
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 榊税務会計コンサルティング事務所

住所 :

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://chester.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan
野口恵美 on Google

Above all, I respect the personality of Mr. Sakaki, the representative. At the stage of the first interview, he said, "You don't have to have a" representative "," and he kindly talks to me, looking at the edge of working people like me. He is a wonderful person who does not feel like a tax accountant's "teacher". I am always grateful for your help!
RNC東京 on Google

規模は小さいながらも海外の拠点や、国内の外国人の活用をするなかで、税務・会計面での相談ができる税理士を探していました。 運よく取引先から紹介をいただき海外ファームでの経験もある榊さんをご紹介いただきました。とても助かっています。
Although the scale is small, I was looking for a tax accountant who could consult with me on tax and accounting aspects while utilizing overseas bases and foreigners in Japan. Fortunately, we were introduced by a business partner and introduced Mr. Sakaki, who has experience in overseas farms. It is very helpful.

ご一緒にお仕事した税理士事務所の中で特に長くお付き合いしたい事務所です。 税理士事務所は多数ありますが、一度決めるとなかなか変更することも大変で、結局同じ事務所へ何年も頼んでいるケースが多いため、選ぶ時が最も重要となります。 些細な金額の違いよりも、人間性・不測の事態への対応力・知識があるかどうかを見て判断することを考えたときに、こちらの事務所なら安心して任せることが出来ると思います。
Among the tax accountant offices I worked with, I would like to have a long relationship with them. There are many tax accountant offices, but once you decide, it is difficult to change them, and in many cases you have been asking the same office for many years, so the time to choose is the most important. I think that this office can leave it to us with confidence when considering whether to judge by looking at humanity, ability to respond to unforeseen circumstances, and knowledge rather than a slight difference in amount. ..
Ayano Morimoto on Google

As everyone wrote, Sakaki-sensei is a really friendly person despite his brilliant career. I would like to tell you that if you are disappointed with the teacher's gorgeous title and stylish appearance, don't worry at all. The customer introduced by us also said that the correspondence was polite and professional. I think that the calm way of speaking also gives customers a great sense of security. We have many foreign-affiliated clients, so it would be very helpful if you could speak English.
kana meiclea on Google

榊さんはとてもお人柄がよくて、いつも笑顔で気さくに話しかけてくださいます! 2回ほど依頼させていただいてますが、毎回真摯に対応してくださるし、「困ったことがあれば^_^」と安心感を与えてくれる頼りのある税理士さんです!
Mr. Sakaki is very personal and always smiles and talks to me in a friendly manner! I have requested it twice, but he is a reliable tax accountant who responds sincerely every time and gives me a sense of security, "If you have any problems ^ _ ^"!
平松大株式会社 on Google

You have to show your tax accountant the most important part of the company, the belly. Even if you are a tax accountant, honestly, it seems that there are many people who show everything in detail and are reluctant to be known. It seems difficult without trust. My impression is that many tax accountants have changed, and I have had experience with people who speak reasonably and plainly, and people who are difficult to consult from above, so I had a hard time choosing an advisory tax accountant. However, Mr. Sakaki is easier to talk to than other tax accountants. I am asking for an advisor, but I trust in a person who is easy to talk to and can talk to me comfortably. Since I am familiar with IT, I am doing a job that suits the current era, and I think that I am a good tax accountant with few appearances and behaviors. If you are worried that you do not know which tax accountant to consult with, we recommend that you feel free to talk to us once. Mr. Sakaki Thank you for your continued support.
伊坂重信 on Google

いつもお世話になっております。榊先生は競走馬の生産牧場ご出身ということもあり競走馬業界のことを熟知されてますので、我々競馬関係者にはとても有難い税理士さんです。 お若いですが色々な経験をされていて非常に落ち着いたクレバーな印象がありつつも、とても話しやすい方です。 馬のことしかわからない私のような者の稚拙な疑問などにもわかりやすく説明して頂けますし、様々な面で丁寧にご対応してくださりいつも感謝しています(笑) 競馬関係者でいい税理士をお探しの方にはおすすめしたい素晴らしい先生ですね。これからもよろしくお願い致します‼️
Always we are indebted. Mr. Sakaki is a tax accountant who is very familiar with the racehorse industry because he is from a racehorse production ranch, so we are very grateful to those involved in horse racing. Although he is young, he has various experiences and has a very calm and clever impression, but he is very easy to talk to. You can explain in an easy-to-understand manner to the childish questions of someone like me who only knows about horses, and I am always grateful for your polite response in various aspects (laughs). It is a wonderful teacher that I would like to recommend to those who are related to horse racing and are looking for a good tax accountant. Thank you for your continued support! ️
Higashiyama Takahiro on Google

昨年、長年勤めた会社を辞めて、決心新たに独立しました。税金、日々の業務の売上、経費など、少し不安もあったので、、僕の友人の会計士に相談したところ、、友人の後輩でもあり、以前から面識もあった榊さんをご紹介してもらい色々と相談してお仕事を依頼しました! 榊さんは4大会計事務所のPwCにて腕を磨かれて、ご自身の会計事務所を設立されております。ものすごく丁寧で、わかりやすい解説もしてくれて、日々勉強になっています。人柄もナイスガイで、素晴らしいです。初めて事業を始めるとか、丁寧な人にお願いしたいとか、人柄重視とか、そのあたりを大事にしたい方は是非おすすめします!
Last year, I quit the company I worked for for many years and decided to become independent. I was a little worried about taxes, daily business sales, expenses, etc., so when I consulted with my friend's accountant, I asked him to introduce Mr. Sakaki, who was also a junior of my friend and had acquaintance with me for a long time. I consulted variously and asked for a job! Mr. Sakaki has honed his skills at PwC, one of the four major accounting firms, and has established his own accounting firm. He is extremely polite and gives easy-to-understand explanations, and I am studying every day. The personality is also a nice guy and it is wonderful. If you are starting a business for the first time, want to ask a polite person, or if you want to emphasize personality, I highly recommend it!

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