よつば薬局 池袋店

1.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact よつば薬局 池袋店

住所 :

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan
naoki kayama on Google

受付の女性がいつも無愛想で態度が悪い。 薬を渡してくれる薬剤師さんは総じて対応は良いです。
The lady at the reception is always unfriendly and has a bad attitude. The pharmacist who gives me the medicine is generally good at dealing with it.
うめほし on Google

受付の女の感じが悪い。(恐らく他の方も書いてる水色エプロンのポニーテール) 店に入ると無言で手伸ばしてきて処方箋をもぎ取るほどの無愛想ぶり。
The receptionist has a bad feeling. (Probably the ponytail of a light blue apron written by others) When you enter the store, you can reach out silently and tear off your prescription.
anna sakamoto on Google

お薬手帳を紛失したため、前回のシールを持参した。話の途中で、薬剤師さんが気を利かせて、「前回のお薬手帳のシールをお持ちなので」とフォローしてくれたのを、レジをみているバイトの水色のエプロンかけた黒髪ポニーテールの女が「手帳今作ったんだからそのまま」ってぶった切りやがった。(お薬手帳を持参すると、30円割引) だいたいお前、バイトのくせして、薬剤師さんに対しての口の聞き方が無礼だし、最初に、聞こえるか聞こえないかの小声の早口で、「月初は健康保険証を出してください」って、今日月末だろ。(2019,1,31) 正確には「今月初めてご来店ですか」が正解だろよ。 帰り際も、薬剤師さんが「お大事に」って言ってるのに、お前真横で無言て。 次、同じ態度したら、お前、会社に通報してやるからな! 名札つけとけ!
I lost the medicine notebook, so I brought the previous seal. In the middle of the talk, the pharmacist was kind enough to follow me, "I have the sticker of the previous medicine notebook", and the pawntail of a black hair ponytail wearing a light blue apron at the cash register The woman shrugged, "I just made it, so I kept it". (30 yen discount if you bring your medicine notebook) Most of the time, I'm sorry for your part-time job, but the pharmacist's way of speaking is rude, and at the beginning, a whisper of whether or not you can hear it, "Please give your health insurance card at the beginning of the month" It will be the end of today. (2019,1,31) To be precise, the correct answer is "Are you coming to this store for the first time this month?" On the way home, the pharmacist said, "Take care of me," but be silent next to you. Next time, if you have the same attitude, I'll report it to you! Put your name tag on!
ビアン美杏 on Google

The lady at the reception is trying to spare time with her elbows on the counter. The waiting time was long and the medicine was wrong. It's awkward and I'll never go again.
69 ZOE on Google

First of all, when I enter the store, I don't know where the lady at the reception is hiding behind the cash register and issuing prescriptions and insurance cards. At that point I thought it was a strange pharmacy. After waiting for a while and being called by his name, a man gave me a medicine, but he didn't explain the medicine at all. What kind of medicine is it? I pointed to the instruction manual because it was written here. Does the pharmacist mean anything? Anyway, I got angry at the unpleasant pharmacy for the first time in a while. After leaving the pharmacy, a man and a woman talked something and heard a vulgar laugh. Be careful not to go to this store again.
黄金聖闘士 on Google

The attitude of females in their 35s and 40s with short black hair wearing a light blue apron at the prescription reception is too bad. Receive a prescription and health insurance card as if to take it silently. I felt very sick. The person who explained the medicine was very kind and nice.
Cgvv Chvhj on Google

There is an aunt pharmacist who explains the medicine in a ridiculous voice, probably because there is a partition for corona measures. Some of the medicines I'm using cannot be used while taking pills, and it seems that everyone in the store always hears, "Are you taking pills! Are you planning to take them ?!" It's heard in a loud voice, so it's embarrassing to answer whether you're taking it or not, and it's important, so it may be unavoidable, but it lacks delicacy. I want you to be a little more careful. I always pray that I won't hit this person every time I go, but I've hit it twice in a row, so I'm thinking of changing to a different pharmacy.
k k on Google

人気の皮膚科さんの上にあるせいか、いつも混み合っています。 受付は1つなのでとにかく数をこなしている感じ。 薬剤師さんも基本テキパキしていて説明もわかりやすく親切です。 ただピンクの白衣の薬剤師が説明長くて要領が悪いのでマイナス。
It's always crowded, probably because it's on top of a popular dermatologist. There is only one reception desk, so it feels like I'm doing a lot of things. The pharmacist is also basic and easy to understand and kind. However, the explanation by the pharmacist in the pink lab coat is long and ill-mannered, so it's a minus.

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