4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Minaminagano, 〒381-0000 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–1AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–1AM
街 : Nagano

Minaminagano, 〒381-0000 Nagano,Japan
Hide M on Google

It is a very fashionable shop. I would like to go to the tent seat.
Itooka Miki on Google

隠れ家的な感じもあり、素敵。 値段も飲んでも意外と手頃。 料理もおしゃれでおいしい。
There is a feeling of being a hiding place, it is wonderful. It is surprisingly affordable even if you drink the price. Cooking is also fashionable and tasty.
中澤まい on Google

I had a meal in the tent, but the tent was very good-it seemed like I was doing ramping, it was a lot of fun and it was a calm space 美味 し い The rice is delicious, but it's so ordinary that the customer service is polite and good Oh!
Koichi Taniguchi on Google

そこまで高くなく隠れ家的雰囲気です。 うるさいとこが苦手な人にもオススメかも??
It's not so expensive and it's a hideaway atmosphere. Maybe it's recommended for people who don't like noisy cousins. ??
猫ゴクウ on Google

会社での宴会で二階を貸し切ってやった。 料理はおいしかったが二時間半の宴会時間のうち一時間でコースは終わり。 あとは手持ち無沙汰で困った。
I rented out the second floor at a company banquet. The food was delicious, but the course ends in one hour of the two and a half hour banquet time. After that, I was in trouble because I had no hands.
Shi Go on Google

予約して飲み放題で行きました。 自分で肉を削ぎ切りにしたりとか面白かったですね。個室は大きめで良いですね。
I made a reservation and went for all-you-can-drink. It was interesting to cut the meat yourself. The private room should be large.
ひとみ on Google

A polite customer service where the clerk has proper knowledge about the menu.
150cm on Google

隠れ家的な飲み屋さん。初めて行く方はちょっとお店に気付きにくいかもです。店内も料理もお洒落だし価格帯もさほど高くなくて◎。バースデープレートも注文しておけます。 ただ、何度か利用しましたが、ステイタスを割と<フォトジェニック>に振っているようなお店ですので、美味しいお料理とお酒を心ゆくまで楽しむのには少し不向きな気も…? あと、お会計の場所がよくわからなかったり、女性用のトイレのドアが開けられなかったりします(閉じ込められてパニックになりかけ、左下部分を蹴ってやっと開けることができました…すみません)。
A hideout bar. If you are going for the first time, it may be difficult to notice the shop. The restaurant and the food and fashion are not so expensive. You can also order a birthday plate. However, I used it several times, but it is a shop that seems to be waving status to , so I feel a little unwilling to enjoy delicious food and drinks until I feel at home ...? Also, I do not know the location of the account well, I can not open the toilet door for women (I was trapped and panic, I was finally able to kick the lower left part to open ... I'm sorry).

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