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Contact (株)エール引越サービス

住所 :

Minamiterakata Higashidori, Moriguchi, 〒570-0043 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.yell-hikkoshi.com/
街 : Osaka

Minamiterakata Higashidori, Moriguchi, 〒570-0043 Osaka,Japan
小林美紀子 on Google

Anyway, the work was polite. And cheaper than anything! I got quotes from several companies, but it was by far the best. I was worried about the stain on the bed mat, but he put it in the garbage storage place so that it could be hidden properly. It was worn by a dead cat. It made me feel that I had treated my memories carefully. It's been a year since I moved. I would like to thank you through the post earlier.
ほなまる on Google

It's cheap, but I think it's insanely kind. They will respond flexibly, and I am grateful for the installation of cardboard boxes and washing machines. There is also a repeater discount, so I will use it when I move again!
そーそー on Google

10月15日 阪神高速松原線上りにて、トラック全焼。 積み荷も。 大渋滞、通行止め。
October 15 The truck burned down on the Hanshin Expressway Matsubara Line. Also cargo. Heavy traffic, closed to traffic.
あお on Google

阪神高速で炎上して荷物全焼。 テレビでもやってた。 ありえない。
Burned up at Hanshin Expressway and burned down the luggage. I also did it on TV. Impossible.
リリィ on Google

とにかく安いです! でも安いからといって、いい加減な仕事はしません!とても親切で、たくさん荷物があるのに少人数で頑張って下さいました! また頼みたいと思います!
It's cheap anyway! But just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's a sloppy job! He was very kind and did his best with a small number of people even though he had a lot of luggage! I would like to ask again!
yu dy on Google

本物の悪徳業者 押し売り同然で注意事項説明なく その日に契約無理矢理させて、 翌日キャンセルしたいと言ったらダンボール回収代寄越せと言い出す始末 二度と利用しないし、利用しないほうがいい
Genuine vice trader It's almost like a push sale, without explanation of precautions Forcibly make a contract on that day, If you want to cancel the next day, tell them to move the cardboard collection fee. Never use it again and you should never use it
M H on Google

最悪な業者でした。 ●引っ越しの日程がなかなか確定しない、連絡が来ない ●搬入日時が確定したのが搬出日の前日夕方 ●その際に初めて現金払いであること、搬出時までに用意しなければならないことを伝えられた ●当日現金で支払ったわけだが、釣り銭を求めたら無いと言われ「コンビニ行って崩してきてください」と指示された。前以てちょうどの金額を用意しろとの指示がない中で、何故客がそこまでしなければいけないのか理解できない。その旨を伝えると業者は不機嫌になり、私に聞こえるように文句を言っていた。結局こちらが用意し支払った。 ●トラックへの荷揚げが非常に雑で、ガシャガシャと音を立てていた。案の定、届いた荷物は引きずったような跡がそこらじゅうにあり傷だらけ。何故か全てがホコリまみれで黒くなっていて驚いた。 ●見積書を求めたが内訳が適当。例えば電気工事はエアコン取り付けの1万円だけのはずが1万五千円になっていた。 ●搬入日にドライバーから連絡があり、タイヤがパンクし時間通りに着けないとのこと。何故か業者事務所やエアコン取り付け業者に搬入遅れの連絡がいっておらず、私が何度も対応した。アクシデントは仕方ないが(ここまで酷いと本当にパンクしたせいで遅れたとは信じられないが。実際、新品タイヤやスペアをはいている様子は無かった)指揮系統がここまでグダグダな会社があるとは思わなかった。搬入遅れに伴う値引きや謝罪は無い。 ここまで酷い引っ越し業者はこれまで知りませんでした。クレームを入れたところでまともな対応を期待できないため、そんな気もおきませんでした。今後絶対に使いません。
It was the worst trader. ● I haven't been able to confirm the moving schedule, and I haven't heard from you. ● The date and time of delivery was confirmed in the evening of the day before the date of delivery. ● At that time, I was informed that it was the first time to pay in cash and that I had to prepare it by the time of shipping. ● I paid in cash on the day, but I was told that I wouldn't ask for change, and I was instructed to go to a convenience store and destroy it. I don't understand why customers have to go that far without being instructed to prepare just the right amount in advance. When I told him that, the vendor was in a bad mood and complained so that I could hear it. After all, this was prepared and paid. ● The unloading to the truck was very rough and made a rattling noise. Sure enough, the delivered luggage was full of scratches with dragging marks all over the place. For some reason, I was surprised that everything was covered with dust and turned black. ● I asked for a quotation, but the breakdown is appropriate. For example, electrical work was supposed to be only 10,000 yen for installing an air conditioner, but it was 15,000 yen. ● The driver contacted me on the day of delivery and said that the tires were flat and could not be delivered on time. For some reason, the contractor's office and the air conditioner installation contractor were not notified of the delay in delivery, and I responded many times. The accident can't be helped (I can't believe it was delayed because it was so terrible and really punctured. In fact, I didn't seem to be wearing new tires or spares). did not think. There are no discounts or apologies due to delays in delivery. I've never known such a terrible mover. I didn't feel like that because I couldn't expect a decent response when I made a complaint. I will never use it in the future.
sa eki on Google

他の業者なら当然出来てたことが出来ない。 梱包材が足りない。プチプチもくれない。 引っ越し後のダンボールの引き取りは一応対応しているが、近場に業者が来たときなので、大阪から遠い場所の場合は永遠に引き取り出来ない可能性がある。 現場のかたの手際は良かった。 予定が決まるタイミングが遅くスケジューリングはしにくい。 モニターを直接古い毛布でくるむのはホコリが気になる。でも現場にプチプチもなく他の手段を自分で取れない状態だった。
Of course, other companies cannot do what they could. There is not enough packing material. I don't even get bubble wrap. Cardboard can be picked up after moving, but it may not be possible to pick it up forever if it is far from Osaka because it is when a trader comes nearby. The skill of the person in the field was good. The timing when the schedule is decided is late and scheduling is difficult. I'm worried about dust when I wrap the monitor directly with an old blanket. However, there was no bubble wrap at the site and I could not take other means by myself.

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