
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 生駒軒

住所 :

Minamisenju, Arakawa City, 〒116-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Tokyo

Minamisenju, Arakawa City, 〒116-0003 Tokyo,Japan
りっちゃん on Google

仲良さそうな夫婦が切り盛りしているお店。 ラーメン食べてる人が多かったのでラーメン頼みました。 濃い目の醤油味にワカメが入ってるのがなんか昔風で好きです。
A shop run by a couple who seem to be close friends. Many people were eating ramen, so I ordered ramen. I like the strong soy sauce flavor and wakame seaweed in it.
辛口太郎 on Google

Uses Asakusa Kairo's noodles. Bean sprout soba is a type that is not ankake. The couple looks good.
本山裕一 on Google

昼から呑むならちょうどいいかな❓おばちゃんも愛想いいし。 ラーメン頼んだ、昔ながらのラーメンです。写メ無くてごめんなさい。
I wonder if it's just right to drink from noon ❓ Auntie is also friendly. This is the old-fashioned ramen that I ordered. I'm sorry I didn't have a photo.
1999 acab on Google

タンメン(塩味):650円 麺は浅草開化楼で食感は良好でした。 具材は豚肉、キャベツ、モヤシ、人参、玉葱、ニラで構成。 豚肉はバラ肉。茹で置き?若干だが酸化がありました。 野菜はスープでしっかりと煮られるのでクタッとした仕上がり。 野菜の総量は多めで250g以上??? スープは塩味。円やか味わいだが化調は強め。 高温調理による香ばしさは無いが、油分は程よく感じられました。 接客は丁寧な対応でした。 店主さんは出前専用???女将さんが調理してました。 某女子短大と共同開発の『満点野菜ラーメン』が気になりますね〜 ご馳走様でした。
Tanmen (salty): 650 yen The noodles were in Asakusa Kaikaro and had a good texture. The ingredients are pork, cabbage, bean sprouts, carrots, onions, and leeks. Pork is rib meat. Boiled? There was some oxidation. Vegetables are simmered in soup, so the finish is crisp. Is the total amount of vegetables more than 250g? ?? ?? The soup is salty. It has a round taste, but the tone is stronger. There was no fragrance due to high temperature cooking, but the oil content was moderately felt. The customer service was polite. Is the owner dedicated to delivery? ?? ?? The landlady was cooking. I'm curious about the "perfect vegetable ramen" jointly developed with a certain women's junior college. It was a treat.
テッツンショップ on Google

町中華のオムライスを頂きました(*´ڡ`●) 味は洋食屋のオムライスと違い中華風のオムライスはまた格別です。
I got an omelet rice from the town (* ´ڡ` ●) The taste is different from the Western-style omelet rice, and the Chinese-style omelet rice is exceptional.
伊規須泰恵(みいたろう) on Google

どれを食べても、ハズレがないです。王道のラーメンやチャーハン、餃子が食べれます。 お値段もリーズナブルです。お店の雰囲気も、ザ下町と言う感じで、気さくなお店です。 定期的に食べたくなります。
No matter which one you eat, there is no loss. You can eat royal road ramen, fried rice, and dumplings. The price is also reasonable. The atmosphere of the shop is like the downtown, and it is a friendly shop. I want to eat it regularly.
DJ MA-SA LIFE on Google

Half-char ramen order. It's nice that both uncle and aunt are the most amiable. The taste was the taste of my house ? It is a Chinese restaurant that is loved by the locals.
Shue Bridgebroard on Google

Superb. if u like the Ramen, I mean THE RAMEN, u must order one. It would remind u the once upon a time of ur history

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