肩こり整体 ほぐしドットコム 池袋院

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肩こり整体 ほぐしドットコム 池袋院

住所 :

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH000388912/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo
Description : Simple & modern salon offering shiatsu, foot reflexology, detox massage, head spa, facial treatment.

Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0022 Tokyo,Japan
静香 on Google

肩凝りの酷さに通い始めました。 お値段も手頃で通いやすく店内の雰囲気も薄明かりで落ち着いています。 施術も丁寧で痛みのある部分を重点に行って頂きました。 3度目ですが、だいぶ肩凝りが楽になってきました。 しばらく通わせていただきます。
I started going to the stiff shoulders. The prices are reasonable and easy to go through, and the atmosphere inside the store is dim and calm. The treatment was also careful and focused on the painful parts. For the third time, stiff shoulders have become much easier. I'll let you go for a while.
みつこ on Google

肩がこっていたので予約しました。肩のマッサージと肩甲骨のマッサージをしていただいて10分で肩が軽くなりました!ずっと胸を張ると肩や背中に違和感があったのにそれも楽になりました! 施術中のお話もためになったし、すごく楽しかったです! 1時間遅刻しても親切に対応してくださりありがとうございました。また機会があったらよろしくお願いします!
I had a stiff shoulder so I made a reservation. I got a shoulder massage and a scapula massage, and my shoulders lightened in 10 minutes! When I kept my chest open, I felt discomfort in my shoulders and back, but it became easier! The story during the operation was also helpful and it was a lot of fun! Thank you for your kindness, even if you are 1 hour late. If you have the opportunity again, thank you!
よこちん on Google

I jumped in and used it before the store closed, but the treatment was pleasant as I responded politely. I forgot something, but I am really grateful that you brought it outside the store. I'd like to use it again, but I was a little stuffy when I was lying down with the mask on, so this time it was 4 stars.
門田幸男 on Google

It's been about a year since I started going, but he always gives me a pleasant massage.
田中おにく on Google

Best of all! After the treatment, my shoulders are always comfortable (* ^^ *)
優勝候補 on Google

I think the teacher's ability here is real lol If you have one treatment, your body will be lighter for more than a week, so if you have a lot of stiffness, I definitely want you to go.
ちどりん on Google

I started going because the word of mouth was good near my house. The treatment itself is comfortable and no complaints. I would be happy if there were more courses.
SILK ING on Google

My neck and shoulders were so stiff that I made a reservation. When I told them the symptoms, I was able to accurately relax the stiffness while combining various treatment methods. I was able to relax as comfortably as I thought it was the best shop I have ever visited. At the end, I received some advice, so I would like to be careful until the next time.

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