
3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヴォイス引越センター

住所 :

Minamiiriso, Sayama, 〒350-1316 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : http://www.voicem.jp/index.php
街 : Saitama

Minamiiriso, Sayama, 〒350-1316 Saitama,Japan
タカト on Google

狭い道の交差点(信号なし)で、自分は右折し、曲がりきっているにもかかわらず、前に詰めて来て下がれとの手振り。 利用するしない以前の問題。
At an intersection on a narrow road (no traffic lights), I turned right, and even though I was completely turned, I squeezed in front and gestured to go down. Previous problem not to use.
man Pixl on Google

It is trash. It is often different from what you are writing. Collection of unnecessary goods is free of charge → it takes money. Cardboard collection → It suddenly comes to say that the schedule has changed without keeping even the time. Sales will not even negotiate. The high evaluation on the net is self-made. Self-made self-description on the net is a natural company. Is the high evaluation here also self-performing of the employee? A major company has at least employee education but I think that there is nothing here. Don't trust it!
山﨑しげる on Google

都内で比較的長い距離のお引越しでお願いしました。 某サイトの一括見積もりで数社から電話がきた中で、一番丁寧に対応して下さったヴォイスさんを選びました(他社はイタ電レベルで何回も電話かけてくる等ひどい対応が色々ありました) 作業員さんは二人でしたが、お二人ともとても感じがよい方で、物腰も柔らかく、安心して荷物をお願いできました。 お世話になりました。 またご機会があればまた利用させて頂きます。
I asked for a relatively long distance move in Tokyo. Among the calls from several companies in the bulk estimate of the 某 site, I chose the voice who corresponded most carefully (other companies had a lot of terrible correspondence such as calling several times on the Itaden level) ) Although two workers were working together, they were both very nice, soft and flexible, and were able to ask for peace of mind. thank you for helping me. We will use it again if there is an opportunity.
neko mi on Google

3回使わせてもらいました。 1回目は仕事早くて丁寧でコミュニケーションもとれていたのでリピートしました。 ただ、2回目は補助要員の子がたらたらとダルそうにベッドフレーム解体していたのが気になり。 3回目はいつまでも見積もり送られて来ず、電話して送ってくれるよう約束したのに、最後まで連絡ありませんでした。 現場以外の社員に問題がありそう
I used it 3 times. The first time I worked fast, polite and well-communicated, so I repeated it. However, the second time I was worried that the bed frame was dismantled like a dull child of an assistant. The third time I didn't receive a quote forever and I promised to call and send it, but I didn't get in touch until the end. There seems to be a problem with employees other than the field
ia m on Google

7,8社見積もりをした中で1番安かったので利用しました。 正直今回初めて知った業者さんで、値段がやたら安いのとあまり良くない口コミも数件あったので不安もありました。 ですが、電話対応してくださった方も、作業員の方もとても感じが良かったです。 転居先にエレベーターがないので大変だったと思うのですが、嫌な顔せずテキパキ作業していただきました。 段ボール10枚無料でいただけましたし、不要になった照明器具もひとつ無料で引き取ってもらいました。 個人的には不満な点ひとつもなく、安いですし、また利用したいと思います。
I used it because it was the cheapest among the estimates of 7,8 companies. Honestly, I was worried because I was the first company I knew this time and there were some reviews that were not so good because the price was very cheap. However, both the person who answered the phone and the workers felt very good. I think it was difficult because there was no elevator at the new address, but I was able to work without a disgusting face. I received 10 cardboard boxes for free, and I also received one of the lighting fixtures that I no longer needed for free. Personally, I have no complaints, it is cheap, and I would like to use it again.
홍차 on Google

終始態度が悪くてとても不愉快でした。半分タメ口で何かにつけて文句を言ってくる。移動にかかる時間を聞かれて電車の予想時間を伝えたら「(車だと)そんなにかからないのに遅い」と舌打ちされました。 怖かったので予定にもなかったタクシーに乗りました。それでも途中電話がかかってきて「まだなんですか?何分かかる?」とため息と舌打ちで電話を切られましたが。 最後現金ちょうど用意できなくて1000円お釣りになったらこれもまた嫌な顔で「ちょうどないんです?本当にない?」と手に持っている財布の中を覗かれました。 激安でもないのに作業も乱暴で雑だったので少ない家具や荷物にも結構な傷がついていました。星一つも勿体無い。 当たり前ですが二度と利用しません。
I had a bad attitude from beginning to end and it was very unpleasant. He complains about something with a half-taste. When asked about the time it would take to travel, I told him the estimated time for the train, and he said, "It doesn't take so long (in a car), but it's slow." I was scared so I took a taxi that I hadn't planned. Even so, I got a call on the way and hung up with a sigh and a tongue, "What is it? How many minutes will it take?" At the end, when I couldn't prepare the cash and changed 1000 yen, I was also disgusted and looked into the wallet I had in my hand, "Isn't it just right? Isn't it really?" Although it wasn't cheap, the work was rough and messy, so even a small amount of furniture and luggage were quite scratched. Even one star is a waste. Obviously, I will never use it again.
桑島智幸 on Google

単身で県内転居。10月下旬で4万円。冷蔵庫は友人に譲ったので引っ越さず。 仕事は可もなく不可もなく。特に問題無くこなしてくれました。不用品回収が2点サービスでゴミ箱とかをお願いしました。
Moved to the prefecture alone. 40,000 yen in late October. I gave the refrigerator to a friend so I didn't move. Work is neither good nor bad. He did it without any problems. I asked for a trash can with a two-point service for collecting unneeded items.
K N on Google

In late January, I moved to the next ward in Tokyo, and it was very cheap at the 50,000 yen level with luggage storage for 4 nights and disposal of unneeded items. We were also able to request the transportation of oversized garbage and the installation of lights. It was a polite work including sales and telephone correspondence, so I would like to use it if I have the next opportunity.

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