クリーンプラザ 南永井

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クリーンプラザ 南永井

住所 :

Minaminagai, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0011 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Minaminagai, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0011 Saitama,Japan
水越学 on Google

The gate type is relatively cheap for the manufacturer, and it is useful because it can be washed cleanly unexpectedly.
sss run on Google

It's easy to use normally, but the vacuum cleaner is broken and can't be used.
いおりーぬ on Google

設備は古いですが、自動のやつは3往復で1000円と安めだと思う。 広いので拭き取りなどゆっくりできます。
The equipment is old, but I think the automatic one is cheap at 1000 yen for 3 round trips. Because it is wide, you can wipe it off slowly.
R It on Google

It was closed and could not be used. Sorry.
s on Google

古めかしいが、広いし、普通の洗車には充分かと。 自販機で600mlのお茶が100円であったので、丁度バキュームの400円小銭が欲しかったときにもってこいだったw
It's old-fashioned, but it's large enough for a normal car wash. Since 600 ml of tea was 100 yen at the vending machine, it was perfect when I just wanted a vacuum of 400 yen coins w
Tannai Tomonori (たんとも) on Google

たまに利用させて貰ってます。 そこそこ広いし、周りにあまり民間も無いのでのんびり洗車できます。ただ、小銭が無いと機械が利用出来ないので気を付けて下さい。
I use it once in a while. It's fairly large and there aren't many private citizens around, so you can wash your car leisurely. However, please be careful as the machine cannot be used without coins.
伊藤博康 on Google

畑側から2つ目の洗車機を使用! 18年選手の車体の後方の塗装が剥げました! ちょっと力強いかも! ブラシが後方で洗車している時、車体が揺れてました!
Use the second car wash machine from the field side! The paint on the back of the 18-year-old player's body has peeled off! It might be a little powerful! The car body shook when the brush was washing the car behind!
竹内文江 on Google

After washing the car, I cleaned the inside of the car with a vacuum cleaner. It is convenient because you can clean 100 yen in 5 minutes while watching the situation.

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