東邦建工 本社

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東邦建工 本社

住所 :

Minaminagano, 〒380-0835 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.tohokenko.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Minaminagano, 〒380-0835 Nagano,Japan
高橋千春 on Google

kazuyo tsu on Google

Ten years have passed since it was found that abnormalities were found during regular inspections. Do something.
越陽平 on Google

Sales staff are kind
hrk sgw on Google

The sales person was very kind and responded promptly.
mika on Google

素早く丁寧でわかりやすい。 担当者の方が優しい。
Quick, polite and easy to understand. The person in charge is kinder.
K Tomo on Google

The new construction is completed diagonally opposite, but neither the person in charge nor the owner has come to greet me, and the noise from the morning disturbs my sleep and I am finally released from it for a few months.
son na on Google

とても丁寧に対応いただけます。 皆さん非常に話しやすく接してくださるため、安心してお任せできると思います。
You can respond very politely. Everyone is very easy to talk to, so I think you can leave it to us with confidence.
yasuharu sato on Google

リフォームして頂きました。営業の方が丁寧でこちらの要望をよく聞いて頂き仕上がりも丁寧でした。 リフォームして5年経ちますが今でも毎年、営業の方が挨拶に来てくれています。 また利用したいです。
I had you remodel. The sales person was polite and listened to this request carefully, and the finish was also polite. It's been 5 years since the remodeling, but even now, sales people come to greet me every year. I still want to use it.

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