medical examination, pus had accumulated! Immediately make an incision and have pus drained for cleaning and disinfection. It took about 15 minutes. In the same way, the hospital I went to before had pus accumulated at the base of the tail and was purulent, but the waiting time was more than an hour, and if I kept it for half a day, many blood tests were done and I went to the pick-up time. However, I had to wait for more than an hour, and my child couldn't breathe with the color wrapped around the gauge. It was squeezed and came out. Then, even though I've been doing a lot of tests, should I drip it now? And ... late! !! If you have a fever, you usually do it while you are in custody. And I had to wait for the checkout, and it was a surprising amount. Mr. Tsukaguchi was very kind, polite and prompt. I'm a teacher who wants to take care of me if there is anything else (^_^)
井手浩樹 on Google

It is often crowded, but it is a polite and reassuring clinic.
すず on Google

大変お世話になっている病院です。 犬を2匹飼ってます。 2匹とも避妊、去勢手術をしてもらい、 術跡が残ること無く綺麗に施術して頂きました。 他にも外耳炎になってしまった時や、酷い下痢と嘔吐があった時も診てもらいました。 いつも丁寧な説明をして下さる優しい先生です。 受付の女性の方も、いつも笑顔で優しい方です。 皆さんから動物愛が伝わってくる、とても暖かい動物病院だと思います。 これからもお世話になります。
It is a hospital that has been very helpful. I have two dogs. Both of them had contraception and castration surgery, The treatment was done neatly without leaving any traces. I also had a medical examination when I had otitis externa, or when I had severe diarrhea and vomiting. He is a kind teacher who always gives polite explanations. The female receptionist is always smiling and kind. I think it's a very warm veterinary hospital where you can feel the love of animals. Thank you for your continued support.
JM Osaka on Google

Took my dog for some health tests. It is a small hospital, but the vet treats animals and owners with kindness. During my dog's medical examination, I asked many things that I am usually concerned about my usual dog, but the doctor answered and explained it patiently one by one. The nurses and the receptionist also seems very kind. You can have a medical examination in order without a reservation, but I think that waiting time might be less if you make a reservation in advance.

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