タイヤ&ホイール館 フジスペシャルブランド 川越店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイヤ&ホイール館 フジスペシャルブランド 川越店

住所 :

Minamiotsuka, Kawagoe, 〒350-1162 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : https://www.fujicorporation.com/shop/sc/shop/kawagoe.html
街 : Saitama

Minamiotsuka, Kawagoe, 〒350-1162 Saitama,Japan
terra zzo on Google

2度目の利用です。 前回の利用は一年前。 ホイールを注文してから3ヶ月も待ったうえ、念願のホイールを取りに行ったら タイヤを組み込み時にホイールを一本破損してしまったようで、さらに1週間待った事がありました。 当時店長らしき店員さんがひたすら謝っていたのとは対照的に 原因を作ったピットの人間は何も謝罪も見送りもないことに違和感を感じていました。 2回目の来店時はすっかり店員さんもピットの人も変わっており また何か粗相があれば次回はないかなと思っていましたが とくに何事もなくスムーズに取り引きができました。 ただ一つ思うことは店舗ごと、 もしくは店員さんによってかなり接客レベルが違うので これは何とかしてほしいと思います。
This is the second use. The last use was one year ago. After waiting for 3 months after ordering the wheel, I went to get the wheel I wanted It seems that one of the wheels was damaged when the tire was installed, so I had to wait another week. In contrast to the store clerk who seemed to be the store manager at that time just apologized The person in the pit who made the cause felt uncomfortable that he did not apologize or see off. At the time of the second visit, the clerk and the people in the pit have completely changed. I was wondering if there was something rough next time. I was able to make a smooth transaction without any problems. The only thing I think about is each store, Or because the customer service level is quite different depending on the clerk I want you to do something about this.
うのっちなり on Google

I went to the store on Saturday daytime, but probably because it was early April, the employees seemed to be busy changing tires, so even if there was only one employee in the store and the phone was ringing. It seemed difficult to get out. As for customer service, the size of the tire and how many inches is it because the employee does not particularly recommend this or this? Tire makers will show you the price on a calculator. If there are a lot of customers, the rest space is not large, so only 3 to 4 people can sit, so do you want to hang out in the store for 1 to 2 hours or take a walk in the neighborhood? It would be helpful if there was a separate break space.
i i. on Google

平日の昼間に伺い、タイヤを交換してもらったが、帰ってホイールをよく見ると少しキレイになっていた。 もしかしたら空いていたのでサービスで拭いてくださったのだと思います。 白ホイールなので汚れがよくわかるが、ピカピカではないけど何も言わずに少しキレイにしていただいたのは嬉しかった。 お店も平日だからか空いておりすぐに交換していただけた。 値段も安いしまた利用させていただこうと考えています。 欲を言うと待ち時間にYou Tubeなどを見たいのでフリーWi-Fiなどを設置していただけるとてもありがたいです。
I visited during the daytime on weekdays and had them change the tires, but when I returned home and looked closely at the wheels, it was a little clean. Maybe it was vacant, so I think he wiped it with the service. It's a white wheel so you can see the dirt well, but it's not shiny, but I'm glad that you cleaned it up a little without saying anything. The shop was vacant probably because it was a weekday, so I was able to exchange it immediately. The price is cheap and I'm thinking of letting you use it again. I would like to see You Tube etc. while waiting, so I am very grateful that you can install free Wi-Fi etc.
ハン・バーガー on Google

新しいだけあってお店は綺麗 自分の車にこのホイールを付けたいから取り寄せして欲しいと依頼したら、この車体には似合わないからこっちの方が良いと謎の接客を受けた。呆然としたがそのまま店を後にした。スタッフのハズレを引いたのは残念だったが、これがきっかけで2度と行かないと思った。その後はマルゼンに全て依頼した。
The shop is beautiful because it is new I asked for this wheel because I wanted to attach it to my car, but I received a mysterious customer service saying that this one is better because it does not suit this car body. I was stunned but left the store as it was. It was a pity that the staff was lost, but I thought that this would never go again. After that, I asked Maruzen for everything.
川上太一 on Google

