買取本舗七福神 池袋店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 買取本舗七福神 池袋店

住所 :

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : https://kikinzokukaitori.jp/shop/ikebukuro.html
街 : Tokyo

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan
だいもんみちお on Google

何で高評価ばかりなのか?? 裏で金貰いサクラなのかなとさえ思えてしまう 貴金属相場かつゴールドおよびプラチナは買取価格にやや正しい額で反映されており一応は誠実さとして100歩譲って評価できるもののカラーストーンの買取は正直、知識を向上させて修行してほしいものである ただ、無理強いして全て総額ではなく各々の評価額を提示していただいた点および【お待たせして申し訳ございませんが】と丁重なふるまいはたとえビジネスライクだとしてもビジネスマナーを意識されて誠実さは好ましい印象かと思える よって、普通との結果とさせていただく リピートは考え中
Why is it so high?? I even think it's a cherry tree that earns money behind the scenes Precious metal prices and gold and platinum are reflected in the purchase price with a slightly correct amount, and although it can be evaluated as honesty by giving 100 steps in the first place, the purchase of colored stones, honestly, I would like you to improve your knowledge and practice. However, the fact that we were forced to present each evaluation value instead of the total amount and [Sorry to keep you waiting] and the polite behavior is sincere to be aware of business etiquette even if it is business like Seems to be a good impression Therefore, the result will be normal. I'm thinking about repeat
sako0321 on Google

I chose this because it was highly evaluated by other people, but it was good that the response was very sincere and the amount was good.

I bought a precious metal ring and a necklace. Weighed at home, but because it was a measure to use for cooking, it was a rough figure, so it was an assessment of nearly the same weight. When I went to another purchase shop before, it was not a very good impression in the assessment that there was no paper statement and how much in all, but here the staff made a statement and put it out.
shige toyama on Google

他社で査定してもらった貴金属類とロレックスのデイトナの査定額がどうにも納得いかず買取店を5店ほど回ってこちらで買い取ってもらいました。 貴金属は他で査定してもらった当時より金プラチナの相場が上がっていたにしても段違いで高かったです。 デイトナも大きな差ではありませんでしたが一番でしたので頑張ってもらいました。 買取手数料もないし査定の内容に対しても真摯に答えて頂きましたよ。
I was not satisfied with the assessed amounts of precious metals and Rolex Daytona evaluated by other companies, so I went to about 5 stores and bought them here. Precious metals were extremely expensive even if the price of gold platinum was higher than when they were evaluated by others. Daytona wasn't a big difference either, but it was the best so I asked him to do his best. There were no purchase fees, and the content of the assessment was taken seriously.
keisuke tobita on Google

親の事業を閉める事になったので白金線やプラチナのロジウム線など工業用の金属を売れるところがないか探していましたがアクセサリーとかでないと買い取れないというお店ばかり。 業者専門の会社だと古物商が必要とか別途費用がかかるなど色々面倒な状況で簡単に売れるもんだと思っていたので困っていましたが知人から七福神なら、と紹介されお願いしてみました。 すぐにわからないものでも調べて頂けて金やプラチナが入っているものなら大丈夫との事で安心してお任せすることが出来ました。 全て持ち込む事が出来なかったので色々スタッフさんにお伺いしたところパラジウムターゲット材や白金るつぼなんかも対応出来るとの事。 建物の外観からはわからなかったですが商業ビルっぽくない入り口で少し不安でしたがお店の中は広めで綺麗でしたし一般的な貴金属の買取店でここまで幅広く買い取ってくれるところはなかなかないと思います。
Since I decided to close my parent's business, I was looking for a place to sell industrial metals such as platinum wire and platinum rhodium wire, but only shops that I can not buy without accessories. I thought that it would be easy to sell in a complicated situation if a company specializing in traders needs antique dealers and it costs extra, but I was troubled, but I was asked by an acquaintance that it was Shichifukujin, and I asked. I was able to investigate even things that I do not understand immediately, and I was able to trust that it is okay if it contains gold or platinum. Since I couldn't bring everything in, I asked various staff members that they could handle palladium target materials and platinum crucibles. I did not know from the exterior of the building, but I was a little worried at the entrance that is not like a commercial building, but the shop was wide and beautiful, and it is quite common for me to buy a wide range of precious metals. I do not think.
tae shimizu on Google

おそらくノンブランド?の古い金無垢の時計を売れるところを探していたのですが所々錆びてもいましたしどこも時計としては買い取れない、使っている金の量の値段になるとの事で金の買取価格が高いところという事で他で査定した際にこちらのお店を教えてもらい売りました。 ライバルの買取店をオススメするなんてあるのがな、と半信半疑でお店に伺いましたがスタッフの方に聞いたらたまに紹介頂く事があり同業の人が来る事も珍しくないとの事。もちろん全ての買取店を利用した訳ではないですがそれだけ高いという事なんじゃないかと思います。
Probably non-brand? I was looking for a place where I could sell an old pure gold watch, but it was rusted here and there, and I couldn't buy it as a watch anywhere. So when I evaluated it elsewhere, I was taught this shop and sold it. I was skeptical that I would recommend a rival purchase shop, but when I asked the staff, I heard that sometimes I was introduced to the staff and it is not unusual for people from the same industry to come. Of course, I haven't used all the shops, but I think it's that expensive.
チョウハンジ on Google

My mother-in-law wanted to sell a diamond ring, so I searched on the Internet and asked several cases including this by phone and asked. I got it only for an assessment and took it home once and decided to sell it as a result of my mother-in-law reviewing it, but this was the most polite explanation of the details such as the appraisal and diamond market. Even at 0.8ct, the price is quite different depending on whether it is beautiful or not. It was a good purchase price, so I would like you to assess the caribbean of your Cartier.
haruki minamino on Google

知人に紹介してもらいホームページの買取事例を見たら写真付きで色々買い取っていそうだったのでまずは査定だけでもと思い妻も売りたいブランドの品が何点かあるとの事で試しに行ってみました。 買取屋を利用する事自体初めてだったので比較は出来ませんがもう一件は査定して金額を出してもらうのもざっくりな感じでしたのでお店によって違うのだと思います。 こちらは貴金属はその日の単価とグラム数という事で昔買った18金のブレスレットを1円単位まで紙に出してくれました。妻はもう少し高く売れると思っていた品もあった様ですが合計で一番高い査定額だったので納得していました。
I had an acquaintance introduce me and when I looked at the purchase example on the homepage, it seemed that I was buying various with photos, so I thought that it was just an assessment and my wife had some items of the brand that I want to sell, so I tried going It was. It's my first time to use a purchase shop, so I can't compare it, but I think it's different depending on the shop because it was a rough feeling to assess the other one and get the amount. Here, the precious metal sold the 18-karat gold bracelet that I bought a long time ago for the unit price and the number of grams, up to the unit of 1 yen. My wife seemed to have thought that she could sell a little more, but she was convinced that the total assessed value was the highest.

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