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Contact 牛頭天王本殿

住所 :

Minami, Hanno, 〒357-0214 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Minami, Hanno, 〒357-0214 Saitama,Japan
Aya on Google

Tetsuo Horikiri on Google

かっくん on Google

神仏習合の寺であり本地垂迹説から東方瑠璃光浄土の教主薬師如来の本地に対し垂迹神の牛頭天王を本殿にお祀りしているお寺ですね?修験道天台系のお寺で在ります?その証拠に境内には薬師如来の瑠璃殿が在ります?参拝で訪ねると牛頭天王の像が有ったり、竹で出来た沢山の鳥居を潜ると本鳥居には茅の輪なども有るのは正しく神仏習合のお寺といえます?御朱印をお願いすると見開きの左側には句を書いてくれました。 住職の心使いを感じる良い御朱印と成りました??
It is a temple of Shinto and Buddhism, and from the theory of Honji Suijaku, it is a temple that enshrines Gozu Tenno of the god of gods in the main shrine against the home of Yakushi Nyorai, the teacher of Toho Ruriko Jodo. There is a Ruriden of Yakushi Nyorai in the precincts ? There is a statue of Gozu Tenno when you visit it for worship It can be said that it is a temple ? When I asked for a red stamp, he wrote a phrase on the left side of the spread. It became a good red stamp that feels the priest's mind ??
市村寿男 on Google

18/03/10 Pass through the wheel of Kaya once and worship. Takeji is known as a temple of Shinto and Buddhism, and the god "Ushido Tenno", which means Buddhist pharmacist Nyorai, is enshrined as the main deity. Although the background is not clear, it seems to be a rare example that survived the Meiji Restoration Order of Divine Buddhism. It was founded in 857 at a temple of the Tendai sect, which is said to have been opened by the Jikaku Daishi during the pilgrimage to the eastern nation to master the secret law of Ogoma to escape the plague. The main deity is opened every year, and the next time is 2021.
変なおじさん on Google

牛頭天王を御本尊としています。 疫病退散の神でもある素戔嗚尊が、神仏習合時代は、牛頭天王と同一であると言われていました。人類を代表して、疫病退散のお願いをしました。2021年は丑年との事で、御開帳が行われています。次の御開帳は12年後になるようです。
Gozu Tenno is the principal image. It was said that Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who is also the god of the plague eradication, was the same as Gozu Tenno during the Shinbutsu-shugo period. On behalf of humankind, I asked for the extinction of the plague. 2021 is the year of Ox, and the book is open. It seems that the next opening of the book will be 12 years later.

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