厨房機器 店舗用品販売 テンポス 広島西店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 厨房機器 店舗用品販売 テンポス 広島西店

住所 :

Minamikanon, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0035 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://tenposbusters.co.jp/store/023.html
街 : Hiroshima

Minamikanon, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0035 Hiroshima,Japan
ペンギン店長 on Google

If you are in the restaurant business, this is a restaurant that you have never visited. If you come here, you will definitely have the equipment you need for the restaurant business.
ぴの on Google

いつ行っても店員の挨拶がなく(何度もすれ違っても一言すらない)、購入した商品も埃まみれで渡されるガッカリなお店です。 気持ちよくお金を払える買い物をしたいので他に似たようなお店を探しています!
It's a disappointing shop where there is no greeting from the clerk whenever I go (I don't even say a word even if I pass each other many times), and the purchased products are also covered with dust. I'm looking for a similar store because I want to shop comfortably and pay for it!
on Google

I enjoyed the large amount of products
教之 on Google

初めて利用させていただきました。 想像以上の品揃えに驚きました。
I used it for the first time. I was surprised at the product lineup beyond my imagination.
榎本佳世 on Google

We also handle used PCs such as game PCs, ordinary PCs, and tablets. The customer service is good, and they explain it neatly. There are also used iPhones, so if you can't afford a new one, take a look.
佐伯妙子 on Google

It's a tableware for business use-it's really cheap ... It's a store that has a lot of volume and I want to come back again.
津田幸子 on Google

I bought a one-sink sink for shampooing my dog. The one I used before was smaller and the one I used before I bought a larger commercial sink was also for commercial use. For pets, I bought a sink that is expensive but doesn't change much. I use it with a separate shower head.
Aurélien Lacombe on Google

Everything to open your shop, or for your kitchen

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