Minami-sanriku Memorial Park of Earthquake Disaster - Motoyoshi District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minami-sanriku Memorial Park of Earthquake Disaster

住所 :

Shioiri-31 Shizugawa, Minamisanriku, Motoyoshi District, Miyagi 986-0762, Japan

Postal code : 986-0762
Webサイト : http://www.thr.mlit.go.jp/sinsaidensyou/sisetsu/facility/miyagi-2-027.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Shioiri-31 Shizugawa, Minamisanriku, Motoyoshi District, Miyagi 986-0762, Japan
青木龍美 on Google

駐車場は無料です。 遊具などはありませんでした。 子どもと遊ぶには志津川中学校の方に行くと遊具がある公園が見えると思います。 数年ぶりに南三陸町に行きました。 公園になってから初めて行きましたが以前の町を知っているので かさ上げされた高さに驚きました。 震災の事を考えるとても良い公園だと思います。
Parking is free. There were no playsets. To play with children, go to Shizugawa Junior High School and you will see a park with playset. I went to Minamisanriku for the first time in a few years. I went to the park for the first time, but I know the old town I was surprised at the raised height. I think it's a very good park to think about the earthquake.
sarcorock on Google

津波の被害を後世に伝える祈念公園。海は穏やかで、爽やかな風が吹いていました。 丘の上の祈念碑にはいくつもの花が供えてあり、手を合わせて目を閉じると涙が溢れてしまいました。 大切な人は記憶の中に。 宮城県民なら一度は訪れるべき場所だと思います。
A prayer park that conveys the damage of the tsunami to posterity. The sea was calm and there was a refreshing breeze. There were many flowers on the memorial monument on the hill, and when I put my hands together and closed my eyes, tears overflowed. The important person is in memory. I think it is a place that Miyagi citizens should visit at least once.
昭和のお邪魔虫昇 on Google

震災から10年 南三陸庁舎に16.5mの津波が---屋上に避難していた43人が犠牲になりました。 見学していていろいろな気持ちが込み上げて来て、自然災害は恐ろしいと改めて思いました。
10 years after the earthquake A 16.5m tsunami hit the Minamisanriku Government building --- 43 people who had been evacuated to the roof were killed. During the tour, various feelings came to me, and I thought again that natural disasters are terrifying.
Kazuki on Google

22年1月に訪れました。 大規模な復興公園です、綺麗に 整備されました、 道の駅も建設中で、開駅しましたら 沢山の方に知られて、訪れると 思います。
I visited in January 2010. It's a large-scale reconstruction park, beautifully It was maintained, Roadside station is under construction, and once it opens Known to many people, when you visit think.
Yukihiro Chida on Google

完成前にはさんさん商店街に来る度眺めてきたけど、完成してからは初。キレイに整備されてました。商店街横には道の駅を建設中。 歩いて丘に行くまでには、震災時の色々な情報があり、歩きながら、地震が起き津波に町が飲まれるまでを、追体験している感覚になり、子供達と色々話ながら歩けました。 歩き疲れたら、またさんさん商店街に戻り、キラキラ丼で昼食。美味しかった。
Before it was completed, I watched it every time I came to Sansan Shopping Street, but it was the first time since it was completed. It was beautifully maintained. A roadside station is under construction next to the shopping street. By the time you walk to the hill, you will have various information about the time of the earthquake, and you will feel as if you are re-experiencing the time when the earthquake occurred and the town was drunk by the tsunami, and you can walk while talking with the children. I did. When you get tired of walking, return to Sansan Shopping Street and have lunch with a glitter bowl. was delicious.
Kei Hasegawa on Google

道の駅さんさん商店街から徒歩直通の震災遺構です。 車移動の場合は志津川高校方面から入れます。 復興の様子を見渡せる見晴台と鎮魂のモニュメントに沢山の想いが込められていると感じました。
It is the remains of the earthquake disaster, which is a direct walk from the roadside station Sanriku shopping street. If you are moving by car, enter from the direction of Shizugawa High School. I felt that a lot of thoughts were put into the viewing platform overlooking the reconstruction and the monument of requiescats.
Barry Cantin on Google

I am glad to see that this important place is being preserved. I visited in Dec 2011, because I wanted to see where Miki Endo worked - and where she did her job heroically until she was killed. Her story should be remembered; she was a hero and saved many lives. The building skeleton is a monument to her heroism, and the heroism of the other people who were inside doing their jobs until the tsunami attacked. I look forward to seeing this on my next trip to Tohoku. I will bring something from my city (New Orleans) for the small shring there; we also had a catastrophic flood in 2005 that killed many people here, it was what lured me to Tohoku in 2011 to volunteer in Kamaishi city. The devastation here in 南三陸 was so much worse. My heart still hurts for the residents here.
Yasumi Kikuchi on Google

It is a park to pray for the requiescats of the victims of the tsunami in Minamisanriku. More than 830 people died or went missing in this town. The building with only red pillars is the administrative disaster prevention office building. The tsunami level was higher than the building, killing 43 town officials. They called on the townspeople to evacuate on a disaster prevention broadcast until they were completely swept away. The broadcaster was a 24-year-old female employee who was engaged. The sadness of the townspeople and all Japan has exceeded the limit. This park was developed to convey the tragedy of Minamisanriku to posterity. It is an important place to know the history of Japan. #letsguide #disaster

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