Mikura Clinics - Taito City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mikura Clinics

住所 :

第2三倉ビル 1F/2F 1 Chome-16-16 Ueno, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Postal code : 110-0005
Webサイト : http://www.mikura-clinic.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

第2三倉ビル 1F/2F 1 Chome-16-16 Ueno, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan
今城美夢 on Google

胃カメラを受けようと他の病院にいくも対応が悪く、こちらの医院の口コミが良かったので来ました。 診察して納得したのですぐに鼻からの胃カメラを。看護婦さんも先生も優しかったので安心してでき、怖いは怖いけど良い方が多い印象でまた検査の時は行きたいと思います。
I went to another hospital to receive a stomach camera, but the correspondence was bad, I came because the clinic at this place was good. As soon as I consulted and consented, I got a stomach camera from my nose. Since nurses and teachers were kind, I was able to do it with confidence, I am afraid of scary but I like the impression that many people are good, I think that I would like to go again at the time of examination.
真澄 on Google

苦手な胃カメラを気軽に受けられるようになりました。 検査後の説明もわかりやすく、看護師も親切です。 これからも定期的に診て貰いたいと思います。
Now you can easily take a gastrocamera that you are not good at. The explanation after the examination is easy to understand, and the nurses are kind. I would like to see you regularly from now on.
うさぎさん on Google

この病院はとある会社の健康診断で産業指定病院です今まで採血して貧血起こしたことがないのに、女の看護師の人が注射さすところ間違えた挙句に血管出てるところから刺してきて血を抜き終えた後に貧血起こしました。 そしたら(ちゃんと水分とってるの?)って言われて流石にカチンときましたね。自分が採血する部位間違えたくせして、患者に対する侮辱と感じました。怖くなりました某警備会社に訴えておきたいくらいです 星あげたくもない
This hospital is an industry-designated hospital for a health checkup by a certain company. Even though I have never had anemia by collecting blood, a female nurse stabbed me from the place where a blood vessel came out when I made a mistake when injecting it. I had anemia after I finished drawing blood. Then I was told (Are you getting the water properly?) And I was struck by the stone. I felt it was an insult to the patient because I made a mistake in the part where I collected blood. I'm scared I want to appeal to a certain security company I don't want to give a star
piro n on Google

前の職場ときから内科はここに行ってます。風邪を早く治したいときは間違いなくここです。 インフルとか風が流行る時期は結構混んでます。 先生は親切で丁寧に説明してくれます。受付の看護師は結構上のおばちゃんだと対応はほぼタメ口で喋ってきます。 別に気にするほどではないと思います。近所のおばちゃんだと思えば大したことありません笑
Internal medicine has been here since the previous workplace. It's definitely here when you want to get rid of a cold quickly. It is quite crowded when the flu and wind are in fashion. The teacher is kind and polite. If the nurse at the reception desk is a pretty aunt, the response will be almost ridiculous. I do n’t think that ’s enough. If you think you ’re a neighbour's aunt, it ’s not a big deal.
ひとくい on Google

会社の指定病院なので健康診断を何度も受けていますが、受付担当の方の愛想の悪さと、看護師の方でしょうか、タメ口で急かす方が気になります。 先生やその他の方は丁寧で有り難いのですが。
Since it is a designated hospital of the company, I have undergone many medical examinations, but I am concerned about the unfriendlyness of the receptionist and whether it is a nurse or not, hurrying with a tame mouth. I am grateful to the teachers and others for their politeness.
Weaver Bird on Google

胃カメラを鼻から入れられる病院を探しているときにこちらを見つけ 以来10年以上通っています。 ていねいに対応して励ましてくださる医師です。 受付の方の対応に文句を書いてる方が多いですが 私は一度も不愉快な思いをしたことがありません。
I found this when I was looking for a hospital where I could put a gastrocamera through my nose I have been going there for over 10 years since then. He is a doctor who kindly responds and encourages me. Many people are complaining about the correspondence of the receptionist I have never felt unpleasant.
chinu on Google

1、受付女性らの態度が悪く病院として問題。 2、最初は病状説明が親切な医師だと思ったが病院側の過失に言い訳体制。3、常連患者確保のためか処方箋は1ヶ月分しか対処せず、患者の負担顧みずな検査を繰り返す。 そもそも病院とは健康問題があるから行くわけで、最初の関門である受付対応は弱っている身には辛い。他の病院では類を見ない。 看護婦の過失による身体的な被害に現状悪化の電話をしたら来院せよと言われ、被害に遭ったのはこちらなのに診察料を更に払わされた。
1. The reception women have a bad attitude and it is a problem as a hospital. 2. At first, I thought he was a kind doctor who explained his condition, but he made an excuse for the hospital's negligence. 3. Perhaps to secure regular patients, the prescription is only dealt with for one month, and the patient's burden is not taken into consideration when the examination is repeated. In the first place, I go to the hospital because of health problems, so it is hard for me to respond to the reception, which is the first barrier. It is unique in other hospitals. I was told to come to the hospital if I made a phone call to worsen the physical damage caused by the nurse's negligence, and even though I was the victim, I was paid more medical fees.
reiji miyahara on Google


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