店員が凄くいい加減な店です。 ホイールとタイヤのセット購入者に5%のチケットを配布とホームページに書いてありますが、こちらから言わないとくれません。チケットの使用できる範囲も商品全て使えるとホームページには書いてありますが、店員は "ホイールタイヤ関連のみにしか使えません" と言い切ります。 ボルトとバランスウェイトはホイールの色と揃えて下さいとお願いしたところ、"純正のボルトが黒いのでそれを使う積もりだがダメなら店内で売っているので大丈夫" と店員が言ったにも拘わらず、交換当日になって "ホイールに付いてきたボルトに比べ純正は短いのでホイールに付いてきた普通のボルトを使う" と言い出し、黒のボルトを買いますからそれにして下さいとお願いしたら、"店舗には無い" と言われ、色がちぐはぐになってしまいました。 ここらではここが1番品数も豊富なので、ここでホイールタイヤセットを買うのは3度目ですが、殿様商売なのでしょうか?
It is a store with a very nice staff. 5% of the tickets are distributed to the buyer who bought the set of wheels and tires and it is written on the homepage, but I have to say from here. The homepage says that the range of tickets that can be used is all products, but the clerk says, "It can only be used for wheel tires." When I asked for the bolts and balance weights to be the same color as the wheels, I exchanged them even though the clerk said, "The genuine bolts are black, so I'm using it, but if it's useless, it's okay because it's sold in the store." On the day of the event, he said, "The genuine bolt is shorter than the bolt that came with the wheel, so I will use the normal bolt that comes with the wheel." I was told that there was no, and the colors were messed up. This is the third place to buy a wheel-tyre set here because there is a large number of items here. Is that a business for you?
-- on Google

Tires made by major manufacturers are definitely cheaper than other big chain stores. Online shopping is also troublesome, and I wonder if I should have my favorite tires.
ちゃんK on Google

タイヤ&ホイールを購入しようと行ったのですが店頭に無い製品だった為、注文による購入になりました。納期が3ヶ月~4ヵ月なので現在品物が無い状態なので(支払いはどうされますか?)ってきかれたので,内金を端数払います。と支払い、帰宅すると電話で(本部に内金が少なすぎる)と支払いを求められました。だったら、最初から何%とか規約を決めれば良,無いのに!例えば、八百屋に白菜買いに行き3ヵ月後に収穫出きるのですが、支払って下さいと同等かと。明日支払いに行きますよ。 接客された店員さんは良かったです。
I tried to buy tires and wheels, but it was not available at the store, so I ordered it. Since the delivery time is 3 to 4 months, there are currently no items (how will you pay?), So I will pay a fraction of the deposit. When I got home, I was asked to pay by phone (the amount of money in the headquarters was too small). Then, it's okay to decide the rules such as what percentage from the beginning, though there is no! For example, I went to a greengrocer to buy Chinese cabbage and harvested it three months later. I'm going to pay tomorrow. The clerk who served the customer was good.
ken muco on Google

これまでタイヤはほぼこのショップで買っています。 2022年の2月に夏タイヤを購入しました。 春になり履き替え時に気付いたのですが、4本中2本が2021年44週(11月頃)でもう2本が2020年48週(11月ごろ)に製造されたタイヤでした。 製造日が1年も違う商品をセットで買ってしまっただなんて、悲しい気分になりました。セール品でもないのに。 いけないことではないのでしょうが、気遣いや親切心は微塵も感じられません。(事前の告知とか) 個人的な評価はダダ下がりで、お店のリピートはなしです! 購入時は、しっかり確認することをオススメします! 私はちょっと遠くなるけど地域密着型の専門店に鞍替えですね!
I've bought most of the tires at this shop so far. I bought a summer tire in February 2022. In the spring, when I changed my shoes, I noticed that two of the four tires were manufactured in the 44th week of 2021 (around November) and the other two were manufactured in the 48th week of 2020 (around November). It made me sad that I bought a set of products with different manufacturing dates for a year. Even though it's not on sale. It's not a bad thing, but I can't feel the care and kindness. (Advance notice) Personal evaluation is dull, there is no repeat of the shop! We recommend that you check carefully when purchasing! I'm a little far away, but I'm switching to a community-based specialty store!

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