
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リベロ

住所 :

Minamifujisawa, Fujisawa, 〒251-0055 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://italian-deli-libero.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Minamifujisawa, Fujisawa, 〒251-0055 Kanagawa,Japan
Hidetaka Kurita on Google

The food is also delicious, but the atmosphere is good. It is a shop where you can take it easy and drink it easily.
max saori (さおちん) on Google

新鮮な魚(その時による)のカルパッチョ、ポロネーゼのキッシュ、アサリのスパゲティ、キャベツとカラスミのべべロンチーノ、ピザマルゲリータ、コーヒーゼリーとクレームブリュレの盛合せ。 スパークリングワインて喉を潤しながら頂きました。焼き立てのフォカッチャにパスタのソースをつけて。少し味が濃い目なのでお酒が進みますね〜。 美味しかったですよ。 写真がなくてすみません。
Carpaccio of fresh fish (according to the time), quill of poronese, spaghetti with clams, bebroncino with cabbage and curry, pizza margherita, coffee jelly and creme brulee. I got sparkling wine while moistening my throat. Add pasta sauce to fresh focaccia. The sake goes a little bit because it tastes a bit deeper ~ It was delicious. I'm sorry I don't have a photo.
Rすとりーむ on Google

ビルの車道側にある赤いドア、約12席の小さなお店です。 「ちょい呑みセット」という、ドリンク+前菜3品のメニューがありますので、1人客でも入りやすいお店です。 かなり古いビルの外観をしていますが、店内は雰囲気が良いので、女性のお客さんが多かったです。
It is a small shop with a red door on the roadway side of the building and about 12 seats. There is a menu of drinks and 3 appetizers called “Choi Sumi Set”, so it is easy to enter even for single customers. The exterior of the building is quite old, but the shop has a good atmosphere, so there were many female customers.
Rio K on Google

A store with a gentle smile and a nice smile. I've used it several times including takeout, but all are delicious! Each one has a unique taste and is fun. And very reasonable. The number of appetizers (deli) is so large that I don't know what to choose. If you want to eat Italian in Fujisawa, here!
N H on Google

The owner has been very good at the store that I went to before the store in front of the station. The appetizers are all delicious, and the carbonara and recommended menu beef is very delicious! Focaccia is also recommended!
hi on Google

久しぶりに、かなり良いお店を見つけてしまった、と思いました。どの料理を食べてもおいしいお店です。店主さんが気さくで話しやすく、料理へのこだわりをしっかりと持っている点も非常に好印象でした。 次回、藤沢界隈に来るときにも100%リピート確定のお店です。
After a long time, I thought I found a pretty good shop. It's a delicious restaurant no matter what food you eat. I was also very impressed by the fact that the owner is friendly, easy to talk to, and has a strong commitment to cooking. The next time you come to the Fujisawa area, it will be 100% repeatable.
kana on Google

美味しい料理をお手頃価格でいただけるコスパ抜群のお店。何を食べても本当に美味しい! 前菜盛り合わせは好きなものを三種選べるのですが目移りしてしまうラインナップ。美しく盛り付けられてサーブしてくれます。 牛ランプステーキのフォアグラのせ、豚肉のワイン煮込み…ワインがどんどん進む!時期によってはジビエがいただけるみたいです。 気さくな店長さんなので女性1人でもフラッと入りやすいと思います。テーブル席は少ないので予約すると安心です。
COSPA preeminent shop that can deliver delicious dishes at reasonable prices. It is really delicious what you eat! Appetizer platter is a lineup that allows you to select three kinds of favorite things, but it will shift. Be seriously served and serving. Beef lamp steak with foie gras, pork wine stewed ... wine goes on and on! Depending on the time it seems that you can have a jibe. As a friendly manager, I think that it's easy for one woman to enter with a flush. Because table seats are few, it is safe to book.
Tomoko Nabeshima on Google

Gold. Good food, good ambience and great service.

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