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Contact のぶさわ胃腸科クリニック

住所 :

Minamikashiwachuo, Kashiwa, 〒277-0075 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://www2.odn.ne.jp/nobusawa-clinic/index.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Minamikashiwachuo, Kashiwa, 〒277-0075 Chiba,Japan
あははうふふ on Google

半年続く吐き気と嘔吐の症状が治まる気配がなく、先日訪れました 初診にも関わらず待ち時間は10分程度と短め そうとう判断の早い先生なのだと診察室に向かえば、まぁまぁ……悪い方の意味で「なるほど、早いわけだ」と思いました ・まず入室の挨拶以降全く合わない目線(パソコンと喋ってんのか?ってくらいモニターの文字をガン見) ・不快な症状が半年も続いていると伝えたところ →腹部を上からぐいぐい押され「ん~変なところはないかな」 (吐き気があると伝えているのに無遠慮にぐいぐい圧されてその場で戻すかと思いました) ・みぞおちから上の食道あたりが気持ち悪く、食べ物の臭いだけでも吐き気を催す →「みぞおちが気持ち悪いなら胃が悪いですよ」 (みぞおちではなくみぞおちから上と伝えたはずですが……?) ・終いには問診と触診だけで「胃のお薬出しておきますね~」→飲み続けていますが薬の効果は微塵も感じられず今日までも毎日続いている吐き気 職場にて近隣の病院に詳しい方にお話を聞いたところ「あ、そのクリニックは"ヤブ"で有名だよ」 夏最後の怖い話みたいになってしまいましたが(笑)こたらの受診をお考えの方は、他院の検討をオススメします
Visited the other day without signs of nausea and vomiting lasting half a year Despite the first visit, the waiting time is as short as 10 minutes. When I went to the doctor's office to be a teacher with a fast decision, I thought that it was okay ... "I see, it's faster." ・ First of all, the line of sight that doesn't fit after the greeting of entering the room. ・ I told you that I had unpleasant symptoms for half a year. → The abdomen is pushed from the top, and there is no strange place. (I thought that I was nauseous, but I was reluctantly squeezed to return it on the spot) ・ The area around the upper esophagus is uncomfortable, and only the smell of food causes nausea → "If you feel bad, your stomach is bad" (I should have told you that it wasn't from the groove but from the groove ...?) ・ At the end, just a medical interview and palpation, "I'll keep the medicine out of my stomach ~" → I continue to drink, but the effect of the medicine is not felt fine and nausea continues every day until today When I talked to a person familiar with a nearby hospital at work, "Oh, the clinic is famous for" Yab "" It looks like a scary story at the end of summer, but (laughs) If you're thinking about going to a doctor's visit, we recommend that you consider another hospital.
高橋明美 on Google

Sudden bloody stools when I go to the bathroom after work. It may be because I went to the end of the medical examination, but the medical examination is complicated. "I can't test because it's such a time." I just asked "I'll give you medicine because it would be hemorrhoids." If I said that I had a history of diabetes and high blood pressure, I knew "I'm too overweight." I ran with anxiety, but couldn't say "I'll come again because I will inspect tomorrow"? It's okay because no doctor will ever go again.
maruneco maru on Google

受付の方や看護師さんの対応が優しくて良いです。先生は早口でパソコンの画面見てることもありますが、診断は早く平静なので重症でなければ良いと思います。 地域の町医者として相談できるので助かっています。
It is good that the receptionist and the nurses are kind. The teacher may look at the computer screen quickly, but the diagnosis is quick and calm, so I think it's okay if it's not serious. I am grateful that I can consult as a local town doctor.
旅は道連れ世は情けねぇ on Google

ここは問診の段階で状況や体調を聞きながらパソコンに入力。過去のデータベースから当てはまった事を超早口で回答。疑問に思った事を聞こうとしても次から次へ早口で説明するので聞きたい事を忘れてしまいます。 何とか本当に聞きたい事を質問すると、「で、どうしたいの?」と自分の診察に疑問を投げ掛けられていると思ったのか不機嫌になります。 不安な事を聞いても患者に寄り添うような診察をしてくれない医者なので、今後は他に行く事に。入った時に患者が少なく、待ち時間が短かったのはこう言う事かとよく分かった。
This is input to the PC while listening to the situation and physical condition at the inquiry stage. Answers that are true from past databases. Even if you try to ask what you think, you will forget what you want to hear. When you ask a question about what you really want to hear, you will be displeased if you thought you were questioned by your doctor, "What do you want to do?" Even if I hear something uneasy, I'm a doctor who doesn't give me a close-up examination. When I entered, I knew that this was the reason why there were few patients and the waiting time was short.
ぬぬ on Google

待ち時間は短く混んでいたとしても診察終了までに2 0分かかることは無い。 検査をせずウイルス性の胃腸炎だとみぞおち付近を触っただけで決める。 根拠を説明するが早口で何言ってるかわかりずらく聞き返してもわかりやすくならない。 内視鏡検査の際に麻酔が効いてて動けない中、口内に再度麻酔を入れながら胸部に無意味に手を着いたのがわいせつだと思ったが麻酔で声が出なかった。 気分悪い。もう行きたくない。
Even if the waiting time is short and crowded, 2 It doesn't take 0 minutes. It is determined by just touching the vicinity of the stomach that the gastroenteritis is viral without performing an examination. I explain the rationale, but it is not easy to understand even if you ask what you are saying at once. He was unable to move due to anesthesia at the time of endoscopy, but he thought that it was obscene to put his hands on the chest meaninglessly while reintroducing anesthesia in his mouth, but he did not produce any voice. I feel sick. I don't want to go anymore.
ーー on Google

自費の健康診断書を書いてもらうのに、電話をして値段を聞いて、金額に納得して向かうと、2倍以上、3倍近くの値段を言われたことがある。なぜそんなことになるのか。 具合が悪いときの診察も適当。 問診だけで、検査もしていないのにウイルス性の病気だと言われたので一週間働くことができなくなった。もちろん病名も違うであろうので薬も効かない。その上に医者の態度も最悪。行かないほうがいいです。
I asked him to write his own medical certificate and asked him for the price. When I was convinced of the price, I was told that the price was more than double or nearly triple. Why would that happen? Appropriate medical examination when you feel sick. After a medical inquiry, I was told that I had a viral illness, even though I had not tested it, so I couldn't work for a week. Of course, the disease name will be different, so the drug will not work. Moreover, the doctor's attitude is also the worst. You had better not go.
もくもくゆべし on Google

受付の看護師さん親切です。 体温計がやっと新しくなり安心しました。 先生は短く結論だけ言えばメンタル楽です。 判断が早く信頼できます。 おかげで胃腸炎直ぐよくなります。
The nurse at the reception is kind. I was relieved that the thermometer was finally new. The teacher is mentally comfortable in a short conclusion. Judgment is quick and reliable. Thanks to that, gastroenteritis will get better soon.
もも on Google

内視鏡検査をしたら、ずっと先生と看護婦に嫌味言われました。 先生は、パソコンばかりみており、診察室でも質問しても心無い返答のみ。悔しい思いをしました。
After doing an endoscopy, my teacher and nurse told me that I didn't like it. The teacher is only looking at the computer, and even if he asks a question in the doctor's office, he only gives a heartless answer. I felt frustrated.

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