鮨処 蛇の新

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鮨処 蛇の新

住所 :

Minamisuna, Koto City, 〒136-0076 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://sushi-restaurant-1924.business.site/
街 : Tokyo

Minamisuna, Koto City, 〒136-0076 Tokyo,Japan
角田裕 on Google

Because it ’s delicious.
1350016 vaio on Google

新鮮腕よし味よし価格よし 板長よし!本当に美味しい
Fresh arm good taste good price good Itadai Yoshi! Really delicious
大黒七福神 on Google

うまい????安い 板長さん腕がいいです!もう一度行きたいです!
Delicious Mr. Bancho is good! I want to go again!
tarou docomo on Google

残念シャリが美味しくない! 魚はとても良い お造り最高
Sorry Shari is not delicious! The fish is very good
ひにんえた on Google

delicious. There is no doubt if you leave it to the general!
矢部一江 on Google

The ingredients and rice are really delicious. Group banquets can also be booked on the second floor, and you can enjoy cooking and conversation slowly.
東京太郎 on Google

I was taken to a customer for the first time. The board long arm is good. It is a pity that Chot Shari is soft
Yoshiharu Sawai on Google

二階に座敷があるようですが、一階はカウンター8席ほどのこじんまりとしたお店です。 今回は初訪ということもあり、お任せで10貫ほど+巻物をいただきました。シャリは少し柔らかめですが、ネタは良く特にこの日は貝類がとても美味しかったです。 追加で自家製真蛸の刺身も頂きましたが、柔らかく煮てあり噛むほどに甘味が広がりました。 大将の人柄も良く食後の話も弾みました。 支払いはpaypayもOKです。
There seems to be a parlor on the second floor, but the first floor is a small shop with about 8 seats on the counter. This time it was my first visit, so I gave you about 10 pieces + scrolls. The shari is a little soft, but the material is good and the shellfish were very delicious especially on this day. I also had homemade octopus sashimi, but it was boiled softly and the sweetness spread as I chewed it. The general's personality was good, and the post-meal talks were good. Payment is also OK for paypay.

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