(株)ハウスパートナー 新越谷店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)ハウスパートナー 新越谷店

住所 :

Minamikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.housepartner-shinkoshigaya.com/
街 : Saitama

中神麻衣子 on Google

ハウスパートナー新越谷店からの仲介で管理会社に契約にいきました。 契約料金はハウスパートナーの方に直接支払い済みなのに管理会社から料金を請求されハウスパートナーは管理会社に料金を振り込んで無い事が発覚。 また本来の支払い額との差額金(返金)が有るのにそれについての報告は一切有りません。 担当者は勿論ですが此方の店舗のお金の管理が杜撰過ぎる。 後普通クレーム対応は責任者が対応するものだと思っていましたが新越谷店では担当者のみの対応で上司(責任者)は出てこず、此方を馬鹿にしているのかと思いました。 また本社にクレームも入れましたが、確認するとのメールのみでそれ以後連絡無し。 この店舗といい、本社といい利用者を馬鹿にしている。 2度と利用しません。
I went to a contract with a management company via a brokerage from the House Partner Shin-Etsuya store. The contract fee has been paid directly to the house partner, but the fee is charged from the management company, and it is found that the house partner is not transferring the fee to the management company. There is no report about it although there is a difference money (refund) with the original payment amount. As a matter of course the person in charge is overwhelmed with the management of money at this store. Although I thought that responsible correspondence corresponded to post-ordinary complaints, the boss (responsible person) did not come out in correspondence with only the person in charge at Shin-Etsutani shop, and thought whether this person was stupid. Also I put complaints in the headquarters, but I only emailed to confirm and I have not heard back from that time. This store is okay, I am stupid with the headquarters and good users. I will not use it again.
真央 on Google

I got many phone calls during the consultation, and I had a quiet time, so I wonder if he is looking for another good property. I went all the way from Chiba to find a good room. I will never go again.
sako tanabe on Google

Due to various changes in the situation, I was urgently forced to change the conditions, and when I was in a hurry, I got to know my house partner. We were able to solve the problems one after another, and we were able to meet a property that was close to our hope. It is rooted in the community and I can trust that the relationship with the landlord is deep.
森田緩乃 on Google

It was very friendly people and it was easy to consult about the property, and while I was busy, I was able to listen carefully to my many commitments one by one. If the property did not meet the conditions, I was able to show improvement proposals and new properties one after another, and finally I was able to determine a very ideal property that cleared all commitments. Thank you, Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Hosoi. New graduate new life, I will work hard like this while carefully facing work.
さや on Google

5月の話。 物件の件で担当者の竹内さんという方に電話して不在でした。折り返しのお願いしたのに未だにない。 折り返すくらい出来るだろ。 雑な仕事してますね。
May story. I called Mr. Takeuchi, the person in charge of the property, and was absent. I asked for a call back, but I haven't. You can do it as much as you can turn it back. You're doing a lot of work.
鈴木峻 on Google

5月中旬に利用しました 引っ越しシーズンが終わりつつある中、メールのご返信や店頭での対応など、迅速にご対応いただき、おかげさまでその日に気に入った部屋を見つけることができました 希望の部屋が店舗から距離があるところでしたが、移動中も色々お話をしてくださり、参考にさせていただきました メールでの問い合わせからご担当いただいた奥ノ木さんをはじめ、手続きの際には他の方にもご尽力いただき、大変感謝しております
I used it in the middle of May As the moving season was coming to an end, we were able to find a room that we liked that day thanks to the prompt response such as replying to emails and responding at the store. The room I wanted was far from the store, but he talked to me while I was on the move, and I used it as a reference. We are very grateful to Mr. Okunoki, who was in charge of inquiries by e-mail, and other people for their efforts during the procedure.
辻武法 on Google

親身に対応して下さってとても良かったです! お部屋も気に入る物件を決められたので担当の方にはとても感謝してます! また引っ越す時には利用させていただきます。
I am very glad that you have been kind to me! I am very grateful to the person in charge because I have decided on a property that I like the room! I will use it when I move.
すう on Google

こちらで部屋を探していて、何日が前に内見を予約しました。 奥ノ木さんと言う方が担当してくれました。ですが、内見当日の1時間前に先日別のお客様がご契約されまして…っと電話が来ました。 先日契約されたら当日の1時間前ではなくもっと早く連絡できたのではないでしょうか。 なので別の物件をご紹介致しますと普通に勧められたので、ただの客寄せ用で使ってたのかなと疑ってしまいます。 とりあえず、信用できない所だなと思ったので即お断りして別のところにお願いしました。 その後色々見ましたが、他のところでも色々トラブルがあるようで納得しました。 ちゃんと調べなかった自分も悪いですが、あまりに対応が杜撰過ぎなので驚きを隠せないです。
I was looking for a room here and how many days ago I booked a preview. Mr. Okunoki was in charge of it. However, one hour before the day of the preview, another customer signed a contract the other day ... I got a call. If I signed the contract the other day, I think I could have contacted him earlier than one hour before the day. So it was usually recommended to introduce another property, so I doubt that it was used just for attracting customers. For the time being, I thought it was an unreliable place, so I immediately declined and asked for another place. After that, I saw various things, but I was convinced that there were various troubles in other places as well. I'm sorry I didn't check it properly, but I can't hide my surprise because the response is too sloppy.

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